general 1 Flashcards
list risk factors for babies born to adolescent mothers
at greater risk for low birth weight…
- lower birth weight
- vertically acquired STIs (due to higher incidence of STIs in adolescent population)
- poorer developmental outcomes
- increased risk of fetal death
**infants born to adolescent mothers DO NOT have increased incidence of chromosomal abnormalities; trisomy 21 is more likely in older mothers
what are the risks of tobacco use in pregnancy
maternal tobacco use increases risk for low birth weight in the fetus
NO characteristic facies associated
is there any safe amount of alcohol in pregnancy
no–always risk of FAS
what is FAS
distinct pattern of facial abnormalities, growth deficiency and evidence of CNS dysfunction
in addition to cognitive disability, victims of fetal alcohol syndrome exhibit other neurobehavioral deficits such as poor motor skills and hand-eye coordination and learning problems (difficulties with memory, attention and judgement)
have distinctive effects of marijuana on the fetus been identified
what is the effect of cocaine use on the fetus
causes vasoconstriction leading to placental insufficiency and low birth weight
may lead to subtle yet significant later deficits in some kids including in cognitive performance, information processing and attention tasks
list maternal factors that limit fetal growth in utero
- poor weight gain in the third trimester
- preeclampsia
- maternal prescription or illicit drug use
- maternal infections
- uterine abnormalities
list placental factors that limit fetal growth in utero
- placenta previa
- placental abruptions
- abnormal umbilical vessel insertions
list fetal factors that limit fetal growth in utero
- fetal malformations
- metabolic disease
- chromosomal abnormalities
- congenital infections
what does it mean for an infant to be SGA
newborns noted to be smaller than expected for their gestational age
not synonymous but often used interchangeably with–
fetal growth restriction
intrauterine growth retardation
list factors that increase the risk of transmission of HIV from mother to infant
- frequent unprotected sex during pregnancy (increases risk of chorioamnionitis which, along with other STIs, increase risk of HIV transmission)
- advanced HIV maternal disease (may indicate high viral load)
- membrane rupture greater than 4 hours prior to delivery if mother not on ARVs
- vaginal delivery
- breastfeeding
- premature delivery (before 37 weeks GA)
what are the components of the APGAR score
Appearance (skin color) Pulse (HR) Grimace (reflex irritability) Activity (muscle tone) Respiration
score of 0, 1 or 2 for each component with final score ranging from 0-10
define SGA
weight below the 10th percentile for GA
define microcephalic
head circumference below 10th percentile for GA
what is a term infant
born at more than 37 weeks GA
describe the Ballard gestational age assessment tool
uses signs of physical and neuromuscular maturity to estimate gestational age
can be helpful if there is no early US to help date the pregnancy or if the GA is in questions because of uncertain maternal dates
list the risks that face SGA newborns
- hypoglycemia
- hypothermia
- polycythemia
why are SGA infants at risk for hypoglycemia and what are the symptoms
happens because-- decreased glycogen stores heat loss possible hypoxia decreased gluconeogenesis
commonly asymptomatic, though may exhibit poor feeding and listlessness
why are SGA infants at risk for hypothermia and what are the symptoms
happens because-- cold stress hypoxia hypoglycemia increased surface area decreased subQ insulation
commonly asymptomatic, though may exhibit poor feeding and listlessness
why are SGA infants at risk for polycythemia and what are the symptoms
happens because–
chronic hypoxia
maternal-fetal transfusion
“ruddy” or red color to skin, respiratory distress, poor feeding, hypoglycemia
*infants with slugging blood flow (hyperviscosity) because of a critically elevated Hb/Hct may have resp distress secondary to inadequate oxygenation of end organ tissues
what are TORCH infections
refers to prenatal or congenital infections
now also… HIV, Hep B, human parvovirus, syphilis
what would you expect to see on brain imaging in an infant with congenital CMV
- intracranial calcifications (appear as bright areas on CT)
- diminished number of gyri and abnormally thick cortex (lissencephaly/agyria-pachygyria)
- enlarged ventricles
what does congenital CMV cause?
- hearing loss(–>onset of hearing loss may be after newborn period, often progressive)
- microcephaly and intracranial calcifications(–> developmental delay, cerebreal palsy; require ongoing developmental assessment)
- hepatosplenomegaly(–> can be expected to resolve spontaneously within a few weeks)
- rash
what feeding is recommended for premature infants
breastmilk plus fortifier
how often should mothers breastfeed their babies
when there are signs of hunger (about 8-12 times a day)
list the absolute contraindications to breastfeeding
- maternal HIV infection
- active HSV lesions on breast
- active untreated tuberculosis
- active maternal use of some non presecription drugs of abuse
- infants with galactosemia
what are the benefits to the child of breastfeeding
- stimulates GI growth and motiblity
- decreases risk of acute illnesses during breastfeeding period
- lower rates of diarrhea, acute and recurrent otitis media and UTIs
- reduction in obesity, cancer, adult CAD, allergic conditions, T1DM and IBD
- neurodevelopmental advantage
what are the maternal benefits to breastfeeding
decreased risk of breast and ovarian cancers, and decreased risk of osteoporosis
what are 4 common signs of an inborn error of metabolism and when do they tend to present
- anorexia
- lethargy
- vomiting
- seizures
tend to present 24-72 hr after birth
how common are inborn errors of metabolism in the neonate
1/5 sick full term neonates without risk factors for infection will have a metabolic disorder
what two things are neonates routinely screened for?
metabolic disorders and congenital deafness
**2010 guidelines recommend screening all newborns for significant congenital heart defects via pulse ox
what metabolic conditions are screened for in the neonate
- hypothyroid
- galactosemia
- hemoglobinopathy
- maple syrup urine disease
- CF
- G6PD deficiency
- toxoplasmosis
**many states now screen for more than 30 diseases using tandem mass spectrometry
what is the leading cause of congenital infection in the US
*more than 90% of kids with CMV infection have no clinical evidence of disease as newborns
symptoms of congenital CMV in the neonate
- skin–> petechiae, purpura, ecchymosis, jaundice
- hepatobiliary–> high direct bilirubin, elevated ALT, hepatomegaly
- hematopoietic–> thrombocytopenia, anemia, splenomegaly
- CNS–> microcephaly, intracranial calcifications on CT, poor feeding, lethargy, seizures, increased CSF protein
- auditory–> sensorineural hearing loss
- visual–> chorioretinitis
what does a HEADDSSS interview consist of
Home Education/employment Eating disorder screening Activities/affiliations/aspirations Drugs Sexuality Suicidal Safety
what are the standard elements of newborn resuscitation
- warm and dry the infant and remove any wet linens immediately –> infants have large surface area relative to body weight and can thus experience significant hypothermia from evaporation
- stimulate the infant to elicit a vigorous cry–>helps clear lungs and mobilize secretions
- suction amniotic fluid from the infants nose and mouth–> this clears upper airway
- initiate further resuscitation if required–> may include blow by oxygen, PPV/bag valve, chest compressions, meds
what % newborns require some assistance to initiate breathing
fewer than 1% require extensive resuscitation
how can you stabilize infants temperature
skin to skin contact with mother
radiant warmer
define rooting reflex
newborn turns head towards your finger when you touch his cheek
define sucking reflex
newborn sucks on your finger when you touch the roof of his mouth
define startle/moro reflex
support newborns head with one hand and buttocks with other
with head in midline position, hand supporting it quickly dropped to position approximately 10 cm below starting position and head caught in new position
newborn should flex thighs and knees, fan and clench fingers, and arms first thrown outward then brought together as though embracing something
define palmar and plantar grasp reflexes
newborn grasps fingers when you stroke it against the palm of his hand or plantar surface of foot
define asymmetrical tonic neck response
turning newborns head to one side causes gradual extension of arms towards direction of infants gaze with contralateral arm flexion like a fencer
define stepping response
newborns legs make stepping motion when hold him vertically above table and stroke dorsum of foot against table edge
ddx for SGA newborn with microcephaly and purpuric rash
- TORCH infection
- FAS–unlikely to be sole etiology
- chromosomal abnormality–rash unlikely
- prenatal tobacco exposure
- HIV infection–most asymptomatic at birth
what tests are usually included in prenatal lab screening
serological screening to determine status for HIV, rubella, hep B
blood type and Rh
urine drug screen
test for hep B
maternal hep B surface antigen (HBsAg)
test for rubella
maternal and infant rubella titre
test for toxoplasmosis
infant toxo titre
test for CMV
infant urine culture
list methods of decreasing risk of vertical HIV transmission in positive mother
- tx of mother with combo ARV therapy if viral load above 1000
- cesarean delivery if possible prior to onset of labour at 38 weeks
- no breastfeeding (if clean water is available…breastfeeding okay if poor water sources)
what are the routine newborn meds
vitamin K
hep B vaccine
why is vitamin K given to the newborn
IM injection to prevent hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
why is hep B vaccine given to newborns
regardless of maternal test resuts
immunoglobin only given to kids at risk of vertical transmission
why is erythromycin eye ointment given
to prevent gonococcal conjunctivitis
(chlamydia trachomatis conjunctivitis more common but occurs at 7-14 days after birth….neonatal prophylaxis does little to prevent it)
how do you treat congenital CMV and why
treat with either parenteral ganciclovir or oral valganciclovir
decreases progression of hearing impairment and diminished developmental impairment in infants with CMV infection and CNS involvement
treat for 6 months
(no data for tx of asymptomatic CMV infection)
how should congenital CMV infection be followed up
- audiometry–> ABR or acoustic emissions until at least 12 months then age appropriate
- ophthalmoscopy, vision function–> at newborn, 12 mo, 3 years, preschool
- neuro exam/devel assessment by primary care physician–> at each check up until school age
- neuro/neuropsych referral as indicated
list risk factors for neonatal respiratory distress
- maternal diabetes
- prematurity
- maternal GBS infection
- c section delivery
- premature rupture of membranes more than 18 hours (prolonged PROM)
- meconium in amniotic fluid