gender and religion Flashcards
Miller and Hoffman
women are more religious than men because of two ways:
1. differential socialisation
2. differential roles
how does differential socialisation relate to religion
females are thought to be passive and nurturing- they have highly compatiable characteristics with religiosity. it is a source of identity
how does differential roles relate to religion
low rates of paid work so more time for church activities, higher child rearing as coincides with concern for family. risk averse- religion has lot to gain, little to lose
Halman and Drivan
Guardians of family
- women feel necessary to take charge of child’s moral devel + intro to religious beliefs
Biological reasons
- women more religious following childbirth as seen as spiritual experience
what are the differences in life expectancy and how do they relate to religion?
- women more likely to live longer than men so leads to increased religiosity because women more lonely so can cope and it comforts when partner has passed
women more likely to engage in NAMs like
- spiritualism
- meditation
- Wicca
image of goddess in some NAMs gives women central role, offering more positive image of feminity than traditional religions
Glock and Stark
women more likely join sects/cults
- women more driven to act upon ethical deprivation- differnetial roles, more liekly to be carers
- men w physical/mental illness less attracted to alt therapies as seen as talking therapy (feminine)
Cohen and Kennedy
- desire to restore fundamentalist religions associated with fear that any increase in womens freedom will undermine male control
fertility levels (less children), feminist values (raised aspirations), paid employment(hard to juggle), family diversity (discouraged by church) all led to reasons why decrease in female church attendence