gender studies readings Flashcards
Ross, Loretta and Solinger, Rickie, from “A Reproductive Justice History” & “Reproductive Justice and the Right to Parent”
-right to have a child/ not have a child/ parent in safe environment
-reproductive justice movement trying to build a world where all children are care for/ supports and allowed to trhive
Yvonne Boyer, “Our Fight Against Coerced and Forced Sterilization”
indigenous woman are forced into sterilizations and infertility
Malacrida, C. “Performing Motherhood in a Disablist World: Dilemmas of Motherhood, Femininity and Disability”
-examining intersectionality
- facing ableist
-disability sometimes enhancing the mothering skills
-negative view on disabled mothers
-mother blaming
skelton, j. wallace. “The Manly Art of Pregnancy”
-assuming pregnancy is a woman’s affair
-its all up to perceptions (pregnancy has similar effects to testosterone)
-pregnancy doesn’t just create mothers but also fathers
-not one traditional way of looking at it
-very binary in relation to othering books and roles
National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Selections from Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
-racialized targets for violence
-lack of helps from RCMP
-labels cases as not important or suspicious
-highway of tears
Anderson, Kim. Sections of “Part II: Looking Back: The Colonization of Native Womanhood” and “Part III: Resist”
-woman started to be expected to be obedient to the husband
-the role of woman was attacked by the patriarchy
Woolf, Virginia. “The Story of Shakespeare’s Sister”
-creates fictional sister of Shakespeare - Judith
-for woman to write good fiction they must be given the proper conditions
-judith must write in secret with no proper educations
-woman have the same interests as men but are denied the right to pursue
-highlights female limitations
Walker, Alice. “In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens”
-even oppressed these woman found was to express themselves creatively and spiritually
-gardens only known to woman
-artisitc achievements of black woman are often overlooked
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. The Yellow Wall-Paper
challengeing 2 ideologies
-womans true place in the home and rest cure- requiring rest and doctoral supervisions
-causing woman to live a domestic life
fictional character going against these ideologies
-feels she is not fulfilling her wifely duties
-her yellow walls start to drive her mad
Marshall, Tabitha and Cruickshank, David A. “The Persons Case”
-problem with whether or not woman were elegal persons
-woman are no included in the term person in the bna act
famous five appealed this - Emily Murphy
Hobbs, Margaret and Carla Rice, editors. “Activist Insight: Sojourner Truth (1797-1883)” & “Women’s Rights Convention in Akron Ohio, 1851 Speech by Sojourner Truth”
-discuss the life of African American woman who fought for womans rights
-and abolished slavery
“aint I woman” speech
Jaggar, Alison. “What is Neo-liberal Globalization?”
- neoliberal globalization has had negative impacts on woman
-widening the gap between rich and poor
-precarious jobs
-encourges feminist to work together with social justice movement
Bhowmich, N. ‘I Cannot be Intimidated. I Cannot Be Bought.’ The Women Leading India’s Farmers’ Protests”
-woman leading protests in India
-“ we are the backbone of this protest”
-empowering woman in an agrocultural sector
Women Against Sexual Violence and State Repression “WSS Statement on Making Movement Spaces Safe for Women”
-WSS says movements must actively work toward creating safe space for woman
-decrease sexual violence and harassment in the work place
-power dynamics
overall creating safe space
Harding, Kate. “Trolls, Gamers, and the New Misogyny”
trolling is antagonizing to get an emotional reaction