Gender Identity Flashcards
Sex refers to the ____ and anatomical differences between males and females.
Gender refers to the socially accepted____ for the members of each sex or to the socially accepted traits of masculinity and femininity.
Gender ____ is how one learns about socially accepted gender roles through family, school and the media.
Gender identity is one’s ____ experience of gender.
This can ____ with one sex or it can differ completely.
Gender in New Zealand is the cause for some contentions because of the obvious gender ____ between males and females in terms of wealth, income and status.
This is related to social perceptions of ____ which designate that some jobs and positions are suited toward males and others toward females, where male roles are managerial/professional, while female roles tend to be more secretarial/retail – e.g. doctors are men and nurses and women.
gender typing
Two factors that work on this basis are the glass ____ in the glass ____.
ceiling elevator
The glass ceiling is a promotion barrier that prevents a woman’s ____ mobility and the glass elevator is the process whereby men benefit from their unfair rapid rise in an organisation.
One remedy for this is the policy of ____ worth which compares male and female dominated roles and seeks to provide pay parity.