Gecsel PPT 1&2 Flashcards
It is a stable, enduring perception of the self and it exists at a person’s core.
What is the avocado idea of the self?
The avocado idea of the self is based on the idea that the seed is at the center and is the core with all the information with all the essential information representing the self.
Plato and Aristotle believe that reason is the _____
core essence of human beings.
four elements of human
oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen which are essential for life.
Human beings are all in a triad of
soul, body, and spirit
In science; body, soul, and spirit are
they are forces; positive, negative, and neutron
It is considered as the core which contains all the informations that are essential to make an avocado an avocado.
What is believed to be as the core essence of human beings according to Plato and Aristotle?
Based on the Judaic and Christian traditions in whose image and likeness humans were made?
What makes man unique based on the Judaic and Christian traditions?
Our core we share the divine nature and that makes us unique
What two things that reasons control according to the Greek rationalist tradition?
Emotions and Appetites
Socrates’ view this as immortal, intellectual, indissoluble and unchangeable.
The Greeks concept of a realm of perfection is the Christians concept of
Aristotle believes that this form exists only in the body.
What is Plato’s comparison to reason?
Reason is like a charioteer
According to the Greek Western tradition, what kind of life is dominated by reason?
Ideal Life
What is the most important part of a person according St. Augustine of Hippo?
Inner Person and Mind
St Augustine believes that the most important part of the mind is the
This makes man self-determined.
Man’s Freewill
St. Augustine believes that the corrupt nature of man makes him prefer _____ over treasures in heaven as stated in Matthew 6:19-21.
Treasures on earth
Examples of earthly treasures.
Money, Food, Jewelries
What are the two central features of Faith?
Confidence and Trust
It is considered as an enabling power based on the Bible dictionary
What do we call a society in which men has the most power and influence?
Women who accept the value of emotions runs the risk of being viewed as
Second Class Citizens
This ideology holds the position that societies prioritize the male point of view and that women are treated unjustly in a given society.
What threatens the rationality of humanity according to Mitchell?
The Superior Computational
Examples of heavenly treasures
Caring, Service to Others, Service to Church
The two realities that Plato believed.
The first is the world in which we live. The second is a non-physical realm in which the forms exist.
description of two realms
Our realm is subjective. The other realm is objective
refers to that power or capacity that enables human beings to perform their actions freely.
Medieval times
is a gift of grace that we cannot command but only receive when it comes.
Who is considered as the shape shifter of the Greek Mythology.
This view agrees that we are nothing but layers and that man has no central core.
Protean View
Which view supports the unchanging nature of man?
Avocado View
Which view supports the changing nature of man
Artichoke View
This view supports the idea that there is no moral absolutes or certain truths
The Protean View (Artichoke View)
This perspective emphasizes individual existence, freedom and choice.
This is a term used by Mitchell which refers to a diversity of views or stands rather than a single approach or method.
What adage from Invictus which Mitchelle uses to support her statement, “You create a self for yourself”?
“I am a master of my self, I am the captain of my soul”
From the Protean View, you can be anything you want to be but you need to be ______ for your action/decision.
In Hinduism, this term refers to the self or soul which endures successive reincarnation.
In Hinduism, this is the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual.
This term in Buddhism refers to the idea that there is no permanent ego-self.
What is the English equivalent of the Buddhism idea of a”Skandhas”?
It refers to the Buddhist term for the realization that comes from seeing the world as it actually is.
This term used by Buddhist which refers to the “blowing out” of the flame of the false self.
What do the four Noble Truths mean?
a. Dukkha
- Truth of Suffering
b. Samudaya
- Truth of the Cause of Suffering
c. Nirodha
- Truth of the End of Suffering
d. Magga
- Truth of the Path
To the Chinese this is the energy or a vital force, the flow of which must be unimpeded for health.
This is a form of alternative medicine and a component of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body.
What are considered as the five elements of nature according to the Chinese?
Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
This Tanzanian proverb means that everything is a fusion of opposites that forms a unity but remains separate.
In the world, all things are two and two
In Western culture from whom does understanding the world start?
The individual
Among Africans, what is the purpose of life?
What is the meaning of life from the standpoint of Taoism?
Inner Peace and Harmony