General PLEEs Flashcards


Reasons why there was a succession problem in Scotland.


The death of King Alexander III was a reason why there was a succession problem in Scotland 1286-92 as it marked the end of the golden age in Scotland and resulted in serious problems for the crown as he had no surviving children at the time of his death. This meant that his death caused great political turmoil as Scots felt great uncertainty regarding their monarchy.

A failure to conceive was another reason why there was a succession problem in Scotland 1286-92 as his second wife, Yolande, was found to not be pregnant after Alexander’s death. This meant that his 1285 remarriage to better secure the line of succession had failed, thus causing a sense of instability when he died.

Margaret, Maid of Norway’s young age was another reason why there was a succession problem in Scotland 1286-92 as she was only 3 years old when Alexander died and therefore would not be ready to take the throne. This meant that she was incapable of ruling Scotland at such a premature age and would require the guidance of a regent, which caused further uncertainty and instability regarding who would fill this role.

Margaret, the Maid of Norway’s, untimely death was another reason why there was a succession problem in Scotland 1286-92 as she was the last direct heir of Alexander III. This meant that her death in Orkney marked the end of the Canmore line, thus causing difficulties in determining the next King of Scotland.

Edward’s challenge to the Guardians was another reason why there was a succession problem in Scotland 1286-92, as he demanded in Norham that he be declared as overlord of Scotland before he would help. This meant that Edward’s demands and his involvement in this Scottish issue complicated and prolonged the ongoing succession crisis.

The Maid of Norway’s gender was another reason why there was a succession problem in Scotland 1286-92 as during this period, women were viewed as incapable of ruling the country alone and could only secure a legitimate heir through marriage. This meant that she was deemed unfit to lead the country into war and getting married could result in problems regarding her husband’s potential influence and control over Scotland.

Robert Bruce’s challenge was another reason why there was a succession problem in Scotland 1286-92 as following Alexander’s death, Bruce started a rebellion in SW Scotland to seize the Crown. This meant that some saw an opportunity to take advantage of this crisis and undermine the succession.

The threat of civil war was another reason why there was a succession problem in Scotland 1286-92 as the lack of a monarch left the kingdom vulnerable. This meant that following Margaret’s death in 1290, various claimants were eager to become King and, as Bishop Fraser’s letter to King Edward proved, caused fear that such rivalry would lead to an outbreak of war.

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Reasons why there was difficulties in the relationships between John Balliol and Edward?


John Balliol (JB) recognising Edward as his overlord was one the reasons why there were difficulties in their relationship, as Edward in Norham demanded and secured from the Claimants that he should first be recognised as overlord. This meant JB was more likely to repeat this commitment as King, which caused Edward to assume superiority and made for an unbalanced relationship.

The coronation of Balliol affected the relationship between Edward and john Balliol in that, from his St Andrews Day 1292 crowning, he felt pressured to view king Edward as his suzerain. This meant that the English king wanted to be seen as a superior figure over Balliol causing inequality in the relationship regarding who has the final say in matters of important decision making over Scotland.

The Berwick Burgess case was one of the reasons why there were difficulties in their relationship, as Edward involved himself in a legal complaint from the Burgess dating from the days of the guardians which JB had ruled on in favour of the Guardians. This would lead to Edward demanding JB to change his decision, causing humiliation for the King of Scots and showing that Edward was superior to JB.

The Macduff case was one reason explaining why there were difficulties in the relationship between John Balliol and Edward I, as after Balliol obeyed the summons to London, he was informed that Edward didn’t have time to see him. This meant that Balliol would have to return to England again the next Easter, showing that Edward could demonstrate his total authority over Scotland and Balliol.

The Anglo-French war was one of the reasons why there were difficulties in the relationship between John Balliol and Edward I as in 1294 Edward was prepared to go to War against France and expected Scots to fight with him, despite France being Scotland’s largest trading partner. This meant that Edward automatically assumed that Scotland would support his conflict with France even though it would harm their own economy, thus showing that Edward believed he was superior to John and controlled him.

The Franco-Scot treaty was another reason why there were difficulties in the relationship between John Balliol and Edward I as it meant that Scotland was siding with France instead of supporting England in their war effort against France, including Scottish nobles refusing to pay for the war. This meant that Scotland gained France as an ally but caused tensions between Balliol and Edward to grow as it shows that Balliol had undermined him.

The massacre at Berwick affected the relationship between Edward I and John Balliol, as Edward said nobody should be spared and killed thousands of Scots in march 1296. This meant that Edward showed no mercy towards the Scots and proved yet again that he was more powerful, resulting in a breakdown in the relationship.

Balliol’s letter to Edward was a reason why there was difficulties in the relationship between Balliol and Edward as following the massacre at Berwick, Balliol wrote to Edward in April 1296 to renounce his fealty and homage to him. This meant that Balliol was angered by Edward’s actions and so declared that he would no longer acknowledge King Edward as his overlord, thus marking the collapse in their relationship.

The Ceremony at Montrose was a reason why there were difficulties in the relationship between Balliol and Edward as on the 10th July 1296, Edward symbolically stripped Balliol of his Kingship by removing his royal coat of arms in a public ceremony. This meant that Edward outwardly showed his disregard for the Scottish King by openly humiliating and dethroning him thus showcasing his superiority and control over him.

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