GE Olya Sergeeva Flashcards
This will help ____ things into perspective.
[= to clarify the true value, to give more idea]
This will help put things into perspective.
to put something into perspective
- to clarify, appraise, or assess the true value, importance, or significance of something.
- to compare with something similar to give a clearer, more accurate idea.
Example: these expenses may seem high, but they need to be put into perspective
If you go to the police as soon as you become suspicious, you may ____ _____ ___________.
[be lucky and escape serious injury, punishment or trouble]
If you go to the police as soon as you become suspicious, you may get off lightly.
We as humans don’t really have control of our feelings.
If you’re feeling depressed, and someone comes up to you and says, “Hey, just ____ out of __,” that’s rude.
[stop it]
We as humans don’t really have control of our feelings.
If you’re feeling depressed, and someone comes up to you and says, “Hey, just snap out of it,” that’s rude.
snap out of it: to stop experiencing something unpleasant or stop behaving in a negative way: to stop being in or to cause (someone) to stop being in (an unhappy condition or mood, a daydream, etc.)
I was depressed, and I couldn’t snap out of it.
I don’t know how to get her to snap out of her depression.
What is the one thing that ______ out in your mind about the Roman World?
What is the one thing that stands out in your mind about the Roman World?
It’s easy to criticize with the ______ of ________.
[задним числом]
It’s easy to criticize with the benefit of hindsight.
hindsight /ˈhaɪndsaɪt/
understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed.
in/with hindsight
with the benefit of hindsight
With the benefit of hindsight, it was a mistake.
I definitely should have gone there in _______ , I have to say.
[оглядываясь на прошлое]
I definitely should have gone there in hindsight I have to say.
With the benefit of hindsight, it would have been a better choice to…
but it’s easy to say this with the benefit of __________.
[задним числом, оглядываясь на прошлое]
but it’s easy to say this with the benefit of hindsight.
an operating theatre
operating room
operating suite
operation suite
operation theatre
________ ___ to ___, I don’t respect what they do, so I wouldn’t be the right teacher.
(= достаточно сказать)
Suffice it to say, I don’t respect what they do, so I wouldn’t be the right teacher.
suffice /səˈfaɪs/ to be enough
suffice (it) to say (that)…
used to suggest that although you could say more, what you do say will be enough to explain what you mean.
*I won’t go into all the details. Suffice it to say that the whole event was a complete disaster.
I can’t take ___ any extra work.
We’re not taking ___ any new clients at present.
She has taken ___ far too much work.
You can’t take ____ responsibility for the whole event.
I can’t take on any extra work.
We’re not taking on any new clients at present.
She has taken on far too much work.
You can’t take on responsibility for the whole event.
take something/somebody on
to decide to do something; to agree to be responsible for something/somebody
эльф, фея
a pixie
a pixie vs a fairy
Pixies are often described to be smaller than fairies. They have pointed ears. Pixies are said to have more magical powers such as bestowing wealth, kindness and intelligence. Pixies in folklore are often naked or poorly dressed, but in modern portrayals they often wear a green outfits and pointy hats.
I’ve been on the ____ all day - I’m exhausted!
(= very active and busy)
I’ve been on the go all day - I’m exhausted!
on the go very active and busy
If you stay physically active and are always moving from one activity to another, you can say that you are on the go or, in informal contexts, on the move
He’s a busy child who is always on the move and never sits still.
Мой муж подарил мне смартфон на день рождения.
My husband gave me a smartphone for my birthday.
Okay. Fuck it. I’m gonna go for _____ ________ here.
(= выкладываю все карты на стол)
Okay. Fuck it. I’m gonna go for full disclosure here.
He was charged with the o__ of driving without a license.
(= crime, illigal act)
He was charged with the offense of driving without a license.
offense: en illegal act, crime
offence - US spelling
So, it’s definitely worth a _____ (= worth a try)!
So, it’s definitely worth a shot!
Viktar Babaryka is currently ______ a 14-year ________ for politically motivated charges.
(= отбывает срок, наказание)
Viktar Babaryka is currently serving a 14-year sentence for politically motivated charges.
to serve a sentence
to serve the full sentence
Больше я на это не попадусь.
I’m not falling for that again
I just wanted to quickly touch __ with you: did you get an email from my secretary about the meeting?
I just wanted to quickly touch base with you: did you get an email from my secretary about the meeting?
to touch base with briefly make or renew contact with someone
Well, maybe we can use this opportunity to ______ base _____ our feelings.
Well, maybe we can use this opportunity to touch base about our feelings.
to touch base to talk to someone for a short time to find out how they are or what they think about something
We had to sit __ two hours of speeches.
(= высидеть)
We had to sit through two hours of speeches.
to sit through to stay until the end of an event such as a meeting or performance that is very long or boring
to sit through the whole movie
to sit through boring and seemingly endless meetings
to sit through lots of math courses
It is i______ to talk to someone who just aimlessly scrolls their mobile phone.
(= extremely annoying)
It is infuriating to talk to someone who just aimlessly scrolls their mobile phone.
Ben’s been ____ing me __ all day.
Are you _____ing me ___?
She just knows how to _____ me ___.
(= annoy or upset sb, бесить, злить, раздражать)
Ben’s been winding me up all day.
Are you winding me up?
She just knows how to wind me up.
wind up
UK, informal
No need to get w__ __. Okay?
(= get upset or angry)
No need to get worked up. Okay?
worked up (about something) very excited or upset about something
There’s no point in getting worked up about it.
What are you so worked up about?
Спасибо, но я не хочу навязываться.
Thank you, but I don’t want to impose.
to impose on you
Belarusian authorities unleashed a widespread, brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters and their supporters in the ______ of the August 9, 2020 presidential election.
(= coming after, following)
Belarusian authorities unleashed a widespread, brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters and their supporters in the wake of the August 9, 2020 presidential election.
in the wake of sb/sth
coming after or following somebody/something
There have been demonstrations on the streets in the wake of the recent bomb attack.
It’s so i________!
(= extremely annoying, upprörande; раздражающий, бесит)
It’s so infuriating!
NB: we can use infuriating both for people and for things.
You are so i_________!
( = ты бесишь! / you drive me crazy / you are incredibly annoying)
You are so infuriating!
And then everything changed for me in the ______ of 9/11…
(= after, после, из-за)
And then everything changed for me in the wake of 9/11..
If something happens in the wake of something else, it happens after and often because of it:
a word or phrase used to avoid saying an unpleasant or offensive word
“Senior citizen” is a __ __ “old person”.
(= эвфемизм для)
“Senior citizen” is a euphemism for “old person”.
Are you ___ ___ leg?
(= ты с меня прикалываешься?)
Are you pulling my leg?
to pull sb’s leg to tell someone something that is not true as a way of joking with the person
Stop pulling my leg – you didn’t have lunch with Bono!
It never fails to amaze me when people offer _____ ____ on how get over being depressed.
(= непрошеный совет)
It never fails to amaze me when people offer unsolicited advice on how get over being depressed.
It has been vandalized, from ___ ___ of it.
(= судя по всему)
It has been vandalized, from the looks of it.
from/by the look(s) of ot
by the looks of things
judging by the information we have now
Transplant patients take drugs which ____ ____ ____ ____.
(= подавляют иммунную систему)
Transplant patients take drugs which suppress the immune system.
to suppress the immune system / appetite / pain
I was d_______ to see history repeating itself.
(= shocked and disappointed)
I was dismayed to see history repeating itself.
dismayed and disappointed / shocked and dismayed
I think I can get ___ it.
(= stop thinking about it)
I think I can get past it.
There’s absolutely no _____ that we will stay in Kosovo more than half a year.
(= under no circumstances, not at all;
you are emphasizing that you think it will definitely not happen)
There’s absolutely no way that we will stay in Kosovo more than half a year.
publicity gimmick
sales/marketing gimmick
gimmick /ˈɡɪm.ɪk/
something that is not serious or of real value that is used to attract people’s attention or interest temporarily, especially to make them buy something
трюк, уловка
Not happening
Not happening = да ни за что
(here Present Continuous refers to Future, not Present).
Well, an apology from me is not happening
Well, an apology from me is not h__________.
(= не случится, не дождетесь)
Well, an apology from me is not happening.
catch on
[two meanings]
- to become popular or fashionable
He invented a new game, but it never really caught on.
- (informal) to understand something
He is very quick to catch on to things.
Oh, Oliver, you’ll never c__ on.
(= understand, especially after a long time)
Oh, Oliver, you’ll never catch on.
He doesn’t take hints very easily, but he’ll catch on (to what you’re saying) eventually.
We were teasing Jim, but he was slow to catch on that we were joking.
I actually designed that chart, kind of hoping it c______ on.
(= becomes fashionable or popular)
I actually designed that chart, kind of hoping it catches on.
Why did the electronic gadget catch on so fast?
Seriously, h__ __ __!
(= выслушай меня)
Seriously, hear me out!
hear sb out to listen until somebody has finished saying what they want to say
I know you’re furious with me, but please hear me out.
I feel like I’m being a phony, and I can’t t__ __ anymore.
(= I can’t stand it, it’s unbearable)
phony /ˈfəʊni/
not real or true; false, and trying to trick people
I feel like I’m being a phony, and I can’t take it anymore.
I guess in the __ scheme __ __, I can’t really complain that much.
(= with everything considered, в глобальном плане)
I guess in the grand scheme of things, I can’t really complain that much.
in the (grand) scheme of things with everything considered. with everything taken into account. overall reasons
Yeah, well, we’ve all had such competitiveness ___ in us.
(= deep-rooted, укоренившийся)
Yeah, well, we’ve all had such competitiveness ingrained in us.
ingrained (in somebody/something) (of a habit, an attitude, etc.) that has existed for a long time and is therefore difficult to change
ingrained prejudices / habits
deeply ingrained
I’m so glad my dad __ed me __ yesterday otherwise I could have been in a lot of trouble!
The writer doesn’t __ __ his opinions with examples.
(= support other people that you agree with something they did or something they said)
I’m so glad my dad backed me up yesterday otherwise I could have been in a lot of trouble!
The writer doesn’t back up his opinions with example.
to back up = to support other people that you agree with something they did or something they said.
Today, I want to talk about some of the most common language peeves, where they come from, and maybe even __ a few of the most persistent myths.
(= show that an idea, a belief, etc. is false)
(sb’s pet) peeve - больное место, любимая мозоль
Today, I want to talk about some of the most common language peeves, where they come from, and maybe even debunk a few of the most persistent myths.
If you see yourself developing a bad habit, try and nip __ in __ b__ before it becomes ingrained in your brain.
If you see yourself developing a bad habit, try and nip it in the bud before it becomes ingrained in your brain.
Technology has always been a d__-__ s__.
(= has have both advantages and disadvantages)
Technology has always been a double-edged sword.
I mean, we are in an era that we are so __ fed by algorithms on social media of content that agrees with us.
I mean, we are in an era that we are so spoon fed by algorithms on social media of content that agrees with us.
San Diego is one of the most visited tourist destinations in America, and for __ __.
(= не зря, по веской/уважительной причине)
San Diego is one of the most visited tourist destinations in America, and for good reason.
As a parent, you must n__ in __ __ any attempts of physical aggression between siblings and teach them how to solve conflicts in a different way.
(= stop something before it has an opportunity to develop)
As a parent, you must nip in the bud any attempts of physical aggression between siblings and teach them how to solve conflicts in a different way.
I’m afraid you still have to __ __ m__.
(= accept criticism or punishment for something you have done)
I’m afraid you still have to face the music.
__ __ music whatever that might be.
(= accept criticism or punishment for something you have done)
Face the music whatever that might be.
What I’m describing is accountability – a common-sense, m__-g__ approach
(= a set of opinions, decisions, etc. that two or more groups who oppose each other can agree on; a position that is not extreme).
What I’m describing is accountability – a common-sense, middle-ground approach.
Where is that middle ground?
Parents must find a middle ground between a hands-off and hands-on approach.
Perhaps we need to find a __ __ that allows us to respect both perspectives while moving forward together.
(= a position that is not extreme)
Perhaps we need to find a middle ground that allows us to respect both perspectives while moving forward together.
__ thing __ __, I was in line to buy it, and I realized I have a toaster, and I have an oven.
(= all of a sudden, out of nowhere)
Next thing you know, I was in line to buy it, and I realized I have a toaster, and I have an oven.
(The) next thing you know / knew
used to talk about part of a story that happens in a sudden and surprising way
And I give him that crumb, and next __ __ k__, all the cookies in the cabinet are gone.
(=all of a sudden, out of nowhere)
And I give him that crumb, and next thing you know, all the cookies in the cabinet are gone.
(The) next thing you know used to talk about part of a story that happens in a sudden and surprising way
But the police realized the charges were b__ and dropped them.
(= fake; pretending to be real or true)
But the police realized the charges were bogus and dropped them.
a bogus claim / argument / psychic.
It’s completely bogus.
Will we ever __ to a __ where handmade clothes no longer exist?
Will we ever __ to a point where all waste is 100% recycled?
(= наступит ли момент/ дойдем ли мы до момента)
Will we ever get to a point where handmade clothes no longer exist?
Will we ever get to a point where all waste is 100% recycled?
You threw such a h__ f__ about the window and now look at you.
(= a sudden short period of angry behaviour for no good reason; tantrum)
You threw such a hissy fit about the window and now look at you.
a hissy fit /ˈhɪs.i ˌfɪt/ a sudden period of uncontrolled and silly anger like a child’s
throw a hissy fit
That’s completely b__.
(= fake; pretending to be real or true)
That’s completely bogus.
It’s a cheap __ of the real thing.
(= подделка, an object such as a fashion item or an electronic device that is a cheaper copy of the original, more expensive version).
It’s a cheap knockoff of the real thing.
a cheap knockoff of the original
a knockoff iPhone
a knockoff copy
a pretty accurate iPhone 10 knockoff
Look, I know I’m probably way __ __ l__ here, but I really gotta tell you about my situation.
(= beyond what is considered acceptable behavior)
Look, I know I’m probably way out of line here, but I really gotta tell you about my situation.
BrE out of order
I might be a little out of line here
Hey you’re __ __ __, kid.
(= beyond what is considered acceptable behavior / переходишь все границы )
Hey you’re out of line, kid.
I think you’re way __ of l__ talking to me like that.
(= beyond what is considered acceptable behavior / переходишь все границы)
I think you’re way out of line talking to me like that**.
I apologise for the o__.
(= оплошность, недосмотр)
I apologise for the oversight.
oversight the fact of making a mistake because you forget to do something or you do not notice something
You seem to be well equipped to repair that o__, Mr. Stromberg.
(= оплошность, недосмотр)
You seem to be well equipped to repair that oversight, Mr. Stromberg.
oversight the fact of making a mistake because you forget to do something or you do not notice something
Can I ask why she’s __ a ___?
(= принимает капельницу)
Can I ask why she’s on a drip?
She’s been put on a drip.
You seem to __ __ my dad’s jacket.
seem to take or seem to have taken?
You seem to have taken my dad’s jacket.
Every cloud has a __ __, that’s for sure.
(= an advantage that comes from a difficult or unpleasant situation)
Every cloud has a silver lining, that’s for sure.
Still, I’m surprised such news would have spread __ and __.
(= in every direction, everywhere)
Still, I’m surprised such news would have spread far and wide.
I’ve searched __ and ___ for the perfect partner for this launch.
(= in every direction, everywhere)
I’ve searched far and wide for the perfect partner for this launch.
People came from __ and __.
(= from a large number of places)
People came from far and wide.
David, I think, was __ and __ the best performer and a real good guy.
(= вне всякого сомнения; by a very great amount)
David, I think, was far and away the best performer and a real good guy.
far and away (followed by comparative or superlative adjectives)
by a very great amount
She’s far and away the best player.
I’m going to make this __ and __.
(= brief but pleasant or relevant)
I’m going to make this short and sweet.
His comments were short and sweet.
What’s the difference?
• drop off to sleep
• drift off to sleep
• fall asleep
• drop off to sleep - a quick transition
• drift off to sleep - a slow and gentle process
• fall asleep - a neutral term
be my guest
[meaning, use]
please do / sure, I don’t mind / go ahead
is used to give someone permission to do something that they have asked to do ‘Do you mind if I open the window?’ ‘Be my guest.’
can be used in a sarcastic way
If you think you can do it better, then be my guest!
If you want to waste your time, be __ g__. (= go ahead, sure, here: sarcastic)
If you want to waste your time, be my guest.
This could become a problem __ __.
This is going to be a major factor __ __.
(= in the future, from now on)
This could become a problem going forward.
This is going to be a major factor going forward.
going/moving forward used, especially in business, to mean “in the future”
❗️Note: some people think that it’s overused and find it extremely annoying
During the presentation, I was __-__, struggling to find the right words to say.
(= растерялся, стал косноязычным; not able to speak because you are shy or nervous).
During the presentation, I was tongue-tied, struggling to find the right words to say.
/ˈtʌŋ taɪd/
I always get nervous and tongue-tied in interviews.
I’m completely f__ by all of this attention and… What exactly do you do, Miss Van Pallen?
(= greatly surprised or astonished; feeling shocked, usually because of something you were not expecting)
I’m completely flabbergasted by all of this attention and… What exactly do you do, Miss Van Pallen?
uk /ˈflæb.ə.ɡɑː.stɪd/
us /ˈflæb.ɚ.ɡæs.tɪd/
If you have skin problems or feel sluggish and run-down, then it may be time to __.
(= детокс; a period when you stop taking unhealthy or harmful foods, drinks, or substances into your body for a period of time, in order to improve your health)
If you have skin problems or feel sluggish and run-down, then it may be time to detox.
What’s the difference between
smooth, smoothe and sooth?
to sooth (verb) = relieve, calm down, comfort
smooth (adj) = flat and even (гладкий), happening or continuing without any problems (a smooth transition/flight etc)
to smooth (verb) = make something smooth, смягчать, сглаживать
smoothe = smooth - spelling is ok, but not common
I never know if he’s genuine or just playing me - he’s a slick talker and s__ o__ who gets what he wants.
(= a person who achieves social success or manipulates others through a calm, charming, and persuasive manner)
informal, especially disapproving
slick (sometimes disapproving) speaking very easily and smoothly but in a way that does not seem sincere
I never know if he’s genuine or just playing me - he’s a slick talker and smooth operator who gets what he wants.
informal, especially disapproving
a smooth/slick/shrewd/smart operator
• someone who performs a task with great skill and grace:
This lawyer is highly recommended as a smooth operator—astute, personable, and committed to her clients’ interests.
• something, such as a machine, computer program, etc., that is easy to use and runs flawlessly
Both engines are smooth operators, but the EX version of the car brings a little more pep to passing.
light sleeper
a good sleeper
a heavy sleeper
All I get from the sun is red __.
(= пятна)
All I get from the sun is red blotches.