\general pediatrics Flashcards
3c and 1 K
coryza, cough, conjunctivitis,
coryza= inflammation of membrane int he nose
Kooplik spots ( white spots that occur inside cheeks)
person with sickle cell disease, history of acute chest syndrome with worsening chest tightness at night and dry cough most likely has
what would you do to diagnose?
vs PE would see persistent chest pain and cough.
4A preterm baby with rapidly increasing head circumference, seizures, lethargy, hypotonia most likely has
Intraventricular hemorrhage
acute chest syndrome
vascoocculustion of pulmonary vasculature
common in SCD
acute onset of pain over the anterior surface of the neck, worsens with swallowing or sticking out tongue + fever and chills is?
infected thyroglossal cyst
acute post streptococcal glomerulonephritis
what lab should you draw for diagnosis?
complement since it lowers complement 3
antigen form IgG ang IgM immune complexes to kidney cells
- will see lower complement 3 , hematuria, and proteinuria
vs IgA nephropathy ( IgA complexes in mesangium)/ Henoch Schonlein purpura
- IgA does not fix complements so will see normal complements
angelman syndrome
happy puppet syndrome
- unusual gait, unprovoked outbursts of laughter, seizures, microcephaly, speech impairment, hyperactivity, fascination with water, poor sleeping
- deletion of chromosome 15q11-13 from maternal side
anorexia induced ammenorrhea labs
FSH and LH are low
antibiotic pcp px is indicated for
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency,
chronic granulomatous disease
asymmteric red reflex is a sign of ______ ,
can be in someone with a________
diagnostic test?
strabismus, retinoblastoma
dilated funduscopic exam
Ataxia telangiectasia
autosomal recessive disorder that causes defective DNA repair => tumors and immunodeficiency
B and T cell dysfunction
4 A’s:
ATM gene mutation, Ataxia, spider Angioma, IgA deficiency,
ataxia- gait abnormality, movement abnormality, strabismus
bacterial meningitis
few days of fever and progresses to CNS symptoms ( HA, lethargy, irritability)
bacterial vs viral rhinosinusitis
*Bacterial more intense
fever more that 3 days,
symptoms 10 days or more
new or recurrent fever after improvement
Beckman Wiedmann Syndrome
What is is, now to monitor, tx?
gene disorder
Big Becky likes to get Big
-macrosomia -big head, macroglossia- big tongue
-organomegaly (big organs)
—-> big pancreas produces too much insulin =>hypoglycemia
—-> omphalocele: organs protrude from belly button cus too
likes to get big unevenly
- tumors: nephroblastoma, hepatoblastoma
- hemihypertrophy
-abdominal US q3 months until 8 yo
-Alpha-fetoprotein q3 months until 4 yo
Tx. Frequent feedings, resection of tumor
biliary atresia
absence of extrahepatic biliary tree, commonly common bile duct
- billirubin can;t be excreted and builds up => Jaundice, scleral icterus
Blount Disease
-abnormality in medial aspect of proximal tibial epiphysis
Brudzinki sign
sigen for meningitis, knees flex when neck is flexed
Bun:Cr ratio in
pre-renal azotemia
intrinsic renal failure
> 20 (pre-renal)
<15 (“I” ntrinsic) I looks like 1
cause of viral meningitis in unvaccinated child
CSF values
mumps, elevated WBC & protein, low glucose
rubella can’t cause meningitis
Causes of membranous nephropathy
Infection ( Hep B, Hep C, Syphillis)
Autoimmune (Lupus, thyroiditis)
Drugs ( NSAIDS)
Chediak Higashi syndrome
phagocytic deficiency
oculocutaneous albinism, peripheral neuropathy, progresssive neurological dysfxn
CNS abnormality
Decreased Immunity
Child most with a hoarse voice, most likely had a mother who
had an active HPV infection,
lesion affected kid’s vocal cords
Chlamydia trachomatis pneumonia onset
4-12 weeks
typically afebrile and mild
keratinizing squamous epithelium grows from tympanic membrane or auditory canal to the middle ear mucosa or mastoid air cells
form of chronic otitis media
- foul smelling discharge from ear, conductive hearing loss
-otoscope findings
1)retraction pocket that appears as a brown irregular man
2) pearly white mass behind tympanic membrane
Xray of mastoid process, CT of temporal bone
Tx: surgery
Chronic granulomatous disease
defectiveNADPH oxidase,
-susceptible to catalase positive organisms( s. aureus, nocardia, E Coli, candied, klebsielle, pseudomonas, aspergillus, serrait)
clinical features of congenital cytomegalovirus in utero
fetal growth resticition, enlarged liver with multiple intrahepatic calcifications, bilateral periventricular intracranial calcifications
management is expectant or pregnancy termination
Common variable immunodeficiency
- abnormal differentiation of B cells into plasma cells causes decreased immune globulin production ( no response to vaccinations, normal B cells)
=B cell defect
- will see lots of infections, Giardia, PNA
- TX: immunoglobulin replacement therapy
congenital rubella classic triad
- sensorineual Deafness,
-Cardiac disease ( patent ductus arteriosis and pulmonary artery stenosis)
Other: fetal growth restriction, hepatomegaly
Congenital syphillis
Early <2 yo
hepatomegaly with jaundice,
Snuffles: Rhinorrhea with white or bloody discharge
pemphigus symphiliticus: bullous rash on palms and soles
skeletal abnormality
generalized lymph adepnopathy
Late> 2yoL
- saddle nose, frontal bossing, short maxilla
- hutchinson teeth, mulberry molar, syphillic keratitis, hearing loss
- saber shin ( bowing)
- CN 8 palsy, deafness, intellectual disability
other: PNA, hemolytic anemia, blueberry muffin spots
contraindications to breastfeeding
Baby Gotta HAV CASH TU
Baby Galactosemia
Active Varicella
Chemo or radiation therapy
A ctive Substance disorder
Herpestic Breast Untreated
active TB Untreated,
cornelia de lange syndrome
Bushy Syndrome
long curly eyelashes, hirsutism, short stature, microcephaly, VSD, undescended testes, confluent eyebrow(uni-brow)
intrauterine growth restriction, intellectual disability
cri du chat syndrome
cause and core symptoms
mutation of short arm of chromosome 5
think cat-chat: cries like a cat,
high pitched cry
microcephaly, intellectual disability
cardiac VSD
dactylitis is_________
sign of _______
symmetric swelling of hands and feet, can see low grade fever, soft tissue swelling on x-ray fo rearly stages
vaso-occlusion in sickle cell disease
Delayed separation of umbiilical cord is when
___, caused by?
umbilicial cord remains more than 1 month post partum
leukocyte adhesion deficiency type 1: genetic condition where defect in leukocytic chemotaxis results in decreased phagocytic activity
- leukocytosis, but decreased neutrophils
Di Georges syndrome
Classic triad? symptoms
chromosome** 22**q11 microdeletion
Defective development of 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouch
22 yr old George was a CATCH
Cleft Palate
Anomalous face: Micrognathia, dysplastic ears, hypoplastic wing of nose
Thymic Aplasia: T-cell deficiency
Cardiac Abnormalities (truncus arteriosus, Tetralogy of fallot)
Hypoparathyroidism, hypocalcemia with tetany
classic triad: loss of parathyroid, loss of thymus, congenital heart def
dialectal behavior therapy is for
treating emotional dysregulation and self-harm behaviors in borderline personality disorder
Digeorge Syndrome
chromosome 22q11 microdeletion
Defective development of 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouch
Catch 22
Cleft Palate
Abnormal facies
Thymic Aplasia
Cardiac Abnormalities (truncus arteriosus, Tetralogy of fallot)
Hypocalcemia (no parathyroid)
Physical exam finding
prodromal: fever malaise, sore throat (2-5 days)
Systemic: myocarditis, arrhythmmia, septic arthritis
Can be fatal
unique physical finding: grayish white pseudomembrane over posterior pharyngeal wall and/or tonsils
excess androgens, virilization, advanced bone age
adrenal tumor
Fanconi Anemia
What is it
clinical findings?
increases risk for?
Inherited DNA defect think
Fanconi: Diet Cafe with Abnormal TEA shrinks testes and kidneys
Cafe Au lait
mAcrocytic or normocytic Anemia
Thumbs and Ears Abnormal
Atrophy of Testes and Kidneys
inc risk for AML and MDS
Febrile seizure age
6 months- 5 years
forward best test that shows asymmetric thoracic lumbar prominence is most likely _____
further evaluated via, and managed?
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) , x-ray of spine
Cobb angle determines treatment
0-30: monitor
30 or greater: thoracolumbar spinal brace
40-50: surgical fixation
fragile x syndrome
X-tra large face, ears, testes
- learning disability
- joint hypermobility
large face with prominent ears, macrocephaly
Flat feet or pes planus
Regurgitation at mitral valve
Genitals giant after puberty
IQ low
Large face, head circumference
Ears protruding
X sensible joints
Friedrich ataxia
autosomal recessive disorder that causes degenerations of spinal tracts: spinocerebellar, posterior columns
FrieD Hassh: Friedrish
Dysarthria( imparted speech),
Hypercardiotrophic myopathy
Ataxia(impaired gait),
loss of Sense of vibration/propioception,
Skeletal deformity: scoliosis
high arches
Gaucher disease
Gaudy GiRl HaS Painted A Bone Meticulously on a Crumpled Tissue Paper
Glucocerebrosidase accumulation in leukocytees and fibroblasts
Avascular necrosis of femur
Bone Crisis
Macrophage inclusions that resemble crumpled tissue paper
gram diplococci contact precaution
neisseria meningitis
- droplet
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
hematuria, low C3, acute kidney injury , Hg<8
Henoch Schloein purpura
IgA vasculitis
abodominal pain (intusseption)
pupura ( petechal rash on butt & leggs)
Arthralgia following URI
hereditary angioedema characterized by
cause and test?
cutaneous swelling , no urticaria or pruritis
abdominal pain, vomitting diarrhea
C1 inhibitor deficiecny will causes decreased levels of C4
how do you diagnose bacterial pharyngitis?
1) rapid step antigen
2) If negative, throat culture
causative organism Group A step
**don’t use antistreptolysin O antibody cuz it takes too long