gender studies readings Flashcards
Ross, Loretta and Solinger, Rickie, from “A Reproductive Justice History” & “Reproductive Justice and the Right to Parent”
-right to have a child/ not have a child/ parent in safe environment
-reproductive justice movement trying to build a world where all children are care for/ supports and allowed to trhive
Yvonne Boyer, “Our Fight Against Coerced and Forced Sterilization”
indigenous woman are forced into sterilizations and infertility
Malacrida, C. “Performing Motherhood in a Disablist World: Dilemmas of Motherhood, Femininity and Disability”
-examining intersectionality
- facing ableist
-disability sometimes enhancing the mothering skills
-negative view on disabled mothers
-mother blaming
skelton, j. wallace. “The Manly Art of Pregnancy”
-assuming pregnancy is a woman’s affair
-its all up to perceptions (pregnancy has similar effects to testosterone)
-pregnancy doesn’t just create mothers but also fathers
-not one traditional way of looking at it
-very binary in relation to othering books and roles
National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Selections from Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
-racialized targets for violence
-lack of helps from RCMP
-labels cases as not important or suspicious
-highway of tears
Anderson, Kim. Sections of “Part II: Looking Back: The Colonization of Native Womanhood” and “Part III: Resist”
-woman started to be expected to be obedient to the husband
-the role of woman was attacked by the patriarchy
Woolf, Virginia. “The Story of Shakespeare’s Sister”
-creates fictional sister of Shakespeare - Judith
-for woman to write good fiction they must be given the proper conditions
-judith must write in secret with no proper educations
-woman have the same interests as men but are denied the right to pursue
-highlights female limitations
Walker, Alice. “In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens”
-even oppressed these woman found was to express themselves creatively and spiritually
-gardens only known to woman
-artisitc achievements of black woman are often overlooked
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. The Yellow Wall-Paper
challengeing 2 ideologies
-womans true place in the home and rest cure- requiring rest and doctoral supervisions
-causing woman to live a domestic life
fictional character going against these ideologies
-feels she is not fulfilling her wifely duties
-her yellow walls start to drive her mad
Marshall, Tabitha and Cruickshank, David A. “The Persons Case”
-problem with whether or not woman were elegal persons
-woman are no included in the term person in the bna act
famous five appealed this - Emily Murphy
Hobbs, Margaret and Carla Rice, editors. “Activist Insight: Sojourner Truth (1797-1883)” & “Women’s Rights Convention in Akron Ohio, 1851 Speech by Sojourner Truth”
-discuss the life of African American woman who fought for womans rights
-and abolished slavery
“aint I woman” speech
Jaggar, Alison. “What is Neo-liberal Globalization?”
- neoliberal globalization has had negative impacts on woman
-widening the gap between rich and poor
-precarious jobs
-encourges feminist to work together with social justice movement
Bhowmich, N. ‘I Cannot be Intimidated. I Cannot Be Bought.’ The Women Leading India’s Farmers’ Protests”
-woman leading protests in India
-“ we are the backbone of this protest”
-empowering woman in an agrocultural sector
Women Against Sexual Violence and State Repression “WSS Statement on Making Movement Spaces Safe for Women”
-WSS says movements must actively work toward creating safe space for woman
-decrease sexual violence and harassment in the work place
-power dynamics
overall creating safe space
Harding, Kate. “Trolls, Gamers, and the New Misogyny”
trolling is antagonizing to get an emotional reaction
Ferguson, Luna M. “The Survivor.” In Me, Myself, They: Life Beyond the Binary
Strong, Amanda, with Leah Collins. “ ‘Live action could never have created these worlds’: Amanda Strong on her latest film, Biidaaban”
hooks, bell. Excerpt from Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics
-addressing differences to overcome
-perpetuating sexism until we stop the cycle
-feminism is a attempt to end sexism and oppression
Gould, Lois, “X: A Fabulous Child’s Story”
-raising gender neutral child
-x is a variable we search for
Coyote, Ivan. “Imagine a Pair of Boots”
-label never suits of fits someone
-boot represents a gender role
sex and gender don’t always fit
Wilchins, Rikki. “About Gender and Gender Norms”
-essentialist vs constructivists
-construvtivits- gender is acquired through socializations
-biological essentialists- gender is biologically determined
Adeyoha, A. and Adeyoha, K. 47,000 Beads. (Read online)
-2 spirit indigenous woman
-finally felt accepted when came out
Allen, Kate. “Chapter 13: How the Practice of Sex-Testing Targets Female Olympic Athletes.”
-sex check on athletes
-why are woman the only ones who need the field levelled
-why Is testosterone a indicator of athletic performance
-fairness for trans and intersec athletes
Davis, Georgiann. “Chapter 14: Contesting Intersex”
-intersex =disorder
-language of disorder causes problems
-interse struggles within the medical field - seen as abnormal
Crenshaw, Kimberle. From “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics.”
-black woman face race an sex discrimination
-only hiring black men and white woman
-General Motors case- weren’t hiring black woman bc they hired white woman
Sherman, Z. “The system isn’t Broken. It’s Working as Designed”
-healthcare was not built for lgbtq people
-ideal body I cis white healthy man
-health systems are built around assumptions on what a healthy person looks like
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. “Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses”
-woman in third would countries
-westernized culture defined and classifies all woman as oppressed and powerless
-intersectionality is complex
Wilson, Kalpana. “From missionaries to microcredit? ‘Race’, Gender and Agency in Neoliberal Development”
-womans choice to conform to gendered expectations
-ability of woman
Jarbou, R. “Know Your Enemy: The Saudi Women’s Driving Campaign from Flyers and Faxes to Youtube and Hashtags”
-resisitng womans driving bands
-woman advocating for their rights in their own lived context
Messerschmidt, James W. “The Salience of ‘Hegemonic Masculinity’”
-masculinity legitimates unequal gender relations between men and woman
-hegemonic mass conducts a sort of hirarchy
Oh, Chuyun. “Queering Spectatorship in K-pop: The Androgynous Male Dancing Body and Western Female Fandom”
-preformers uses their masculinity to emphasize their attractiveness
-Kpop guys challenge the rigid gender binary
Bartky, Sandra. “Foucault, Femininity, and the Modernization of Patriarchal Power”
-discusses the modernization of patriarchal power
-patriarchy has evolved to be more open regarding womans bodies and behaviour
-docile bodies which refers to individuals who internalize societal norms and conform to gendered expectations.
“Aparna Nancherla Stand-Up”
- asian Americans in usa
-idenitty and belonging as an asian navigating different cultures and pressures
-standing up against systemic injustices
Tarzibachi, Eugenia. “The Modern Way to Menstruate in Latin America: Consolidation and Fractures in the Twenty-First Century”
- different non western communities have different opinions about period products
-some woman can’t afford
Hill Collins, Patricia. From Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment
-black woman have a lot of knowledge
-knowledge is central in empowerment stragtegies
-black woman are agents in self setermination
- * Knowledge is key, knowledge is power
relates to Crenshaw on intersectionality of black woman and legal challeneged