gender and religion Flashcards
GRACE DAVIE - why women tend to be more religious than men
research as shown:
- most churchgoers are female
- more woman then men believe in the afterlife
- in all major faiths (except for Sikhs) women are more likely than men to practice their religion
- argues women are closer to birth and death (childbearing, caring for the elderly, sick and dying relatives)
- brings women closer to the ultimate questions about the meaning of life that religion is concerned with
ALAN MILLER AND JOHN HOFFMAN - three main reasons why women are more religious
- men are bigger risk takers: by not believing in religion, they are risking that religion may be right and that they will go to hell
- women are socialised to be more passive, obedient and caring - qualities valued by religions
- women are more likely to work part time therefore have more scope to participate in religious activities
STARK AND BAINBRIDGE - why sects attract women
- women are more likely to suffer from mental health issues - seek the healing that sects offer
- women more likely to see the world in moral decline - attracted to sects which share this view
- sects attract poorer groups and women are more likely to be poor
STEVE BRUCE - why women are attracted to NAMs
- women more associated with the caring and healing - new age movements celebrate this role
- women’s experience of child-rearing makes them more co-operative and caring
- where men wish to achieve, women wish to feel
- in BRUCE’s view, this fits in with the expressive emphasis of the new age
STEVE BRUCE - class differences and religion
- middle class women are more attracted to new age beliefs - emphasising personal autonomy, control and self development
- working class women are more attracted to traditional religions that give them a more passive role (such as belief in an all-powerful god)