Alexander III And The Succession Problem Flashcards
the Guardians
• although the source is rather useful in … the source fails to explain/ the source is useful in … as it explains the Variety of representatives within the Guardians it is known there were 2 Bishops, 2 earls, 2 barons (possibly 7) this meant that they possessed a wide range of skills, representing Church, Nobility, Money. pillars of Scottish society.
•although the source is rather useful in … the source fails to explain/ the source is useful in … as it explains the Oath of Fealty to Margaret Maid of Norway. the nobles were known to have had an Oath of Fealty to Margaret Maid of Norway once in position this meant they ensured/oversaw and secured said nobility oath to her.
• although the source is rather useful in … the source fails to explain/ the source is useful in … as it explains the avoidance of civil war. It is known the guardians were avoiding civil war in the effort of seeking stability and keeping loyalty to the Canmore line. This move was taken in order to suppress beginnings of Bruce uprising in SW Scotland.
• although the source is rather useful in … the source fails to explain/ the source is useful in … as it explains the guardians being installed at scone in April of 1296 the guardians moving quickly after Alexander’s death. this meant their goal was to ensure stability for Scotland
• although the source is rather useful in … the source fails to explain/ the source is useful in … as it explains the Treaty of Birgham. The treaty detailed that MMofN was to marry Prince Edward of England but with protections/safeguards this meant the independence of Scotland was kept in mind in the treaty’s constitution.
• although the source is rather useful in … the source fails to explain/ the source is useful in … as it explains the Guardian’s response to Edward’s demands it is known the guardians detailed edward did not have the authority to appoint himself as an overlord due to such a task only being able to be carried out by a king of Scot’s. This smart move meant an individual King must’ve been reinstated to concede such power and limited Edward’s control.
Scottish appeal to Edward I and Norham
• although the source is rather useful in … the source fails to explain/ the source is useful in … as it explains Bishop Frasers letter to Edward Autumn 1290 where he informs him of the death of mmofn as he says “a sad rumour vertebrate among the people of that our lady was dead”. This meant, the letter acted as one of the first signs of Scotland inviting Edward’s help.
• although the source is rather useful in … the source fails to explain/ the source is useful in … as it explains The moved meeting between Edward and the king of Scot’s. It is known a meeting between the two which was to be set at the original venue of Upsettlington (Scotland) was moved to Norham (England) by Edward This meant Edward completed a major power play as a Scottish problem should have been solved in Scotland.
• although the source is rather useful in … the source fails to explain/ the source is useful in … as it explains Edward’s challenge to the Guardians at Norham where he demanded he be declared as overlord of Scotland before he helped determine the next King. This meant that Edward’s demands and his involvement in this Scottish issue complicated and prolonged the ongoing succession crisis.
• although the source is rather useful in … the source fails to explain/ the source is useful in … as it explains the Guardian’s response to Edward’s demands, it is known the guardians stated neither they nor Edward had the authority to appoint him as overlord, and that a King of Scot’s must be reinstated to concede such power. This meant the guardians smart move thwarted a direct attack for control from Edward and prevented a potential early imbalance.
• although the source is rather useful in … the source fails to explain/ the source is useful in … as it explains the Inflated no. of claimants for the throne. Edward had expanded the eligibility for the throne beyond direct family relatives and the number of potential claimants for the throne eventually reached 13. This meant all said claimants were pressured by this opportunity and agreed to recognise Edward as overlord.
The great cause and Edward’s decision
• although the source is rather useful the source fails to explain/ the source is useful as it explains Edward’s inflation of the number of claimants considered as the number was extended beyond immediate family to 13 which was way too many. This meant he conducted a deliberate divide and conquer, ensuring his overlordship.
• although the source is rather useful the source fails to explain/ the source is useful as it explains the Award of Norham as it is where all nine original claimants recognised Edward as overlord in an oath. This meant he insured their utmost loyalty to him.
• although the source is rather useful in … the source fails to explain/ the source is useful in … as it explains when the Guardians granted Edward ‘sasine’- legal possession of the Kingdom, as the right to the throne was to be bestowed onto the winning claimant by an appropriate power. This meant that as Edward needed that power vested in him in order to bestow kingship onto a claimant, the guardians provided this without giving him complete control of the kingdom.
• although the source is rather useful the source fails to explain/ the source is useful as it explains Edward announcing Balliol as King in November 1292 after taking over a year to decide this showcased his ability to push mental games and therefore control in different ways.
• although the source is rather useful the source fails to explain/ the source is useful as it explains when Balliol crowned as King of Scots in December 1292. Here Balliol recognised Edward as overlord once again. This meant Edward shown in front of everyone the power that he held over the kingdom.
Death of MMoN
• although the source is rather useful the source fails to explain/ the source is useful as it explains Bishop Frasers letter to Edward Autumn 1290 where he informs him of her death as he says “a sad rumour vertebrate among the people of that our lady was dead”. This meant the letter acted as one of the first signs of Scotland inviting Edward’s help.
• although the source is rather useful the source fails to explain/ the source is useful as it explains Margaret’s death marking the end of the Canmore line. as she was the last direct heir of Alexander this ended the reign of the family as Scottish royalty and so this meant issues were triggered for the succession.
• although the source is rather useful the source fails to explain/ the source is useful as it explains Her death causing a threat of civil war amongst Scots as many tried to make a play for the Crown eg. Bruce in SW, letter to Edward pitching his claim. This meant no direct heir had caused severe disarray to the decision-making concerning the next leader of Scotland.
• although the source is rather useful the source fails to explain/ the source is useful as it explains the Treaty of Birgham now void due to Margaret’s death. as Margaret was to be married in this treaty, her death meant it could no longer be fulfilled and thus caused additional problems for the leadership of Scotland.
Provenance points
Time (when)
Type (of text, eg. Letter, speech?)
Purpose/why written? (Eg. To inform ______, to warn of ____)