gender studies terms Flashcards
docile bodies
Pliable object that becomes bound to the structures if disciplinary practices
- Female genital mutilation
- Procedure involving removal of external genitalia
intersex surgery
- Making their genitals match the sed they were assigned at birth
- Or removing anatomy that doesn’t match assigned sex
gender norms
- Ideas about how men and woman should be and act
“Third-world women” vs. “first-world women”
- First world are mostly focused on equality with men
- Third world would be more prostitutions and “body politics”
compulsory heterosexuality
- Heterosexuality is assumed and enforced by having a patriarchial and heteronormative society
gendered blood
- Suppress images of mestruations
medical industrial complex
* Network of interactions between pharamcy, health care etc to supply health care related products
rape culture
- Society blames the victims of sexual assault and normalize male sexual violence
black feminist thought
- Field of knowledge from the persepctive of a marginalized woman and their experiences
Beast idols/flower boy
- Kpop
- Kpop guys are hot and can be seen in 2 different ways
- Flower boy- cutesy
- Beast idols- gangster
global feminism
Feminism form around the world
Sex vs. gender
- Sex is biological
Gender is socially constructed
Equality vs equity
- Equality is everyone given the same opportunities
- Equity is everyone has different circumstances and helps to gain an equal outcome
§ Constructivism/essentialism
- Essentialists says gender is decided at birth
- Constructivists say gender is socially constructed
Liberal feminism
Emphasizing womans right to autonomy and aid inequality
Individualism vs. collectivism
- Collectivism is the importance of community
○ Social obligations?- Individualism is the concerns of the person
Womans body, a woman right
- Individualism is the concerns of the person
Describing that many feminism goals have already been achieves
§ Two-spirit identities
- Native american
- Sometimes intersex
- Both gender traits
- Neither rlly men or woman
Heterosexual matrix
- Grid of invisible norms
- Understanding binary way of thinking
Judith buttler
- Understanding binary way of thinking
Cookie-cutter/genderbread person
- Gender is similar to that of cookie cutter
Shape and sixe can change over time
To interpret something from a persepective that rejects traditions categories of sexuality and gender
Culture jamming
- Disrupts social norms
Used as a tool for social change
reproductive justice movement
- Demands sexual autonomy and gender freedom for every human being
- Well being of women based on the protection of womans hum an rights
- Right to have, not have and parent in a safe enviroment
- Set of beliefs that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population
Negative rights & Positive rights
- Limiting access
Gives access
- Limiting access
Cis gender males have authority over other indivudals
white fragility
Inability of some white people to accept harsh racial realities
failed mothers
- Subject to mother blame- blaming mother for aby issue the child or family may have
Eugenics post WW11
- Mississippi appendectomy- first trials of birth control forced on indian woman without informed knowledge
First tested on woman in mental assylum
Dalkon shield
- Form of iud that was absolutly not sterile
- Same applicator per 10 shields
- Woman lost the ability to have kids
Pulled off the market but then basically sold to coutries that didn’t have english as first language
indian act
Extermination of indians status as aborigonal people
Billc31 (bill s-3)
- Eliminates discrimination
- Restores status and membership
Problems- second generation cut off rule
- Restores status and membership
Deliberate killing of a large number of people froma certain group, causing serious harm
Cultural genocide
Deliberate killing of a large number of people froma certain group, causing serious harm
May 2 axe early
- Activist for indigneous woman rights
First to have indian status restored after being married out
* In residential schools menstruation was shamed and girls were punished
Vs in indigenous cultures this was celebrating creativity
literary foil
- Relationship with the main character
But shows how different they are from main character
Ideas, policies and practices supporting free market capitalism
chipko movement
Hugging trees woman
Make movement spaces safe for woman
social justice warriors
People who care about advancing social justice