General Deductions (On non-major elements throughout routine. Each deduction is the max for the errors--NOT per occurence.) Flashcards
Insufficient amplitude on non-value part choreography/dance steps
Up to .10
Failure to perform steps & pivot turns (not major elements) in high releve postion
Up to .20
Insufficient sureness of performance (Balance Beam)
Up to .20
Movement lacking artistry of presentation
Up to .30
Movement lacking artistry of presentation
*Quality of movement to reflect the style of choreography
Up to .15
Movement lacking artistry of presentation
*Quality of expression (i.e. projection, focus)
Up to .15
Incorrect foot form (flex, sickle, FAILURE TO SHOW LOCK POSITION WHEN DESIGNATED, failure to step toe-ball-heel or failure to show turn out in foot positions)
Up to .30
Incorrect body alignment, position or posture during connections
Up to .30
Incorrect position of head, arms, legs, or feet (text errors)
Up to .30