Factors Test Flashcards
Name the material factors
Diet and health
Name cultural deprivation factors
Parental interest
Attitudes and values
Name in school factors
Setting and streaming
Marketisation policies
Name examples of marketisation policies
Educational triage
Cream skimming
Silt shifting
What is the definition of material factors
Lacking physical necessities in life
Such as inadequate housing
Give examples of how housing affects educational achievements.
Not enough space
Increase of illness
Sleep may be affected by damp conditions
Why will diet and health affect education
Weak immune system
Lower intakes of energy, vitamins and minerals
More absence from school
WC have behaviour and emotional issues than MC
Higher rate of anxiety and hyperactivity
How does finances affect education
MC mothers are more likely to buy educational toys to stimulate intellectual development
WC cannot afford to buy books and toys
Cant afford equipment
How can feat of debt affect education
WC are 5x less likely to apply to unis compared to the MC
WC are more likely to apply to local unis to save money on accommodations
What is the definition of cultural factors
Lacking norms and values for educational success
How does parental interest affect education refer to Douglas
Douglas conducted a study that found MC parents visit school frequently to discuss their children’s progress
Give reason why WC parents are less likely to attend parents evening
Working so not available
Feel uncomfortable in MC environment
Show interest at home rather than school
How can a parents education affect children education
Mention Feinstein
Affect children on how week the parents are socialised
Educated parents are likely to show consistent discipline and high expectations for their children
Less educated means less likely to care about education and harsh
How does attitudes and values affect education
Mention sugarman
Sugarman mentioned WC and MC subcultures were linked to education achievements
These attitudes result from nature of manual and non manual jobs
MC known for planning for the future by investing time and energy into training by deferred gratification
WC tend to be less secure and this means the attitude of future planning was not fostered
How does language affect education
Mention Bernstein
Bernstein says WC children tend to use a restricted code characterised by short unfinished sentences
The MC tend to use elaborated code
Bernstein used two 5 yr old boys he researched one WC and one MC they were give 4 pics and asked to describe what happened over these events
What is wrong with Bernsteins research
He only studied two boys so we cannot generalise
Not a representative sample
What does cultural factors refer to
This can all be exchanged for educational success
Why does Bourdieu use the concept of cultural capital
Because MC students are more successful and have better education
What did Becker research about labelling and self fulfilling prophecy
That teachers perceived students from MC background closer to the ideal pupil and the WC furthest away
What did rosenthal and Jacobson study about labelling in an elementary school in California
Tested pupils for IQ test
20% were spurters not the most able children
After a yr they were re tested sample showed greater gains
Realised teachers expectations could affect childrens performance
Causing a self fulfilling prophecy
What did Stephen ball examine about setting and streaming
There are 3 bands
First band is most able pupils
Second band is the least cooperative and hardest to teach
Third band were troublesome
Based off the teacher’s expectations the bands were taught in different ways so the WC are put at a disadvantage
How can subcultures affect in school factors
Groups of people who share similar values and behaviour patterns
Often emerges as a reaction to streaming
What did Willis study
The lads held a particular attitude towards school known as anti subculture
The lads looked down on teachers and other students
They rejected authority
Willis argued they prepared the lads for work in capitalism
Overall the education system was failing to produce ideal workers for the capitalist system
What is the marketisation policies and how does it affect education
More competitive climate between schools
MC seen as more desirable they achieve better in exams
Best Schools are less likely to select WC students
How does the educational triage affect education
Mention gillborn and youdell
Gillborn and youdell rank schools based on their performance
Schools need to achieve good to attract pupils
Education triage categorises pupils into 3 types
WC seen as hopeless cases meaning they are doomed to fail as they are placed into bottom sets