General A350 GK Flashcards
What are the three ways A350 ACARS system communicates data?
OIS/Company COM
ATC Datalink
How does the ACARS bundle info?
Via the aircraft router transmits or receives the data via the RMPs. Usually through VFH data channels, SATCOM, or HF.
What is the primary method to communicate with the company?
Via the OIS Company Comm application.
What data does the FMS get from the company comm?
Flight planning and navigation information.
Performance Calculations & optimization
Fuel predictions and optimization of altitudes to be flown.
What does A350 ATC datalink do for you?
What are the benefits of the RMP using VHF for data vs. other means?
VFH Data is very reliable, short range, but not available in remote areas.
What is the positive/negative of RMP using SATCOM Data?
SATCOM has a long range, reliable, but not available in polar regions (above 80N)
What are the pos/neg of HF data?
HF data has a long range, is available worldwide, but has a very slow transfer rate.