General Anesthetics I & II Flashcards
General purpose of general anesthetic
- suppress pain/knowledge of pain during surgery
- = analgesia + amnesia + LOC + suppressed sensory and autonomic reflexes
- rapid and smooth onset w/rapid recovery upon termination of drug administration
- wide margin of safe use
MOA of inhaled anesthetics
- not completely understood
- no single “receptor”
- uncharged, nonpolar molecules
- drugs act via action on lipid component of nerve cell membrane
- drugs act @ protein component of membrane
Classes of inhaled general anesthestics
- inorganic gases
- ethers (diethyl ether)
- hydrocarbons
- chlorinated hydrocarbons
- fluorinated hydrocarbons
- fluorinated ethers
Inorganic gases: examples
- xenon
- nitrous oxide
- nitrogen
Hydrocarbons: examples
- cyclopropane
- ethylene
Chlorinated hydrocarbons: examples
- chloroform
- tricholoroethylene
Fluorinated hydrocarbons: examples
Fluorinated ethers: examples
- enflurane
- isoflurance
- desflurane
- sevoflurane
Classes of IV general anesthetics (+examples)
- Barbituates
- thiopental
- Benzodiazepines
- diazepam
- Opioid analgesics
- morphine
- fentanyl
- Glutamate receptor agent
- ketamine
- Misc. agents
- propofol
- etomidate
Lipid theory of general anesthetic action
- volatile anesthetics partition into oil > water
- higher oil:water partition coefficient ==> increased potency
- minimul alveolar concentration of anesthetic is inversely proportional to potency
- exert effects by partitioning lipid component of nerve cell membrane
Protein theory of general anesthetic mechanism
- anesthetics act via interactiosn w/hydrophobic pockets of membrane proteins
- hydrophobic domains of membrane proteins = “receptors”
- interaction w/membrane proteins may lead to decreased membrane excitability
- size cut-off for structurally-related compounds (i.e. molecules that are too large don’t have anesthetic properties) indicate that they might need to fit into pockets of specific sizes @ membrane proteins
- ESR evidence supports immobilization due to proteins in lipid membranes
Physicochemical properties of inhaled general anesthetics vs. potency
- higher oil: water partition ==> more potent
- size cut-off for structurally similar molecules
- stereoselectivity of anesthetic action
- Minimal alveolar concentration of anesthetic that produces insensitivity = inversely proportional to potency
Action of inhaled general anesthetics @ nervous system
- depress neuronal excitability @ CNS
- occurs via potentiation of GABAA receptor activity
- ==> increased duration of inhibitiory postsynaptic potentials ==> inhibition @ CNS
- conduction block is NOT believed to underlie anesthesia
Development of General Anesthetic Action
- descending depression: progressive loss of fxn from higher (cognition/consciousness) to lower (respiratory) levels @ CNS
- Stage I = analgesia
- Stage II = excitement, delirium
- Stage III = surgical anesthesia
- Stage IV = medullary paralysis
- respiratory failure, vasomotor collapse, circulatory failure
Phases of Stage III anesthesia
- Plane 1 = regular, metronomic respirations
- Plane 2 = onset of muscular relaxation, fixed pupils
- Plane 3 = good muscular relaxation, depressed excursion of intercostal muscles during respiration
- Plane 4 = diaphragmatic breathing only, dilated pupils
Time course of surgical anesthesia
- Induction: time between initiation of administration of anesthetic and attainment of surgical anesthesia
- Maintenance: time during which surgical anesthesia is in effect (surgery carried out during this period)
- Recovery: time following termination of administration of anesthetic until complete recovery of patient from anesthesia
Factors that impact the rate at which anesthetic reaches brain
(1) concentration of the anesthetic
in inspired air
(2) alveolar ventilation rate
(3) pulmonary blood flow (cardiac output)
(4) blood:gas partition
(5) potency (oil:gas partition coefficient)
Factors that determine rate of recovery from anesthesia
- same as rate of onset:
- concentration
- CO
- blood:gas coefficient
- potency
Factors that impact reaching steady-state of general anesthetic: uptake factors
- lung factors
- over-ventilation ==> increased rate of induction
- uptake by blood from alveoli
- solubility in blood/pulmonary blood flow
- rate of approach to stage 3 is inversely proportional to PBF & solubility of gas
Factors that impact reaching steady-state of general anesthetic: uptake into tissue factors
- rate of uptake into tissues depends on:
- anesthetic gas solubility @ tissue
- anesthetics ~ equally soluble in blood vs. lean tissues, but more soluble in fatty tissues ==>
- fatty tissue = resevoir for anesthetic
- tissue blood flow
- higher blood flow ==> faster delivery
- patrial pressures of anesthetic @ blood/tissues
- rate of uptake is fast at first due to large difference in partial pressures
- rate slows as anesthesia develops
Factors that impact reaching steady-state of general anesthetic: tissue distribution factors
- vessel-rich tissue: highly vascular tissue, e.g. brain, kidney, liver, heart, endocrine
- high uptake rate
- muscle tissue: muscle/skin
- 2-4 hours
- slower b/c lower perfusion compared to vessel-rich group
- fat tissue:
- very slow uptake b/c high solubility and low perfusion
- impacts recovery: longer duration anesthesia ==> longer recovery due to anesthetic loading @ fatty tissue
General physiologic principle dictating behavior of uptake/elimination of general anesthetics
- @ steady state: concentration of anesthetic @ alveoli = concentration of anesthetic @ blood = concentration of anesthetic @ tissues
- during uptake: anesthetic @ alveoli is increased ==> increased @ blood ==> increased @ tissues
- during elimination: anesthetic @ alveoli is decreased (via expiration) ==> decreased @ blood ==> decreased @ tissues
Major process of general anesthetic elimination
- anesthetic is primarily cleared by the lungs
- metabolism @ liver is generally not important in terminating anesthetic action
Nitrous oxide (N2O): advantages, disadvantages
- +
- only true gaseous agent
- excellent analgesic
- rapid onset/recovery
- increases cerebral blood flow less (consider in head injury)
- -
- low potency: can’t be used alone
- hypoxia can result after termination
- contraindicated in pregnancy
Diethyl ether: advantages, disadvantages
- not currently used in practice
- +
- “complete anesthetic”
- good analgesic
- -
- flammable/explosive
- excessive respiratory tract secretions ==> choking
- slow induction/recovery
Chloroform: advantages, disadvantages
- no longer in common use
- -
- ==> cardiac arrhythmias
- ==> hepatotoxicity
Halothane: advantages, disadvantages
- +
- mod-high potency
- induction/recovery not prolonged
- non-explosive
- non-irritant (reduced respiratory secretions)
- -
- poor analgesic
- ==> respiratory/CV failure (arrhythmias)
- ==> liver damage (fever, nauseau ==> hepatic failure)
- ==> malignant hyperthermia (muscle rigidity ==> fever)
Tx for malignant hyperthermia
- give dantrolene (muscle relaxant)
- ice water immersion
- use IV anesthetic if hx indicates risk for MH
Enflurane: advantages, disadvantages
- +
- excellent analgesic
- induction/recovery moderately fast
- good muscle relaxant
- -
- ==> seizures (@ induction/recovery)
- some CV effects/hepatotoxicity (but less than halothane)
Isoflurane: advantages, disadvantages
- similar to enflurane; most widely used
- +
- more potent than enflurane
- little hepatic/renal toxicity
- no seizures
- rapid/smooth induction/recovery
- minimal CV depression
- good muscle relax
- -
- pungent ==> coughing
Desflurane: advantages, disadvantages
- +
- low blood/fatty tissue solubility
- faster recovery after long duration anesthesia
- no hepatotoxicity
- low blood/fatty tissue solubility
- -
- pungent ==> coughing ==> not used for induction
- contraindicated in pts susceptible to malignant hyperthermia
Sevoflurane: advantages, disadvantages
- +
- high potency + low blood:gas coefficient ==>
- rapid onset/recovery + adjustment of anesthetic depth
- pleasant odor ==> can be used for induction
- -
- chemical instability ==> renal toxicity
Thiopental: MOA/use
- IV general anesthetic
- ultra-short acting barbiturate
- MOA:
- Potentiates GABAA receptor activity ==> prolonged IPSPs ==> depression of CNS
- Use:
- commonly used for induction
Propofol: MOA
- IV general anesthetic
- MOA:
- potentiates GABAA receptor activity
- rapid-onset anesthetic
Etomidate: MOA, use
- nonbarbiturate hypnotic w/out analgesic properties
- MOA:
- potentiates GABAA receptor activity
- Use:
- induction of general anesthetsia
- “balanced anesthesia”
Ketamine: MOA, use
- Phencyclidine (PCP) derivative
- MOA:
- antagonist of NMDA-subtype glutamate receptor
- inhibits excitatory glutamatergic synaptic transmission @ CNS
- NO action @ GABAA
- Indicated in asthmatic patients
Rationale for use of multiple agents to achieve surgical anesthesia
- No single drug possesses all of the most desirable properties,
- combination of drugs is used in modern anesthesiological practice to achieve optimal behavior
- specific drug combinations are designed to take advantage of the desirable properties of individual drugs while attenuating undesirable side effects
Methods of application of inhaled anesthetics
- Anesthetic machines → measure and control the mixture of anesthetic administered to a patient
- Vaporizers are used to add volatile anesthetic to the inspired gas, and the mixture is administered to the patient via a breathing circuit.