cardiology Flashcards
what are the presentations of CHD
CHF cyanosis murmur rhythm disturbances other (i.e family hx, screening)
what are the causes of CHF
- volume overload–preload
- pressure load–afterload
- myocardial causes
- -inotropy/contractility
- -chronotropy/heart rate
- -lusitropy/relaxation
what affects pressure load/afterload in the heart
- outlet obstruction
- -coarctation of the aorta
- -aortic stenosis
- -interruption of the aorta
- -pulmonary stenosis - inlet obstruction
- -mitral stenosis
what causes increased volume load/preload in the heart
- shunts
- -ASD, AVSD, VSD, PDA, TAPVC - anemia
- AV valve regurg
- AV malformation
- sepsis
- complex
what causes myocardial problems in the heart
- arrhythmias
- sepsis
- viral
- metabolic
- asphyxia
- cardiomyopathy
- coronary arteries
- kawasaki disease
- rheumatic fever
- adriamycin
- post-op
if all pulses are poor, you think…
myocardial problem
if there is a palpable paradox pulse, you think…
pericardial fluid
if there are bounding pulses, you think…
run off lesion or sepsis
i.e PDA, truncus arteriosus, aortic interruption, AVM
if femoral pulses are weaker than radials, you think…
coarctation of the aorta with or without other lesions
if right brachial pulse is the only palpable pulse you think…
aortic interruption
if all pulses are decreased, with left brachial more than right, you think…
HLHS (hypoplastic left heart syndrome)
what are important points on history of the child with suspected CHD
breathing difficulties
family hx
when should you worry about syncope
if the patient has….
no typical prodrome
abnormal cardiac exam
abnormal ECG
it is exertional syncope
family history of sudden death
what are the key points on physical exam for a murmur
growth parameters femoral pulses saturations second heart sound axillae
what features suggest a normal murmur
normal history normal peripheral exam not diastolic no thrill normal S2 usually low pitched, ejection
what % of kids have a murmur at some point