Gender dysphoria Flashcards
Sex assigned at birth
Male or female - based on external genitalia
Gender identity
Intrinsic sense of being - male, female or alternative
Gender role/expression
Personality, appearance and behaviour
Primary sexual characteristics
Anatomical part involved in reproduction
Secondary sexual characteristics
Pubic hair, breasts, etc. (develop throughout puberty)
Diverse gender variance
Gender dysphoria
Distress due to incongruence between identity and sex
Individuals who seek to change/ have changed sexual characteristic (prim/sec.)
Female at birth, changed to male
Male at birth, changed to female
Sexual orientation
Sex of person whom their fantasies/ arousal are directed towards
Management options
- Assessment + diagnosis
- Assistance with social transition - psychotherapy
- Fertility options
- Voice and communication training
Transmale options
Testosterone - depot injection, oral, implant, patch
Complications: ^ libido, acne, sweating, baldness, clitoral enlargement, headaches, sleep problems, CVD risk, T2DM, weight gain,
Surgical options:
Male chest reconstruction
Hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy (risk of osteoporosis - add-back therapy)
Phalloplasty and metoidoplasty
Transfemale options
Complications: skin and hair thinning, dry eyes, female fat deposition patterns, hip rotation (discomfort and reduction in body height), mood, libido reduction, VTE risk, breast and endometrial cancer
Facial hair removal
Augmentation mammoplasty
Facial feminisation surgery