Gender and Society Flashcards
Which scholars thought men are superior to women?
Plato and Aristotle as well as Christian scholars such as Aquinas and Augustine.
What examples from genesis are there to support that men and women are not equal?
- Woman were created second
- Made from Adam’s rib
- Woman was tempted first and led man astray
- Women were punished as having “a desire for your husband and he shall rule over you” (Genesis 3:16)
What does the essentialist view state?
The essentialist view says there stinctive feminine and masculine characteristics that are intrinsic, we are born with them. Women and men are ‘equal but different’ and have complementary characteristics. This has been used to argue that only men should be leaders in the church.
What does the existentialist view state?
The existentialist view says gender characteristics are due to socialisation not innate masculine or feminine qualities.
Who supports the existentialist view?
Simone de Beauvoir argues that women are born without gender; so, one ‘becomes a woman’ through conscious choices.
What are the four main approaches to gender and gender roles?
1) men are superior to women
2) the essentialist view
3) the existentialist view
4) women are superior to men
Who argues women are superior to men?
Mary Daly argues that women’s abilities and knowledge are superior; a society governed by women would be more peaceful and better for the environment.
What is a nuclear family?
married, heterosexual parents and their children
How is the bible used to support the idea of the nuclear family?
Some argue there is a Christian idea of family using Genesis 1-3 to support a nuclear family with married, heterosexual parents and their children. Also, Ephesians 5:22-33 sees the husband as head of the household and his wife should submit to his authority
What do the catholic church not allowed?
The Catholic church sees marriage as a sacrament (ordained by God) so will not allow divorce, re-marriage or same-sex ‘marriages’.
What is used to support the idea family depends on time and space?
the nuclear family stems from Victorian times through 1950’s western culture; in Asian cultures, several inter-dependent generations live together. There is no ‘biblical view’ of the family. For example, in the New Testament, a household included slaves and workers and the Old Testament contains different types of family, including polygamy.
What does Ephesians 5:22-25 say?
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.
How can Ephesians 5:22-33 be reinterpreted?
- Ephesians 5:22-33 has been reinterpreted by feminists like Radford-Reuther. For example, ‘head’ could mean ‘source of life’ and could refer back to Genesis 2:21-23 where the man (Adam’s rib) is the source of woman’s creation.
- Some Christians argue Ephesians 5 emphasises mutual love and respect under the rule of Jesus Christ; it is a two-way relationship with sacrificial love/care.
What did Radford-Reuther argue about family?
Radford-Reuther argues the Jesus movement had a more inclusive model of family. Women were included as disciples (traditionally exclusive to men), family blood ties were rejected in favour of a community of friends and believers.
Galatians 3:27-28 ‘there is no longer…male or female; for all are one in Christ’ is used to show this new social order where there is mutual respect, equality and cooperation under the rule of Christ.
What does Galatians 3:27-28 say?
‘there is no longer…male or female; for all are one in Christ’
Why was the Mulieris Dignitatum written?
Written by Pope John Paul II in 1988 to clarify the catholic position on the right and purpose of women.
What view on women’s roles does the Mulieris Dignitatum support?
It supports the view that men and women have different but complimentary gender characteristics (the essentialist view). It also emphasizes the importance of motherhood for women within the setting of marriage and family.
Why is Mary important according to the Mulieris Dignitatum?
Mary, mother of Jesus, has a special role as the mother of God or theotokos (Greek for ‘God-bearer’) - she demonstrates the virtues of obedience and dignity.
What is theotokos greek for?
Why do women suffer pain in childhood?
The pain of childbirth is the result of original sin but also allows the woman an insight into the suffering of Christ. Women are better able to cope with suffering than men and are more sensitive.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Mulieris Dignitatum’s views on motherhood?
+ a reminder everyone is dependent on their mother and should treat women with respect
- The view may alienate women who cannot have children or choose not to
- Simone De Beauvoir argues motherhood is demeaning as women have to put their lives on hold
- Sociologist Ann Oakley concluded there is no biological maternal instinct but only a social construct imposed on women. She interviewed women who described their frustrations at having to stay at home with young children.
- It is difficult top generalize experiences about motherhood
- Motherhood should be a choice not a burden