General Orders Flashcards
How far can sideburns extend?
Sideburns can extend to the bottom of the ear lobe.
Appearance and grooming 102.01A
True or False: Not reporting theft of city property is a violation of our General Orders?
Theft: Theft of city property or services, or having knowledge of such theft and failing to report it to their supervisor
Fire Dept. Employee conduct 102.09
Fire Dept. Employee conduct 102.09 Defines hazing as what?
Intentionally or recklessly endangering the physical or mental health of others as a result of an initiation.
Fire Dept. Employee conduct 102.09
Emergency serv. arena E.M.S uniform jacket is:
as supplied by arena management.
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
The presence of alcohol on ones breath could be a violation of what G.O.
Fire Dept. Employee conduct 102.09
Any facial hair deemed unsafe can be:
trimmed OR shaved to eliminate the hazard.
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
Emergency services brush fire uniform is:
the same as emer serv. fatigue except the footwear shall be in conformance with gen. order 102.03(protective footwear).
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
How do we avoid the duplication of tactical premise efforts?
All station officers will coordinate their visits with the other companies and shifts in their station to avoid duplication of efforts. This will be done by putting the information into the tactical premise logbook located in their station libraries.
Tactical Premise 102.06
The Verbal Counseling Documentation form can be found where?
Fire Intranet page – Forms file
Emergency serv. arena E.M.S uniform shirt is:
dark red polo, as supplied by arena management.
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
Who is responsible for the cleaning of their fire fighting garments?
Each individual fire department member
Protective Clothing 102.02
For an incident that requires only a GFD “Lost or Damaged Equipment” report, the supervisor or company officer shall forward a hard copy to the:
Battalion Chief or appropriate chain of command.
Protective Clothing 102.02
The Ceremonial Dress uniform is to be worn at the discretion of the Fire Chief or designee at the following times:
- Court appearances or similar activities
- Formal presentations
- Ceremonies
- Funerals.
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
For lockout tag-out procedures the first firefighter available to secure utilities will:
use the padlocks provided on his/her apparatus to lock out the main shutoffs to the involved occupancy.
Protective Clothing 102.02
The company officer may require cleaning of fire fighting garment:
anytime they feel it is necessary.
Protective Clothing 102.02
What uniform is worn by firefighters operating on vegetation fires such as on a mountainside or field?
Brush Fire Uniform
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
Glendale Fire Department “Lost or Damaged Equipment” report must be completed if:
This report shall be used for ALL equipment that has been lost or damaged, regardless of value, excluding office supplies and fire staff and apparatus vehicles.
Administrative staff engaging in physical fitness, will wear a 100% cotton polo shirt. T or F
-Navy T-shirt, 100% cotton polo or sweatshirt
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
The winter jacket can only have what patch?
Paramedic patch ONLY.
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
The purpose of the Community involvement 102.13 G.O. is?
The purpose of this General Order is to provide a reference, for all employees to access, that pertains to the use of the Glendale Fire Department (GFD) name or status as a GFD employee when promoting or being involved in any community activity.
Community involvement 102.13
When any printed, embroidered or silk-screened uniform items are no longer serviceable they shall be:
physically destroyed and properly discarded.
Uniform Policy 102.01 09/09
Other facial hair, such as, beards and goatees for are not acceptable for who?
sworn personnel (Suppression and Fire Marshal’s Office) are not acceptable.
Appearance and grooming 102.01A
Sideburns can extend to where and must be?
Bottom of the earlobe and trimmed and well groomed.
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
FF’s under what circumstances, are not permitted to wear fatigue shorts?
Members with legs that have:
-cuts -open wounds
-abrasions -skin punctures or scabs
-any condition that may denigrate the ability of skin on the legs to protect
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
Protective clothing shall be inspected for contaminants after each use and cleaned:
when dirty/contaminated, twice a year, or more often if subjected to heavy use.
Protective Clothing 102.02
There are 3 classes of uniform; what does class A refer to?
Ceremonial Dress Uniform
Uniform Policy 102.01 09/09
A Chief in dress uniform coming from a ceremony may be on an emergency scene but you would not allow them where?
Dress uniform is non-emergency scene wear. May not be worn inside the safety zone established by emergency scene command.
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
We must always remember that we are founded upon providing service to the public in a __________ and ______ manner.
compassionate, caring
Fire Dept. Employee conduct 102.09
Sleeve stripes for the Fire Chief consist of:
Five 1/2” gold stripes
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
Uniform Policy: Employees in essential services or the office of the chief are what classification?
Administrative staff
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
Collar Brass is worn by what rank and above?
Captains and above.
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
A cadet wearing their uniform outside of Cadet activities would be subject to discipline. What classification of employee would they fall under?
Emergency Services
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
While washing turnouts, all hooks and dees should be fastened and:
the garment turned inside out or placed in a large laundry bag
Protective Clothing 102.02
If turnouts are contaminated with blood or body fluids:
place in Bio Hazard bag until cleaned
Protective Clothing 102.02
Division and battalion chiefs would wear how many bugles on their collar?
Two crossed bugles in gold
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
The company officer is required to inspect fire-fighting garments when?
on a monthly basis, but this does not exclude necessary inspections between monthly reports.
Protective Clothing 102.02
Fire Department personnel shall notify the Glendale Police Department, or the Police Department in the city which the property was lost or stolen, when the City owned property exceeds a value of $
All earrings will be attached to the ear lobe and will not rise above:
the ear canal opening.
Appearance and grooming 102.01A
There are 3 classes of uniform; what does class C refer to?
Modified Dress Uniform
Uniform Policy 102.01 09/09
What should supervisors do on an ongoing basis to assist employees in their professional and personal growth.
We encourage supervisors to counsel on an ongoing basis to assist employees in their professional and personal growth.
*SWAT medics, qualified to carry a weapon for self-defense, may store their weapon on FD property if:
in a secured weapons case or trigger lock in a locked locker within a fire station,
For up to date copies of the following forms contact: Memo of Expectations
memo of Correction
Written Reprimand
Other advanced processes
Contact the Personnel Division Manager for up-to-date forms
The general purpose of Confidentiality 101.02 is what?
To restrict public access to GFD sensitive information.
Confidentiality 101.02 06/02
All 40 hour employees that receive a uniform allowance must wear the appropriate uniform how many days per workweek?
Minimum of 2 days per workweek
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
When wearing fatigue shorts what socks must be worn?
Plain white socks not to exceed mid calf height.
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
What is one of the main differences between the Class c uniform and Fatigue uniform?
Shorts and brush pants allowed with fatigue only
Uniform Policy 102.01 09/09
There are 3 classes of uniform; what does class B refer to?
Dress Uniform
Uniform Policy 102.01 09/09
The flared end of the bugles shall be placed how far away from the collar point?
One inch from the collar point.
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
Immediate notification to the _____ _____ _________ , or_________ ____________, is required should any official uniform items be stolen or lost. A police report will be required in any case of ______.
on-duty Shift commander, appropriate supervisor, theft
Uniform Policy 102.01 09/09
The fatigue/station shoe must be all black leather, or sport style shoe that meets NFPA _______ standard for protective footwear.
NFPA 1974 Standard for Protective Footwear for Structural Firefighting, 1992 edition, and must be labeled as such inside the boots.
The GFD “Lost or Damaged equipment” report contains specific information that is tracked by:
Support Services.
The Maltese on our uniform is what size?
3.25” long by 3.25” wide
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
The following defines what type of harassment?
Making remarks, placing visual or written material, and/or through ones specific actions aimed at a specific person or group that demean their race, gender, marital status, veteran status, religion, creed, disability, national origin, ancestry, or age with the intention of causing harm to the person or group.
Discriminatory Harassment
Fire Dept. Employee conduct 102.09
What employees may wear civilian clothes while performing their job duties? What must employees wearing civilian clothes have to identify them as FD employees?
-Admin staff
-Fire marshal’s office
-40 assignments
-Belt badge or employee ID badge while on duty
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
Captains would wear how many bugles on their collar?
Two parallel bugles in silver
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
While on duty, tattoos may only be displayed:
on the arms and legs while in uniform.
Appearance and grooming 102.01A
City of Glendale “Lost or Stolen City Owned Property” report must be completed if:
This report shall be used, in addition to the GFD “Lost or Damaged Equipment” report for all equipment that has been lost or stolen, with a value greater than $50.00, excluding office supplies and fire staff and apparatus vehicles.
What specific uniform articles shall not be stored in personal vehicles overnight.
turnouts, identification cards and building access control cards
Uniform Policy 102.01 09/09
Sleeve stripes for a captain consist of:
one silver stripe.
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
These may be worn when added visibility, abrasion protection and bodily fluid to skin protection is desired.
Brush Pants
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
What color socks must be worn with the emergency services PT uniform?
Plain white socks
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
When wearing fatigue shorts what must you assure your FF’s also have on the apparatus?
A WELL maintained pair of brush pants
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
T or F, Fire Operations Fatigue Uniform is the same as the Class C-Modified Dress uniform?
Uniform Policy 102.01 09/09
One of your firefighters come into the station showing the crew his new fatigue shorts, you notice something is off in regards to the Maltese. What side of the fatigue shorts should the Maltese be on and how far above the hemline should it sit?
Right leg 1.5” above the hemline.
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
When filling out a City of Glendale “Lost or Stolen City Owned Property” The supervisor or company officer shall also obtain the value of the item from:
the Support Services Division Chief or Captain.
The administrative staff ceremonial dress uniform for rank and file consists of what hat?
black bell cap with GFD hat badge
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
A public information request of a members telephone number may be granted if what provision is met?
If a public request for information is made, the request must go through the chain of command.
Confidentiality 101.02 06/02
What information is restricted to fire department employees only?
- emergency call back procedures
- members telephone numbers
- specific locations of target hazard areas.
Confidentiality 101.02 06/02
The use of cell phones, mobile and offsite electronic devices G.O. applies to all Fire Department employees who have a city paid device or employees that use a personal device for city business; who determines if the device is ELIGIBLE?
Eligible Use – Employees designated by the Fire Chief or designee
The font style and size of the “Glendale Fire Department” on the back of our shirts are:
- Shadowbox font
- Glendale is 1.5” and arched
- Fire Department is 1.25” and not arched
Uniform Policy 102.01 01/05
Why do we not use soap cleansers on turnouts?
Soap fats will contribute to flammability and clog the permeability of breathable moisture barriers
Protective Clothing 102.02