gen Flashcards
refers to misrepresnation in attitudes and beliefs based on prejudice or pre existing ideas concerning gender #
eg women more nurturing then men
alpha bias
refers to theories which exaggerate differences beteern mean and women
may enhance or undervalue memebrs of either sex, typically undervalueing females
beta bias
refers to theories which ignore or minimse sex difefrences
often assume findings from males can aply equally to females
issue when all ppts are males
example of alpha bias
evolutionery explanations
evoliton expalns why humans have a need to surive and therefore reproduce
provides explanation of how females are males are innately difefrent to help their adpation to their role, aid surival of their offspring
e.g men are more dominat, women, women have more emphary and parental investment to aid the surival of their offsrping
example of beta bias
resaerch into conformit involved an all male sample and thus demonstrated beta bias
assumed that females would repond int he same way as males and therefore show the same rates of conformity
however, recent replications by Mori and ARai showed gender differnces in confomrity rates and therefore demonstrates beta bias
his research ignores gender differnces through the assumptiont hat females would behave the same
strength-female psycholgoics have proposed how gender bias can be avodied
worrell and renner created a criteriea that researchers should foolwo in order to avoid gender bias in research
suggest that women shouw be studied within meanigful real life contects and particpate in research instead of being obejcts of study
limitation-probelms in pscyholgoical research
gender bias research may create misleading assumptions about female behaviour and validate discrimantory practices
may provide a scienfitic justifaction o deny women opportunities within the work place or wider society
limiation-probems in reserch process
females remain underpresprseted in uni departments partuclur science
psychology undergraduate intake is mainly females
lecturesare mainly males
means research is more liekly to be conducted by men
e.g male researcher may assume women cant compeke complex tasks, assumptions are likely to make women underperfrom in studies
culture bias
tendancy to ignore cultual differcnes and interpret all pehneoma through teh lends of ownes own culture
etic construct
looks at behaviorus from outside of a gievn culture attemtps to descibe behaviour which is universal
emic construct
looks at behaviours from within/inside a given culture and identifyes behaviours which are specific to that culture
judging other cultures by teh standards and values of owns own culture
exmaple-aisnowrth SS
only reflects normas and values of american culture
ainsowth suggested that secure attachment was demonstrated by the infant shadowing moderate amoutns of distress when left alone by mother figure
ss had been descibed as an imposed etic, a technique therory in one culture and then imposed on another
cultrual relativism
idea that norms and values can only be meaniful and undertsood within specifc social and cultural contects
sugegsts rhat corrdiantion skills that may be essential to life in pre-literate society i.e tribes may be mostly irrelevent to a intelligent more develoed society
therefore, nly way to undertand omtelligenc is by taking the cultural contexts into account
strength-cross cultural resaech challenges western assumptions
view that behaviour is a product of innate 9BIOLOGICAL AND GENETIC) factirs