Gender & Diversity Flashcards
Genetic argument
Firestone (1974)
- A Woman’s subordinate position is directly due to their biological differences. Only in re-constructive the reproductive system can we get rid of the patriarchy.
Inevitability of the patriarchy theory
Goldberg (1973)
-Impact of physiology makes men more self-assertive, aggressive, dominant and competitive; so they seek to obtain top positions in any hierarchy
Rational choice theory
Becker (1985)
- As a result of the division of labour between men and women, women tend to invest less in their human capital development, and are inferior in the workplace as a result of this
Feminist Perspective
Hartmann (1982)
- Men collectively organise themselves to further their own interests against those of women.
Perception of women in managerial roles
Early & Carli
- Successful female leaders are more likely to be seen as ‘deceitful, pushy, selfish and abrasive’
- They suggest management innovations in order to combat it
UK discrimination laws
Colgan et al. (2009)
- UK prohibited discrimination over sexual orientation in 2003
- UK prohibited gender discrimination in 2007
- Legislation is THE BEST way of increasing workplace diversity
legal compliance / business rationale
Foster & Harris (2005)
Legal compliance rationale: Adhering to discrimination regulation in order to avoid penalty
Business case rationale: Maximised talents, range of perspectives, organisation immune to cultural barriers, higher job satisfaction
empty shell policies
Riach (2009)
- Diversity a & equality legislation is often created in order to avoid litigation, rather than actually wanting to take positive action
affermative action
Noon (2010)
- Positive discrimination should only be used to accelerate workplace equality
- Criticisms of affirmative action
best candidates aren’t always picked / undermines meritocracy giving markets power
stock price EMPIRICAL study
Cook & Glass (2009)
- Study shows that stock price falls when an ethnic minority is appointed to corporate leadership & rises when a caucasian is.
- Accepted minorities tend to be better qualified due to this bias.
counterproductive equality policy
- Equality policy can often be counterproductive because people assume problem is solved instead of continuing an effort to try and solve it.
bad time bias
Ryan & Hallam (2005)
- Minorities are more likely to be appointed during bad times, which will worsen the stereotype.