general 3 Flashcards
when should infant have regained birth weight
2 weeks
how do you assess quality of feeds
weight gain
urine output
history –every 2-3 hours for 10-15 min per side
define lethargy
level of consciousness characterized by poor or absent eye movements or as failure of a child to recognize parents or to interact with persons or objects in the environment
what does a large fontanelle suggest?
skeletal disorders (rickets, osteogenesis imperfecta)
chromosomal abnormalities (trisomy 21)
increased ICP
what does a small fontanelle suggest?
premature closure or just small
normal variant
what does a sunken fontanelle suggest
what does a bulging fontanelle suggest
increased ICP (meningitis, hydrocephals, subdural heatoma, lead poisoning)
what is the most common cause of congenital hypothyroid in the US?
some form of thyroid dysgenesis i.e–
ectopic gland (2/3 of thyroid dysgenesis)
in mothers with autoimmune thyroiditis, transplacental passage of thyrotropin-receptor-blocking antibody is associated with transient hypothyroid
infants born to mothers treated for graves can have transient hypothyroid
what is the most common cause of hypothyroid at birth worldwide
iodine deficiency
which is more common in neonates–primary or secondary hypothyroid
primary (95%)
–hypothalamic-pituitary axis is functioning and thus TSH is high
secondary or tertiary hypothyroid happen at the level of the pituitary or hypothalamus and these are more rare–> low TSH and low T4
how does congenital hypothyroid present
normal at birth because protected by maternal hormone –> may be several months before infants with CH show classic signs of hypothyroid
- feeding problems
- decreased activity
- constipation
- prolonged jaundice
- skin mottling
- umbilical hernia
if untreated–
large tongue
hoarse cry
puffy myxedematous facies
what is one of the most common preventable causes of intellectual disability
congenital hypothyroid
treatment of congenital hypothyroid
ddx for lethargy in two week old infant
intracranial pathology (hemorrhage, hydrocephalus, hydraencephaly)
metabolic disorder
chromosomal abnormality
ddx for neonate with poor feeding and decreased activity
- congenital hypothyroid
- shaken baby syndrome
- down syndrome
- sepsis
- inborn error of metabolism
- hypoglycemia
- botulism
- hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
- polycythemia
- hyperbilirubinemia
risk factors for shaken baby syndrome
young/single parents
significant stressors in the home
lower education level
history of seizures or irritability raises suspicion for this
why do downs syndrome patients feed poorly
how does salt losing CAH present
lethargy, vomiting, dehydration that can progress to shock
what happens if you dont treat inborn errors or metabolism
progressive encephalopathy
what tests do you order in the infant with hypotonia
- serum sodium and potassium (CAH–low sodium and high potassium)
- serum ammonia (many inborn errors of metabolism; normal in congenital hypothyroid)
- glucose (critical)
- T4, TSH (thyroid disorders)
what does low sodium and high potassium suggest in the the hypotonic infant
signs of meningitis in less than 1 year old
often DONT have kernigs or brudzinskis sign
fever hypothermia bulging fontanelles lethargy irritability restlessness paroxysmal crying (crying when picked up) poor feeding vomiting diarrhea nucchal rigidity (extreme--hyperextension of entire spine--"opisthotonos")
*if have kernigs or brudzinskis must assume meningitis and do LP
what bug most often causes occult bacteremia in infants
strep pneumo (lower now because of vaccination)
also can be Hib, N. meningitidis and salmonella enteriditis
kernigs sign
resistance to extension of the knee
brudzinskis sign
flexion of hip and knee in response to flexion of neck
ddx of infant with fever
occult bacteremia
bacterial meningitis
viral meningitis
primary HSV gingivostomatitis
otitis media
vaccine reacion
viral URTI
how does UTI usually present in kids
fever and no focus on physical exam and unremarkable ROS
fussiness and lack of appetite are common
risks for UTI
uncircumcised male under 6 months
any female under 24 months
signs or symptoms pointing towards UTI (suprapubic tenderness, history of UTI, foul smelling urine)
temp above 39C or fever more than 24 hours without source
how do most kids with pna present
cough tachypnea fever rales low Sa02
most common cause of bacterial meningitis in babies?
s. pneumo and n. meningitidis
what commonly causes viral meningitis
what is roseola
common viral illness in kids under 2
caused by human herpes virus 6
high fever often only symptoms in first few days of illness…. 3-5 days
some develop rash as fever resolves–1-4 days
no therapy needed
what population is most common for primary herpes simplex gingivostomatitis
10 months to 3 years
what do you see on exam for otitis media
poor mobility and mild bulging (or more) of tympanic membrane
best choice oral abx for pyelonephritis
stages of pertussis
- catarrhal stage–1-2 week, URTI sx
- paroxysmal stage–4-6 weeks–repetitive, forceful coughing episodes followed by massive inspiratory effort–characteristic whoop (not usually in infants)
- convalescent stage
complications of pertussis in the infant
difficulty feeding because of cough
CNS complications like apnea
what type of vaccine is pertussis
vaccine efficacy for pertussis
70-90%…wanes with time
what is epiglottitis
uncommon thanks to widespread immunization but important to consider in child with stridor
life threatening
most common between ages 2-5
what organism causes epiglotittis
Hib previously–now more commonly staph or step because of immunizations
signs and symptoms epiglottitis
respiratory distress
*most will appear toxic and may position airway in sniffing position
should you examine the child who you suspect has epiglottitis?
no because risk acute deterioration–get airway management team involved in the OR
what sign is seen on radiography for epiglottitis
thumb sign
what is diagnostic of diphtheria
gray pseunomembrane in pharynx
what causes stridor
airway narrowing above thoracic inlet
usually heard with inspiration
what causes wheezing
airway narrowing below the thoracic inlet
what is pneumonia
inflammation of lung parenchyma usualyl due to microorganisms or asporation
what are the four most common viral causes of pneumonia
*viral more common in kids
how does pneumonia due to chlamydia pneumoniae present
staccato cough between 4-12 weeks of life
what is the most common cause of wheeze in infants
what is acute bronchiolitis
viral disease of lower respiratory tract
characterized by bronchiolar obstruction due to edema, mucus and cellular debris
most common cause of bronchiolitis
bronchiolitis on CXR
increased interstitial markings
peribronchial cuffing
scattered atelectasis from bronchial obstruction
asthma on CXR
hyperinflation from air trapping
increased interstitial markings
patchy atelectasis
most commonly aspirated foods
hot dogs
hard candy
what normally causes croup
parainfluenza or another virus
how does croup present
nonspecific URTI sx that progress to some degree of airway obstruction
barky cough and/or respiratory stridor
what does a hoarse voice or cry suggest
problem in the upper airway–pharynx or larynx