gender bias Flashcards


gender bias


refers to misrepresnation in attutudes and beliefs based on prejudice or pre existing ideas concerning gender
e.g women more nurturing then men

alpha bias-refers to theories which exaggerate differences between men and women
these may enhance or undervalue members of wither ssex, typically undervalue females

beta bias-refers to theories which ignore or minimise sex differences
may assume male findings can be equally applied to females
issue wgen all ppts are male

example of alpha bias-evolutionery explanations
evolution eexmapls humans have a need to survidvde and therefore reproduce. male and females have adptive roles to help them aid surivial of their offspring e.g men are more dominant, women have more time and parental invetsment to aid survial of their offsrping

Provides an explanation as to why male and females are innately different to help their adaptioan to roles, aid survial of offsrping

example of beta bias-ash
ash study into conformity involved an all male sample
assumed that females would repond in same way and therefore show same rates of confomity
more recent replications by mori and arai showed gender differences in conforimity rates
research ignores gender differences


female psyhologicts have learnt ways to advoid gender bias
worrell and renner who created a criteria that male researchers must follow to avoid gender bias. Involved making sure women took part in real life contects and making sure women are to partcpate rtaher then an obejcti f a study
strength because this way of doing research is less gender biasdes then lab research

promotes sexism in research porcess
females are underrepresnted in uni departments sepcially seince
murphy foun that pscyhologys undergraduate intake is mainly females but lectrues are mainly males
meanin gre search is more likely to be conducted by males
e.g male researcher may expect women to be irrational and unable to complete complex tasks
making women underperfom in studies

limitation-probelms with pscyhological esaerch
may create misleading assumptions about female behaviour and validate discrimanitory practice

cutlure bias-referes to tenady to inore cultural differences interpret all phenomaa through the lens of ones own culture

etic construct-looks from outide of a gievn culture
attempts to decsibe behaviour which is universal

emic constct

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