Gender differences Flashcards
Gender differences in subject choice
Vocational courses Peer pressure Gender role and domain Gendered subject image Career opportunities
How gender identities reinforced in education
Francis (2005)
- Gendered verbal behaviour: Boys dominate talk and often ridicule girls so therefore gain more of teachers time and attention
- Gendered physical behaviour: If girls aren’t conforming might just sit quietly and read a magazine but boys more likely to confront and be loud= exercising patriarchal power?
- Gendered pursuits: Girl talk revolves around looking nice for boys and for boys it’s their conquests= ‘studs’ and ‘sluts’
- Role of teachers: Boys expected to be loud and non conformist so if girls are disrupted get more harshly punished
What is gender domains?
Idea students choose subjects in which they consider gender appropriate
Facts on gender differences
2014 70% girls 5 C-A*, 54% males
Higher proportion of females stay on to sixth form and post 18 education than males
Females more likely to get 3 or more A level passes
Why do females do better than males?
Women’s movement and feminism
Equal opportunities
Growing ambition due to positive role models and more employment opportunities
Reasons for underachievement of boys
Girls more motivated and work harder
Poorer language skills
Poorer classroom behaviour
Boys mature later and overestimate ability do work less hard
Peer group pressure and anti-learning subculture
Problems with ‘gender gap’
Not same in all subjects
Not all groups of girls outperforming boys
External factors for girls achievement
Changes to employment
Changes in ambition
Changes to family structure
Internal factors to achievement in girls
Educational policies to help girls
Coursework favours girls
National curriculum
Gender role models in schools
Evaluation of girls achievement
Difficult to estimate impact of feminism
W/C girls continue to focus more on family and home than external career
Radical feminists argue schools still patriarchal
Evaluation for boys underachievement
Academic qualifications not needed for manual work
Male over confidence not recent thing
Laddish culture not new
Many female teachers have similar discipline
Liberal feminists
Celebrate progress and believe that further progress will be made.
Radical feminists
System still remains patriarchal
Male gaze
Mac and Ghaill