General Regulations & OSHA Safety Review Flashcards
Review general plumbing regulations and compliance requirements.
Fill in the blank:
Plumbing shall be installed with due regard to ______ of the strength of structural members.
Which fixture is required to discharge into the sanitary drainage system, with no option to discharge into an approved greywater system?
What should be followed if there is a conflict between a code requirement and the manufacturer’s installation instructions?
the more restrictive provision
When metal pipe is protected by sheathing, what is that sheathing to be made out of?
What is the minimum depth for pipes installed below ground?
12 inches
How far above sole plates and below top plates is pipe protection required?
2 inches
If a plumber over-excavated a trench, it must be backfilled before the pipe is installed. What is the required depth for each lift as the over-excavated trench is backfilled?
6 inches
Fill in the blank:
In exterior walls and bearing partitions, a wood stud shall not be notched in excess of ______ percent of its depth.
Fill in the blank:
The edge of the board hole in a stud shall not be closer than ______ inch to the edge of the stud.
Fill in the blank:
Holes in non-structural cold-formed steel wall studs shall not exceed ______ inches in length.
Fill in the blank:
Pipe below ground should not be installed in the bearing plane of the footing. The bearing plane extends downward at a ______ degree angle from the outside bottom edge of the footing or wall.
What is the minimum horizontal hanger spacing for 1” copper tubing?
6 feet
What is the minimum horizontal hanger spacing for PVC pipe?
4 feet
What is the minimum vertical hanger spacing for PVC pipe?
10 feet
What is the minimum vertical hanger spacing for cast-iron pipe?
15 feet
What is the minimum vertical hanger spacing for 2” copper pipe?
10 feet
Fill in the blank:
When testing drainage and vents with a water test, the system shall be tested with not less than a ______ foot head of water.
What is the minimum test pressure for a water supply system that is being tested using air pressure?
50 psi
When performing a shower liner test, what is the required depth of standing water in the shower liner when the drain is plugged?
2 inches
What is the minimum pipe size for condensate drain piping?
3/4 inches
Fill in the blank:
The spoil pile and other materials for a trench excavation should be kept at least ______ feet from the edge of the trench.
What is the maximum that a 10-foot plank should extend past a support?
12 inches
Fill in the blank:
Scaffold components are required to handle ______ times the indented weight load.
What is the minimum spacing between ladder rungs on a step ladder?
10 inches
What is the basic required height for a Midguard rail on a platform or scaffold?
21 inches
Fill in the blank:
Shoring is required when work is being performed in a trench that is ______ feet in depth or more.
5 feet
What is the basic required height for an upper guard rail on a platform or scaffold?
42 inches
True or False:
Extension ladders should be secured to the structure at the upper-level landing.
Fill in the blank:
When a trench is ______ feet or deeper, a means of egress is required.
What is the required angle for an extension ladder from the horizontal surface?
75.5 degrees