General Randomized Questions Flashcards
Parkinson’s diseas
flat, expressionless, or mask-like face, a staring gaze, oily skin, and elevated eyebrows?
right pneumothorax
The trachea is deviated to the left side
Which of the following groups of individuals need to be tested for the presence of color blindness (deficiency)?
White males b/tween the ages of 4-8
Which of the following findings is associated with Horner syndrome?
A unilateral small regular pupil that reacts to light and accommodation
Decreased vision in the elderly may be due to which of the following conditions?
macular degeneration
The labyrinth of the inner ear is responsible for maintaining the body’s:
The examiner notices a fine tremor when the patient sticks out his or her tongue. What disorder is consistent with this finding?
One of the purposes of the paranasal sinuses is to:
lighten the weight of the skull bones
Which of the pairs of sinuses is absent at birth, is fairly well developed between 7 and 8 years of age, and is fully developed after puberty?
Frontal Sinuses
The group of axillary lymph nodes that drains the other three groups of nodes is the:
central nodes
The number of lobes within the breast ranges between:
Gynecomastia occurs with:
Gynecomastia may occur in Cushing syndrome (liver cirrhosis)
The relative proportion of glandular, fibrous, and fatty tissue varies depending on …
age, cycle, pregnancy, lactation, and general nutritional state.
An expected postmenopausal breast change includes:
decrease in breast size & increase in fibrous C.T.
The most common site of breast cancer is in the
upper outer quadrant.
Decreased fremitus occurs when
anything obstructs transmission of vibrations
e.g., obstructed bronchus, pleural effusion or thickening, pneumothorax, or emphysema
Pursed-lipbreathing is a
clinical manifestation common in an individual with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
The thoracic cage is defined by all of the following
Sternum, ribs, diaphragm
The 2 major muscles responsible for inspiration are the
diaphragm & Intercostals
(Intercostal muscles lift the sternum and elevate the ribs, making them more horizontal; this increases the anteroposterior diameter)
A normal finding from voice sounds is egophony. What is it?
“eeeee” heard through the stethoscope clearly
What is a Stridor?
Stridor is associated with upper airway obstruction from swollen, inflamed tissues or a lodged foreign body.
Percussion of the chest is helpful only in identifying
surface alterations of lung tissue.
Resonance is a low-pitched, clear, hollow sound that predominates with percussion of healthy lung tissue
The _________ (orientation) chest contains mostly upper and middle lobe with very little lower lobe.
An increase in the transverse diameter of the chest cage in a pregnant female is due to a(n):
increase in estrogen
The first heart sound is produced by the:
closure of the AV valves
The examiner should use the mechanical action of soap-and-water hand washing when hands are ____________ and when patients are infected with ____________ organisms
visibly soiled, spore-forming
(e.g., Clostridium difficile or Bacillus anthracis).
When taking the health history, the patient complains of pruritus. What is a common cause of this symptom?
Common causes of pruritus include dry skin, aging, drug reactions, allergy, obstructive jaundice, uremia, and lice.