General Histology Notes Flashcards
Interneurons of proprioception
Extra Primidal
In which lamina of spinal cord
Lamina VIII 8
M & L groups of Anterior horn cells
Alpha and gamma motor
Lamina IX 9
Nucleus proprius
Lamina III &
Lamina IV
Clark’s, intermediomedial, intermediolateral nuclei
Lamina VII
It gives preganglionic sympathatic fibres (thoracolumbar)
thoracic & upper 2 lumber segments.
Intermediolateral nucleus
Lamina 7
It receives the visecral afferents sensation
Intermediomedial nucleus
Lamina 7
In which segments
all the nuclei of the lateral group are replaced by one nucleus (lateral nucleus)
In thoracic segments
In which segments
all the nuclei of the lateral group are replaced by one nucleus (lateral nucleus)
In thoracic segments
Fibres of the Molecular Layer
1) Axons and denderites of both the stellate cells and basket cells.
2) Axons of granule cells.
3) Axons collaterals of purkinje cells.
4) The denderites of purkinje cells.
5) The denderites of Golgi type II cells.
Deep cerebellar nuclei afferents
[axons of Purkinje cells]
Brain stem nuclei.
Efferents of deep cerebellar nuclei
Cerebellar cortex
Extracerebellar inputs: brain stem nuclei.
Red nucleus, inferior olivary n., vestibular nuclei, reticular formation
The cerebellar glomerulus: [cerebellar islands formation
Mnemonic : Mossa GARD glumerulus
1) One mossy fibre rossette which forms the center of each glomerulus.
2) The denderites of many granule cells.
3) Axons of Golgi type II cells.
The whole structure is surrouded by a single glial lamella.
The cerebellar glomerulus function
Mossy fibre exerts its synaptic excitatory action within the cerebellar glomerulus, where it excites granule cells whose axons (the parallel fibres) excite all cell denderites within the molecular layer Purkinje, basket, stellates and Golgi cells).
A single mossy fibre may stimulate thousands of purkinje cells through granule cells.
Mossy fibers course
Each mossy fiber expands to form a rosette that synapse with the claw like terminals of the granule cells.
Climbing fibres
from the inferior olivary nucleus.
They synapse with the smooth branches of the purkinje cell denderites. Some axons collaterals of the climbing fibers make synapse with stellate cells, basket cells and Golgi type II cells.
(the climbing fiber synapse with a single purkinje cell]