General Part 1 Flashcards
What is Type Certification?
It outlines the procedures for evaluating and approving aircraft, engine and propeller type design data and changes to approved type design data. Order 8110.4, and Part 21
What is a Type Certificate (TC)?
Design approval issued by FAA when the applicant demonstrates that a product complies with the applicable regulations.
What is included in the Type Certificate?
The TC includes the type design, the operating limitations, the TCDS, the applicable regulations and other conditions or limitations prescribed by the administration.
What is an Amended TC?
An approval for a change to a TC.
Who can apply for an amended TC?
TC Holder only.
What is a certification plan?
Applicant’s intended means for showing compliance with the applicable regulations.
What does a certification plan contain?
It contains general design concept, planned operating envelope, cert basis, schedule and compliance checklist, post cert activity
What is a production certificate (PC)?
An approval by the FAA to manufacture a product after having shown compliance with an approved type design.
What is a Type Certification Board (TCB)?
FAA management team responsible for acquainting the applicant with the cert process, resolving significant problems and establishing a schedule for the overall accomplishments of the type cert project.
What is a compliance checklist?
A formal method of documenting compliance to all applicable regulations during certification.
What is included in the compliance checklist?
It contains regulations, means of compliance, responsible ARs, and all evidence of compliance (ie engineering report numbers etc).
What is a Partnership for Safety Plan (PSP)
An agreement between a design approval applicant and the FAA describing how they will work together to certify and maintain integrity of the design approvals. Focus on safety, significant issues, and continued airworthiness.
What is Type Design?
The engineering definition of a particular product.
What is included in Type Design?
(Drawings and specifications),
(dimensions, materials and processes),
(airworthiness limitations),
(special inspection and preventative maintenance programs),
(Other data to describe the product design, and to determine the airworthiness, noise characteristics, fuel venting and exhaust emissions).
What is the change product rule?
Outlines the procedures to establish the certification basis for changed products per 14 CFR 21.101 (Designation of applicable regulations) and 21.19 (Changes requiring a new type certificate).
What are an AR’s rolls and responsibilities?
Find compliance, witness test, provide technical guidance including determining cert basis, coordinate as required with FAA and ODA Technical Advisors
What is an issue paper?
IPs provide a structured means for describing and tracking the resolution of significant technical, regulatory, and administrative issues that occur during a project. The IP process establishes a formal communication for addressing significant issues between the applicant and the FAA.
Name types of issue papers.
o Certification Basis
o Determination of Compliance
o Environmental Considerations
o Import/Export Country Requirements
o Method of Compliance
o ELOS, Special Conditions and exemptions
o Type Validation
o Unsafe Feature or Characteristic
o Areas of New Technology
o Changes to Interpretation
What is an equivalent level of safety (ELOS)?
Literal Compliance will not be shown; same level of safety as provided by regs, but by method of compliance different than that stated acceptable to the FAA; compensating features are key to establishing equivalency. No unique or novel design features may exist. Handled via issue papers. Not rulemaking (preferred over special conditions and exemptions).
Give an ELOS example.
Emergency exit windows, G650 gear breakaway
What is a special condition?
New or novel design feature exists such that the current regulations do not adequately or appropriately address safety. Existing airworthiness standards are not adequate. It provides a level of safety equivalent to that established by existing regulations defined in the cert basis. Considered rulemaking. Handled via Issue Papers.
Give a special condition example.
GV high altitude operation,
Lithium ion batteries
What is an exemption?
A grant of relief from a specified airworthiness standard. Must be a benefit to the public as a whole. Does not adversely affect safety and will provide a level of safety at least equal to that provided by the rule from which relief is sought. Considered rulemaking. Handled via Issue Papers.
Give an exemption example.
GV bird strike speed.
What is an Organization Designation Authorization (ODA)?
An authorization by the FAA for an organization, comprised of an ODA Unit using approved procedures, to make approvals on behalf of the FAA.
Name the types of service documents.
o SRM (Structural Repair Manuals)
o CB (Customer Bulletins)
o ASC (aircraft service change)
o Service Letters
o AFM Flight Manual
An AR approves what parts of service documents?
ARs approve engineering data which is not part of an open TC project only (design data & substantiation data), not parts pertaining to:
o Compliance times
o Background info
o Manpower estimates
o Cost estimates
o Recommended maintenance actions / inspections that do not require FAA approval
o Tooling and facility requirements
o Step-by-step procedures
What is the Transport Airplane Issue List (TAIL)?
Formerly TAD issues list. Contains all known common current safety issues for transport airplanes. Updated quarterly, found on FAA website and linked on ODA website.
List several current TAIL issues.
- Damage tolerance of bonded joints
- Additive manufacturing
- Establishing LOV
What is an Advisory Circular?
Informal documents produced by the FAA to provide information and guidance. “Acceptable, but not the only means for showing compliance”.
Is an Advisory Circular regulatory?
It is not binding nor regulatory.
What are the 5 phases of certification?
- Conceptual Design
- Requirements Definition
- Compliance Planning
- Implementation
- Post Certification Activities
What needs to be considered for a Design and Construction review?
Load paths, materials, finish and process codes, fasteners and installation requirements, protection of structure, accessibility, inspectability, interchangeability, drainage & ventilation, AD’s, configuration, environmental factors, General dwg review.
What is a process specification?
Document or standard that provides a repeatable and reliable result. Can be company or industry. Company process specs are FAA approved.
What is a service document?
A publication that conveys useful info about safety, product improvement, operational or maintenance practices. See AC 20-176
When do you require process specifications?
When you need close control over results.