Gender Flashcards
Stoet et al. Math Performance and anxiety study. What does it consist of?
Students participated in a study where math performance was assessed in correlation with levels of anxiety, comparing between genders. Math anxiety was higher among girls, even those that performed well.
Schmitt: Personality traits. Which are the big five?
Neuroticism, openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion
what trait has the more pronounced differences between genders?
In what traits do most women report significantly higher scores?
Neuroticism, agreeableness, extraversion, and conscientiousness
Schwartz´s basic human values are
self-direction (creativity, freedom), stimulation (exciting life), universalism (social justice, equality), benevolence (helpfulness), conformity (obedience), tradition (humility, devoutness), security (social order), power (authority, wealth), achievement (success, ambition), hedonism (pleasure)
Which of Schwart´s basic human values are more common in females?
benevolence and universalism
Which of Schwart´s basic human values are more common in males?
power, achievement, hedonism
Hopcroft and McLaughlin: what gender is more prone to report feelings of depression
Across 23 countries, more females reported depression
What gender presents higher levels of self-esteem
Males, across 48 nations according to Bleidorn
Biological approaches to gender: evolutionary theory
Reproductive differences between men and women have led to psychological differences over evolutionary history
Parental investment theory (Trivers)
Because 9 months of pregnancy represent a heavy parental investment for women, these tend to be choosier than men, whom only have to donate sperm (lower parental investment)
Evolutionary theory of gender: sexual selection
Men and women are more likely to choose mates who display traits that enable their own likelihood of reproducing. Because some traits are preferred in mates, these traits become selected for in each gender over time.
Hormonal approach to gender
Gender differences are owing to hormonal differences in males and females. Testosterone associated with aggression, for example.
sociocultural theories of gender
Gender is socially constructedEntirely a product of socialization within a particular local culture
Relativist perspective of gender
cultures differ, and therefore so do gender differences
Biosocial theory of gender (Wood and Eagly)
Division of labour developed according to men´s and women´s physical differences. This division is no longer as functional thanks to modern developments (birth control)
Ecocultural theory of theory
Different ecologies give rise to different subsistence economies (ie nomadic hunting, agricultural, …), which vary in the enforcement of division of labour by sex and are linked to child-rearing practices
Ecocultural theory of gender: what are the six dimensions of child-rearing (Barry et al)?
Nurturance, responsibility, obedience, independence, self-reliance, and achievement
Six dimensions of child-rearing (Barry et al), which dimensions do girls socialize for?
Compliance dimension, girls socialize for nurturance, responsibility and obedience
Six dimensions of child-rearing (Barry et al), which dimension do boys socialize for?
Assertiveness dimension, boys socialize for independence, self-reliance, and achievement
According to the ecocultural theory of gender, how does gender relate to the division of labour in agricultural groups?
Large gender division of labour = large gender differences
According to the ecocultural theory of gender, how does gender relate to the division of labour in nomadic or industrial groups?
smaller division of labour = smaller gender differences
Why is it that boys have better spatial ability than girls in agricultural societies according to the ecocultural approach to gender?
greater gender division of labour = boys explore the environment, with the aim to find food. Whereas girls have to stay to take care of more vulnerable individuals in the group. Nomadic societies: both sexes explore environment to find food = no gender differences in spatial ability
Activity, strength, and favorability of gender stereotypes (Williams and best)
Activity more male, strength more male, favorability more female. Dominance and autonomy were associated with men, and nurturance with women
Do children follow gender stereotypes?
According to Best, Williams, et al., children have learned gender stereotypes by age 5
Gender role ideology
Defined as beliefs about how men and women ought to be. Traditionally, both genders are fundamentally different. Whereas in egalitarian ideologies, they are fundamentally similar
Gender role ideology in wealthier countries
More education, more individualism. Economic development leads to a higher status for women (Kagitcibasi).
Gender role ideology in collectivist wealthy countries
Lingering tradition leads to gender role traditionalism
In male surplus populations, gender ideologies tend to become …
Polarized. Competing for scarce females through status competition with other men leads to hyper-masculinity. Greater paternal uncertainty, so males are more likely to control women’s sexual behaviour leading to hyper-femininity.