General Anaesthesia Flashcards
Advantages of GA
Convenience & practicality
Rapid loss of consciousness
Wide sx field available
Wide vary of procedures can be performed
Disadvantages of GA
Req. restraint for induction - can be stressful Req. skilled admin Continual monitoring Degree of CV & resp. Depression
Advantages of TIVA
Avoids side effects of inhalational agents
Used where inhalational delivery comprimises sx access
Duration of action of injectable agents depends on…
Drug redistribution from brain to less well-perfused tissues
Advantages of IV route
Rapid admin & onset
Can give incrementally & to effect
Can be combined w/analgesic
Disadvantages of IV route
Risk of vascular damage/infection
Restrain req.
Can be stressful
Skill req.
Disadvantages of IM route
Slower onset; must be absorbed
Can be painful
Larger does often needed
May be associated w/prolonged recovery
Advantages of IM route
Single does given at once
Less restraint req.
Less stressful
Less skill req.
Propofol properites
Water soluble phenol derivative
Metabolised by liver
DD CP depression
Propofol advantages
Rapid induction & recovery Generally non-irritant - may cause mild pain if inj. Extravascularly Relatively non-accumulative Can be combined w/analgesic - ketamine/opioid
Propofol disadvantages
No analgesia alone May cause post-induction apnoea Poorly metabolised in cats - prolonged recovery May cause bradycardia & hypotension
Propofol storage
Immediate disposal if contains no bacteriostat
Room temp; protect from light
Propoflo+ 28days once broached
Alfaxalone properties
Steroid anaesthetic
IV/IM admin
DD CP depression
Alfaxalone advantages
Rapid & smooth induction
Rapid recovery p; req. prep-med
Rapidly metabolised by liver
Alfaxalone disadvantages
May cause post-induction apnoea
May result in excitable recovery w/inadequate pre-med
Alfaxalone storage
Single dose vial immediate disposal
Room temp; protect from light
Multi-dose 28 days
Ketamine properties
Dissociative anaesthetic IV/IM admin CNR less depressed than w/other agents Increased HR Increased salivation Animal must be pre-meded
Ketamine advantages
Contributes to pre-op analgesia
Protective airway reflexes maintained
Minimal resp. Resp effect
Ketamine disadvantages
Painful, slow onset if IM Poor muscle relaxation - unless combined w/alpha-2 RR moderately reduced Many cause apneustic breathing pattern
Ketamine storage
Room temp; protect from light
Schedule 2 controlled drug
Inhalational anaesthesia advantages
Depth can be readily altered Excretion mainly via lungs - good for hepatic/renal patients Allows constant o2 delivery Allows IPPV (most intubated )
Inhalational anaesthesia disadvantages
May be hazardous
Req. anaesthetic equipment
Req. knowledge of circuits & machines
Induction/recovery may be delayed due to lung pathology
Isoflurane advantages
Rapid induction & recovery
Good muscle relaxation
Good level of anaesthesia
Does not sensitise heart to arrhythmias
Isoflurane disadvantages
Irritant to airways
Resp. Depression
Sevoflurane advantages
Rapid induction & recovery
-more so than iso
Very little liver metabolism
Sevolfurane disadvantages
DD hypotension & resp. Depression