Gender and Theology Flashcards
What does patriarchy mean?
A system of male centre rule where women are oppressed
What did Phyllis Trible say?
’to reclaim the image of God as female is to become aware of the male idolatry that has long infested faith’ and ‘Born and bred in the land of patriarchy, the Bible abounds in male imagery and language’
Which churches allow for female leaders?
the Methodist tradition has always included women in leadership, whereas for Catholicism the priesthood is limited to celibate males.
Who is Rosemary Radford Ruether?
a reformist Catholic feminist theologian
What does Ruether argue feminists should do with Christianity?
We need to reinterpret Christianity to make it usable for women. She aims to change Christianity and the Catholic church from within.
What is Sophia?
Greek word referring to the female wisdom principle
What is Logos?
Greek meaning the ‘Word’ of God (a masculine noun) associated in traditional Christian theology with Christ
What is a Warrior-Messiah?
A Jewish expectation of a Savior who would defeat the Romans and begin the rule of God on earth
What is Abba?
Used by Jesus to talk about God. Literally means ‘daddy’ and indicates intimacy and respect in relationship rather than authority
What is Be-ing?
Daly’s term that replaces ‘God’; a spiritual process uniting women with nature
What is Thealogy?
Reflection on the divine as feminine and using feminine terminology; usually associated with the goddess.
What is the unholy trinity?
Daly) Rape, genocide and war
What is Quintessence?
A spirituality found in nature; a spirit of being, life and love found in nature and giving life to everything
What has changing Sophia to Logos led to?
A tradition of male leadership and a patriarchal image of Jesus as Logos and a warrior-Messiah (victorious, male fighter)
In what ways can Jesus be seen as counter-cultural?
- The Jesus of the Gospels is more compatible with feminism – a suffering servant, who promotes justice and dignity for the marginalised
- He gives women greater respect and status.
- Eg) talking with a woman at the well (John 4), his non-judgemental approach to the woman caught in adultery, healing the woman bleeding for twelve years, women were among his disciples, Mary ‘sat at Jesus’ feet’ as a student, women were the first to witness the resurrection and were leaders in the Early Church.
- Jesus’ taught that ‘the first shall be last and the last shall be first’ Eg) Sermon on the Mount
- Jesus used ‘Abba’ to describe God, which shows a new intimate relationship where God is not ‘master’. Ruether argues that the new Jesus movement was a community of equals, brother-sister rather than a master/servant