Gender bias Flashcards
Outline- alpha bias
Psychological theories that suggest there are real and enduring differences between men and women. These differences often undermine one of the sexes.
Outline- beta bias
Theories that ignore or minimise differences between the sexes.
Outline- universality
Understanding that men and women have differences biologically and socially.
Outline- androcentrism
Male centred studies and conclusions that suggest that normal behaviours is judged according to male standards.
Evaluation- (travis 1993) implications of gender bias
- ‘it becomes normal for women to feel abnormal’
- if the studies are always androcentric then the results aren’t likely to be correct for women
- as a result women may feel depressed as a result of feeling abnormal.
Evaluation- walkerdine (1990) essentialism = limitation
Essentialism- gender differences are inevitable
- the fact that we suggest there’s always a difference can create a double standard with men and women having on possible benefit more as a result of findings