General Flashcards
ROD formula
For a 3° plane = 5% slope, multiply GS per 5 and you get the ROD in feet per minute.
White arc limits
Full flap operating range.
Lower limit is maximum weight Vso in landing configuration (full flaps, landing gear extended and idle). Upper limit is maximum speed permissible with full flaps (Vfe)
Green arc limits
Normal operating range.
Lower limit is Vs1, stall speed in clean config, throttle idle.
Upper limit is Vno (Maximal cruising speed) do not exceed, except in smooth air.
Yellow Arc limits
Caution range (smooth air only) Lower limit is Vno and upper limit is Vne.
Red Line
Vne (never exceed) = maximal speed for all operations.
Wind aloft stronger and more southerly than forecast, then what ?
When the wind aloft is more southerly and stronger than forecast, it means that the weather may become worse than forecast — especially if the temperature aloft is warmer than forecast. Higher temperature means the atmosphere can hold more moisture. More southerly and stronger winds mean there is a stronger than forecast low or front or trough to the west, heading your way (Northern Hemisphere only).
Air stability conditions.
The air is conditionally unstable if the temperature drops more than 2° per 1,000 feet on ascent.
Cloud base in feet ?
Difference in Dew point and temperature x 400ft is where you will find visible moisture. i.e. cloud base.
V for maximum endurance ?
Maximum glidespeed = Minimum Drag = Maximum endurance, remember this if low on fuel.
Weight and glide ?
Weight has no effect on max glide range or ratio.
Weight has an effect on max glidespeed.
Position of CG ?
– An airplane will be more stable and stall at a higher airspeed with a forward CG location.
– An airplane will be less stable and stall at a lower airspeed with an aft CG location.
For maximum TAS and Range, Load the airplane as close to the aft Centre of Gravity limit as allowable
Landing perfs and airspeed. (Vref)
- A 10% change in airspeed will cause a 20% change in stopping distance.
Best cruise climb speed
Best Cruise climb speed is the difference between Vx and Vy and add this to Vy. Eg Vx = 65, Vy 75 Difference is 10kts 10kts + Vy 75 =85Kts
T/O perfs and T°.
- A 1°C change in temperature from ISA will increase or decrease the takeoff ground roll by 10%.
VFR flights mandatory equipmts
Magnetic compas
Timepiece (h, m, s)
Barometric altimeter
Airspeed indicator (condensation and freezing proof)
Mandatory equipmts for all ACFTS and all flights.
First aid kit Fire extinguisher Seat and seat belt for each passenger POH Charts Interception proc. Interception visual signals Spare Fuses
VFR night flights mandatory equipment
Magnetic compas Timepiece (h, m, s) Barometric altimeter Airspeed indicator (condensation and freezing proof) Turn and bank indicator Artificial hor. Dir. Gyro. Suction meter OAT thermometer VSI
Nav lights and beacon Landing lights Instruments lighting Cabin lighting Flashlight at each crew station Transponder mode A/C
Radio mandatory for
night flights
VFR in controlled airspace.
Flights over water or designated area.
VMC minima below FL 100 for airspaces classes B,C,D and E and between FL 100 and 3000’ MSF or 1000’ AGL for F and G
1000 ‘ (300m) vert. sep. from clouds.
1500 m hor. sep. from clouds.
VMC minima above FL 100 in all airspaces, except class A (no VFR allowed)
1000 ‘ (300m) vert. sep. from clouds.
1500 m hor. sep. from clouds.