General pathophysiology - hematologic disorders Flashcards
What is the most common erythrocyte disorder?
splenic contraction causes
rapid changes in RBC distribution by releasing a concentrated bolus of stored RBCs.
what do Cold hemagglutinin disease, Blood parasites and methemoglobinemia have in common?
they all cause hemolytic anemia
Hydration status is usually evaluated by considering
plasma protein (PP) concentration and PCV in combination.
2 main points for completing an anemia diagnosis
- determine the severity of the anemia
- determine the boen marrow responsiveness
a mild anemia in a dog is how much?
over 30% PCV but under species norm
a mild anemia in a cat is how much?
over 20% but under species norm
In what 4 situations would no reticulocytosis or polychromasia be expected
- no anemia, blood normals
- nonregenerative anemia
- during the first 2-3 days of onset of regenerative anemia
- during a mild anemia which will not stimulate much reticulocytosis
Reticulocytosis and polychromasia peak when?
4-5 days after onset of anemia if bone marrow function is normal
how much is marked canine reticulocytosis?
> 500,000 /ul
how much is marked feline reticulocytosis?
> 200,000 /ul
What diagnostic tool/result is best proof of intravascular hemoolytic anemia?
Reticulocyte quantitation in blood is the most consistent way to evaluate what?
the strength of erythropoiesis
but time after onset and magnitude of reticulocytosis must be considered in conjunction
a reticulocyte count should be performed when the pcv is less than how much in dogs?
so a moderate or severe anemia
a reticulocyte count should be performed when the pcv is less than how much in cats?
so a moderate or severe anemia
Feline reticulocytes are subdivided into
aggregate and punctate forms.
What is a punctate reticulocyte?
Punctate reticulocytes are more mature with small amounts of RNA that form small blue dots.
Aggregate reticulocytes mature rapidly in about half a day into punctate reticulocytes. Punctate reticulocytes mature slowly over 10
to 12 days and thus accumulate in blood in much greater numbers than do aggregate reticulocytes.
What are aggregate reticulocytes?
Aggregate reticulocytes are less mature with large amounts of RNA that form dark blue clumps or strands.
Aggregate reticulocytes mature rapidly in about half a day into punctate reticulocytes. Punctate reticulocytes mature slowly over 10
to 12 days and thus accumulate in blood in much greater numbers than do aggregate reticulocytes.
Canine polychromatophils are
reticulocytes, and polychromasia indicates reticulocytosis.
Polychromatophilic refers to multiple (“poly”) colors because of the
orange staining of hemoglobin plus the blue staining of RNA.
Larger-than-normal RBCs (i.e., macrocytes)
primary caus of macrocytosis
reticulocytosis, espesh 4/5 days after onset of anemia
macrocytosis identified by MCV in labs
other causes: long edta tube storage, breed-associated, FeLV
variation in RBC size
described by RDW and HDW in labs
Common cause of anisocytosis
regenerative anemia with release of immature macrocytes
abnormal RBCs with basophilic granules/ stippling
indicate abnormal eythropoiesis
are nucleated erythroid cells in bone marrow with iron positive granules
abnormal ones have bigger and more granules
norocytic normochromic anemia is what
nonregenerative aniemia with too few reticulocuytes/macrocytes to increase the MCV
macrocytic hypochromic anemia is
typically regernative anemia with reticulocytes causing the increased MCV
reticulocytes are hypochromic (decreased MCHC) because they have not compelte hemoglobin synthesis.
macrocytic normochromic anemia
usually occurs in regen. anemia.
MCV > 80 fl
Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia
usually diagnostic for iron deficiency
low MCV
low MCHC
common in dogs with portosystemic shunt
left of at REGENERATIVE ANEMIA, hematological disorders document