Death and Afterlife Flashcards
What are the key questions on the topic?
- Are heaven, hell, and purgatory physical places, spiritual places or symbolic of a moral life on earth?
- When will judgement take place?
- Who will be saved?
What does Matthew 25:31-46 say?
Sheep and the goats
- “All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats”
- ” for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.”
- “just as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”
What does Luke 16:19-31 say?
Rich man and Lazarus
- Hell and heaven as physical
- Judged by actions
What does John 14:1-3 say?
“My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?”
What does Luke 23:39-43 say?
The thief on the cross
“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
What does Revelation 21:1-8 say?
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth”
Which scholars argue that the afterlife is a physical place?
- Origen - heaven
- Aquinas
- Augustine
What did Origen say about heaven as a physical place?
He viewed heaven as a restoration of the earth to the pre-lapsarian state where the relationship between God and man is restored
What did Augustine say about the afterlife as a physical place?
He argued hell was a permanent and physical place where God punishes the wicked
What did Aquinas say about the afterlife as a physical place?
He stated that the purified soul and glorified body would be reunited in the afterlife before coming face to face with God in beatific vision
What are the issues with the afterlife as a physical place?
- Where is this physical place?
- In what sense am I still me? -continuity
- What age would I be?
Which scholars argue that the afterlife is a spiritual place?
- Origen - hell
- Gregory of Nyssa
- Catholic church
What did Gregory of Nyssa and Origen say about the hell as a spiritual place?
They argued hell was a state of anguish in which the conscience torments with regrets and realization of sin but this would pass away when the world was restored.
What did the catholic church say about the hell as a spiritual place?
Many Catholics understand hell as chosen exclusion from God
What are the issues / strengths of the afterlife as a spiritual place?
+ solves the problems of the afterlife as a physical place
- how is an immaterial soul me?
What does the afterlife being symbolic of life on earth actually mean?
In this view there is no life after death and the terms hell, heaven, and purgatory refer to states of morality and experiences during life.
What text supports the afterlife as a symbol on earth?
Matthew 25:31-46 - Jesus’ teaching of the kingdom of God as now by following his example and helping the marginalized.
Which scholar argue that the afterlife is symbolic of a moral life on earth?
DZ Phillips
What did DZ Phillips say about the afterlife as a symbol of life on earth?
He argues that an eternal life refers to a quality of life by living in obedience to God not life after death.
What are the issues / strengths of the afterlife as symbolic of life on earth?
+ This solves the issues of continuity, identity and issues of place
- Mathew 25, Revelation 20-21, and Jesus’ resurrection need to be reinterpreted as a myth
- Paul argued if Jesus wasn’t resurrected then faith is in vain and there is no hope for people who died in faith
What is the issue of purgatory?
- There is no reference to it in Mathew 25 or in any NT texts
- BUT the catholic church use the idea of praying to the dead, forgiveness of sin in the afterlife, and imagery of purification to support it
How does John Hick criticize the idea of hell?
He says “the suffering of the damned in hell… can never lead to any constructive end.” The idea of infinite punishment for finite sin seems injust.
What is general judgement?
Judgement at the end of time when all people will stand before God and be rewarded or punished
What is particular judgement?
Immediate judgement of an individual at the time of death.