General Knowledge Flashcards
How many satellites are needed for RAIM?
5 (or 4 with a Baro-aided GPS)
What should pilots have readily available for LAHSO?
The published ALD and runway slope information for all LAHSO runway combinations at each airport of intended landing
Unless directed otherwise, when should you exit a runway after being given a LAHSO clearance?
At the first convenient taxiway before reaching the hold short point
LAHSO: A good “rule-of-thumb” for any Part 91 operation is to add at least _______ feet to the published aircraft landing distance to cover any contingencies
LAHSO: _________ control is the most important factor in achieving landing precision.
Should you accept a LAHSO clearance if there are reports of thunderstorms or wind shear near the airport
Pilots should only receive a LAHSO clearance when there is a minimum ceiling of ______ feet and ___ statute miles visibility
1,000 / 3 (1,500 and 5 for air carriers at airports without PAPIs or VASIs)
What is ASDE-X?
Airport Surface Detection Equipment Model X. It is a surveillance system using radar, multilateration and satellite technology that allows air traffic controllers to track surface movement of aircraft and vehicles.
What is SMGCS?
Surface Movement Guidance and Control System. A system providing routing, guidance and surveillance for the control of aircraft and vehicles under all weather conditions.
What is considered severe wind shear?
Rapid change in windspeed or velocity exceeding 15 knots or vertical speeds greater than 500 FPM.
What frequency should a pilot use if there is no published CTAF or UNICOM at an airport?
MULTICOM - 122.9
When should a pilot commence the crosswind turn in a VFR pattern?
Only when past the departure end of the runway and within 300 feet of the pattern altitude.
How should a pilot depart the VFR traffic pattern?
Straight ahead or 45 degrees in the direction of the traffic pattern.
What is the speed limit in the VFR traffic pattern?
200 Knots
Can you use a GPS to shoot a VOR, NDB or LOC approach?
These operations do not include lateral navigation on localizer-based courses (including localizer back-course guidance) without reference to raw localizer data.
Pilots may not substitute for the NAVAID.
Use of a suitable RNAV system as a means to navigate on the final approach segment of an instrument approach procedure based on a VOR, TACAN or NDB signal, is allowable. The underlying NAVAID must be operational and the NAVAID monitored for final segment course alignment.
What does alternate means of navigation mean?
You have the means to navigate with the raw NAVAID but are using GPS instead.
What does substitute means of navigation mean?
You do not have the means to navigate via the raw NAVAID and are using GPS instead.
What can you use a GPS for?
Determine position, navigate, hold and fly and arc.
What weather is needed for SVFR in the day?
1 SM and clear of clouds
Can you request SVFR at night?
Yes, if the pilot is instrument rated and the aircraft is certified for IFR flight.
When is an alternate not required for IFR flight plans?
For at least 1 hour before and for 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, the ceiling will be at least 2,000 feet above the airport elevation and the visibility will be at least 3 statute miles
What weather is required at my IFR alternate?
Precision approach: Ceiling 600 feet and visibility 2 statute miles.
Nonprecision approach: Ceiling 800 feet and visibility 2 statute miles.
What weather is required for an IFR takeoff under part 121, 125, 129, or 135?
The weather conditions at time of takeoff are at or above the weather minimums for IFR takeoff prescribed for that airport, if not published, then:
Aircraft having two engines or less—1 statute mile visibility.
Aircraft having more than two engines— 1⁄2 statute mile visibility.
What altitudes are included in RVSM airspace?
FL290 through FL410
What are the two ways to make changes to an aircraft?
Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) or a Form 337 (Major Repair and Alteration)
Where can a pilot find out what maintenance they can personally perform legally?
Section 8 of the POH and CFR 43
What is a CDL?
Configuration Deviation List. “Missing Parts” list. Approved list of exterior parts that can be missing while maintaining airworthiness.
What are the non-expanded circling distances in NM?
A: 1.3
B: 1.5
C: 1.7
D: 2.3
E: 4.5
“357 - 2345”
Under what conditions can a pilot expect icing?
In visible moisture and temps between 10 and - 40 C.
What are the different levels of icing accumulation?
Trace, Light, Moderate, Severe and Extreme
What normal airspaces require clearance to enter?
A and B
What normal airspaces require 2-way radio communication before entry?
C, D, and E (sometimes)
Can a student pilot enter Class A airspace?