age and religion Flashcards
DAVID VOAS and ALASDAIR CROCKETT - three reasons older people are more likely to attend religious services
- the ageing effect:
- people turn to religion as they get older
- as we approach death, we naturally become more concerned about spiritual matters and the afterlife etc - secularisation:
- as religion declines in importance, each generation becomes less religious than the one before it - the era effect:
- people may be more religious because of the events they have lived through, such as war or rapid social change
ELISABETH ARWECK AND JAMES BECKFORD - collapse of religious socialisation
- ARWECK AND BECKFORD blame the ageing church population on the ‘virtual collapse of religious socialisation’ after the 1960s
- for example, sunday schools have all but disappeared
- also, parents who share the same faith only have 50/50 chance of raising their child to be a churchgoer
- when they are of different faiths, the chances fall to one in four