General Examination Flashcards
What is clinical diagnosis?
Its whats wrong with the patient
What is the differential diagnosis?
more than one possibility of whats wrong with the patient
What is prognosis?
the outlook of the condition (is the patient going to get better or worse)
What is ausculatation?
listening for sounds with a stethoscope
What are vitals?
blood pressure, temperature, respiration and pulse
What is musculoskeletal?
describes interactions between muscles and skeleton
What is neuromusculoskeletal?
interaction between nerves, muscles, and skeleton
What is a consultation?
patient meets with doctor to describe symptoms, areas of pain, etc
What is 80% of any diagnosis?
What is a patients history?
health conditions, surgeries, whats going on with their symptoms, onset, etc
What are the components of a chiropractors examination?
general physical exam, chiropractic exam, orthopedic and neurological testing
What are the parts of a physical exam?
vital signs, listening to lungs, looking in the ears, etc
What are the components of a chiropractic exam?
static and motion palpation techniques
What is an orthopedic exam?
an orthopedic exam isolates individual areas of the body and helps to diagnosis
What is a neurologic exam?
neurologic exams are used to help rule out nerve involvement (sensory exams, vibrational sense and dermatome testing)
What are diagnostic tests?
labwork, xray, ct, mri, those sorts of things
What are the essential vital signs?
respiration rate, pulse, blood pressure, tempurature
What is the purpose of evaluating vital signs?
evaluaties health status on essential physiologic functions and vital organs
Why is it important to evaluate vital signs?
to allow provider to make educated decisions about treatments and other interventions
When should we take vitals?
On the first visit
on a re exam
if the patient hasnt been in in more than 3 months
When there is a change in the patients condition
Who requires vitals?
NCCA, most insurance companies, and medicare
What is respiration rate and what is normal for this reading?
The number of times a patient breaths per minute, normal is 16-20 rpm
How do you count respiration rate?
watch patients chest rise and fall for 30 seconds, then double the number
What is pulse?
the number of times the heart beats per minute
Where should pulse be taken?
use 2 fingers over the radial or carotid arteries. Never use the thumb! Count beats for 15 seconds and then multiply by 4.