General Knowledge Flashcards
What ways is the education system fair to everyone
National curriculum
Same criteria
What is social order
Keeping society stable
What is division of labour
Different specialised jobs that involves specific individual tasks by a specific person
What is meritocracy
People getting ahead based on their accomplishments rather than their social class
What is myth of meritocracy
One’s efforts into education doesn’t determine how well they do
What is subculture
Little cultures within a big culture
What is neoliberalism
New freedom governments not getting involved
What is dependency culture
Relying on benefit which makes you lazy
What is parentocracy
System where parents have influence over schools
What is male gaze
Woman being seen as sexual objects
What is double standards
Being treated differently based on your gender
What is structural theory
Individuals being controlled by society
What is macro approach
Large scale of theories about society
Micro approach
Focuses on individuals and small groups rather than large structures
What does consensus mean
General agreement
What does conflict mean
What is secondary socialisation
A child learning values , beliefs through those outside famiky
What is bridge analogy
Passage of ideas connecting those in different places
What is ascribed status
Social status of a person that is assigned at birth
what is achieved status
The social position that a person acquires from earning it
What is anomie
Lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group
What is it meant by one size fits all
Suitable for all circumstances everyone being treated the same
What is false class conscious
Marxist theory on not being able to recognise inequality in a capitalist society
What is hidden curriculum
Unwritten rules and unspoken expectations
What is anti school subculture
Marxist view
Make working class lads subverted the values of school
What is post fordism
The name of the dominant system of the economic production consumption
What is metranarrative
Post modernists don’t accept a big story in how something works