GE + Movie Club Flashcards
H______ is your weakness.
(= the fact of being too proud)
Hubris is your weakness.
In literature, a character with this quality ignores warnings and laws and this usually results in their downfall and death.
If they had, they’d have no q____ about killing you, too.
(= сомнения, угрызения совести)
If they had, they’d have no qualms about killing you, too.
an uncomfortable feeling of doubt about whether you are doing the right thing; сомнение, угрызение совести
have no qualms about doing sth
Might even bring my parents tomorrow to the ______.
(= an afternoon performance of a play, etc.; an afternoon showing of a film)
Might even bring my parents tomorrow to the matinee.
Anyway, let’s g__ people ___ about it.
(= make people talk)
Anyway, let’s get people talking about it.
The main goal of their campaign is to get people talking about the company.
I don’t think you’ve been s____.
(= ignored, cold shouldered,
showed a lack of respect for somebody, especially by ignoring them when you meet)
I don’t think you’ve been snubbed.
I mean, are you just gonna __ the __ __ and call it a day?
(= абсолютный минимум)
I mean, are you just gonna do the bare minimum and call it a day?
Don’t b__ yourself __ a__ it.
(= blame)
Don’t beat yourself up about it.
blame yourself too much for something
Let’s __ __ you stand out.
(= you don’t want to give all the details, here also understatement)
Let’s just say you stand out.
used to say that you are not going to give someone all the details about something
‘So who did it?’ ‘Let’s just say it wasn’t anyone in this family.’
How about we ___ the page __ this one, guys?
(= leave a difficult situation behind and move on to a new period in your life)
How about we turn the page on this one, guys?
After months of hard work, our plans finally came to f___.
(= was realized or achieved after efforts or planning)
After months of hard work, our plans finally came to fruition.
come to fruition /fruˈɪʃn/
Instead of learning from his mistakes, he’s ___ing down.
(= continuing to do something in an even more determined way than before)
Instead of learning from his mistakes, he’s doubling down.
mainly US
agreed to double down on fundraising
to double down on investment
to double down on the creative content
Belarusian authorities doubled down on repressions.
I want to encourage you to consider a philosophy of less is more, simplify to ___.
(= increase the size or effect of something)
I want to encourage you to consider a philosophy of less is more, simplify to amplify.
Dale Carnegie’s masterpiece How to win friends and influence people has definitely ____ the test __ __.
(= to prove to be good, popular, etc. over a long period of time)
Dale Carnegie’s masterpiece How to win friends and influence people has definitely stood the test of time.
to stand the test of time
Because we’re all __ __ you from the sidelines. (= supporting, болеем)
Because we’re all rooting for you from the sidelines.
root for support or encourage somebody in a sports competition or when they are in a difficult situation)
- informal
- AmE (BrE - support)
- usually used in the progressive tenses
I’m sorry, is this… Are you serious or is this _____? (= a feeling of pleasure at the bad things that happen to other people, злорадство)
I’m sorry, is this… Are you serious or is this schadenfreude?
I couldn’t resist a touch of ___ when he was defeated so heavily in the election.
(= a feeling of pleasure at the bad things that happen to other people, злорадство)
I couldn’t resist a touch of schadenfreude when he was defeated so heavily in the election.
Well, when you project your fantasy onto someone, you only set __ up __ disappointment.
Well, when you project your fantasy onto someone, you only set yourself up for disappointment.
set yourself up for success / disappointment / a failure
A piece of nostalgia that probably won’t even ___ the ___ of time. (= last or remain popular for a long time)
A piece of nostalgia that probably won’t even stand the test of time.
If this thing is real, it’ll ___ the test of __.
(= last or remain popular for a long time)
If this thing is real, it’ll stand the test of time.
What’s worse, stress tend to ___ the problem, causing people to double down on behaviours that make other people sceptical.
(= make sth stronger, more intense, or more notisable)
What’s worse, stress tend to amplify the problem, causing people to double down on behaviours that make other people sceptical.
You gotta __ on the __ __ caution.
(= act in a way that minimizes risk or avoid potential problems)
You gotta err on the side of caution.
to err on the side of caution
In our digital age, it takes less time for new words and phrases to get tr____ than it did in the past.
(= become popular or gain support)
In our digital age, it takes less time for new words and phrases to get traction than it did in the past.
get / gain traction - gain support, attention, or progress in achieving a goal
Musk responds to ___ over gesture at Trump rally.
There was immediate __ on social media.
(= a strong negative reaction by a large number of people)
Musk responds to backlash over gesture at Trump rally.
There was immediate backlash on social media.
Elon Musk draws ___ for “Nazi-like” gesture during Trump’s inauguration speech.
(= a strong negative reaction)
Elon Musk draws backlash for “Nazi-like” gesture during Trump’s inauguration speech.
Graduating from Yale Law School is __ __ feat in usual times. But you did it during some of the most challenging years in living memory.
(= to be a great achievement)
Graduating from Yale Law School is no mean feat in usual times. But you did it during some of the most challenging years in living memory.
Getting the job finished in under a week was no mean feat.
But I picked design, because I believe it’s one of the most powerful tools at __ d__ to improve our quality of life.
(= в нашем распоряжении;
available for use as you prefer)
But I picked design, because I believe it’s one of the most powerful tools at our disposal to improve our quality of life.
at your/somebody’s disposal
available for use as you prefer/somebody prefers
He will have a car at his disposal for the whole month.
Well, I’m at your disposal (= I am ready to help you in any way I can).
I’m at ___ d______!
(= I am ready to help you in any way I can; я в твоем распоряжении).
I’m at your disposal!
I’m at ___ d______Lieutenant!
(= I am ready to help you in any way I can; я в вашем распоряжении).
I’m at your disposal, Lieutenant!
Because it’s ___.
(= an offensive word for ideas, statements or beliefs that you think are silly or not true, nonsense)
Because it’s crap.
offensive, slang
Victor, you are so full of ___.
(= an offensive word for ideas, statements or beliefs that you think are silly or not true, nonsense)
Victor, you are so full of crap.
Oh, well, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to ___ on the op-ed page on the great questions.
(= to give your opinions about something in a way that shows that you think you are right; разглагольствовать, “вещать”)
op-ed (сокр. от англ. opposite the editorial page — «напротив передовицы», часто перепутываемая с «мнением редакции» от англ. opinion-editorial)
Oh, well, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to pontificate on the op-ed page on the great questions.
pontificate on/about /pɒnˈtɪfɪkeɪt/ /pɑːnˈtɪfɪkeɪt/
So I ask you again, in the __ __ way, to please put out the cigars, okay?
(= no offence, when you want to offer criticism in a polite and kind manner)
So I ask you again, in the nicest possible way, to please put out the cigars, okay?
Hey man, in the nicest way possible/no offense, um, your breath kind of stinks.
There’s something odd about him, but I can’t quite __ my f__ on it.
(= to (not) be able to identify what is wrong or different about a particular situation)
There’s something odd about him, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
Look, Dave, I can’t put __ __ __ it, but I sense something strange about him.
(= to (not) be able to identify what is wrong or different about a particular situation)
Look, Dave, I can’t put my finger on it, but I sense something strange about him.
It was just so __.
(= slarvig)
It was just so sloppy.
sloppy that shows a lack of care, thought or effort
sloppy thinking
Your work is sloppy.
a sloppy worker
Look, I’m your best friend, all right, and I’ll always have your back, but there’s __ so __ I can do when you show up in a dress.
Look, I’m your best friend, all right, and I’ll always have your back, but there’s only so much I can do when you show up in a dress.
When you realize there are __ so __ things you can teach a child.
(used to say that there are limits to something)
When you realize there are only so many things you can teach a child.
Not to __-__ you, but my gallery showing was last night, and I sold my entire collection of photos.
(= обойти, «переплюнуть»)
Not to one-up похвастаться, you, but my gallery showing was last night, and I sold my entire collection of photos.
to one-up
to get an advantage over someone by doing something better, more extreme, etc. than them, or by saying that you did or will do something like this:
Yeah, well you weren’t exactly __ about your engagement with Kevin.
(= willing to give information about something)
Yeah, well you weren’t exactly forthcoming about your engagement with Kevin.
She’s never very ___ about her plans.
He was more ___ about his past than they expected.
(= willing to give information about something)
She’s never very forthcoming about her plans.
Она не много рассказывает о своём прошлом.
He was more forthcoming about his past than they expected.
Он говорил о своём прошлом более откровенно, чем они ожидали.
I was trying to find a __ so we wouldn’t have to close.
(= alternative solution to a problem)
I was trying to find a workaround so we wouldn’t have to close.
Point taken. Let’s see if we can find a __.
I don’t have the right tool, but I think I have a __.
(= alternative solution to a problem)
Point taken. Let’s see if we can find a workaround.
I don’t have the right tool, but I think I have a workaround.
I didn’t want to __ __ anybody’s __ by talking to him, but they welcomed it.
Be careful when suggesting changes —you don’t want to __ __ any __.
(= upset someone, esp. by getting involved in something that is that person’s responsibility)
I didn’t want to step on anybody’s toes by talking to him, but they welcomed it.
Be careful when suggesting changes—you don’t want to step on anyone’s toes.
I don’t want to s__ __ your t__, but you’re talking about rehauling the largest industry in the country.
(= offend or annoy somebody, especially by getting involved in something that is their responsibility;
не хочу лезть в твои дела)
I don’t want to step on your toes, but you’re talking about rehauling the largest industry in the country.
it’s an unsolicited and unwelcome intrusion on that person’s responsibility.
BrE tread on your toes
We used to share everything with each other, but now it feels like __ __ __ __ anymore. We barely talk these days.
(= это уже не так)
We used to share everything with each other, but now it feels like that’s not the case anymore. We barely talk these days.
I know that’s __ the __ here.
(= not ture)
I know that’s not the case here.
__ isn’t everything.
(= бежевый)
Beige isn’t everything.
We represent the workers in all magical industries, both evil and b__.
(= not causing damage or harm)
We represent the workers in all magical industries, both evil and benign.
benign /bɪˈnaɪn/
not causing damage or harm; pleasant and kind
… is a very b__ and bewildering thing for me, because I’ve never felt that before.
(= загадочный, необъяснимый)
… is a very baffling and bewildering thing for me, because I’ve never felt that before.
/ˈbæflɪŋ/ (to somebody) causing you to feel completely confused and unable to understand
baffling and mind-blowing
baffling and mystirious
After the accident, she was constantly __ __ while driving.
(= tense, nervous)
After the accident, she was constantly on edge while driving.
Everyone here is on __, and Hugh, of course, has been beating himself up, but…
(= tense, nervous)
Everyone here is on edge, and Hugh, of course, has been beating himself up, but…
How did Matty attempt to __ __ in a witness’s statement?
He always __s __ in my ideas, looking for any mistakes or weak points.
(= find flaws, weaknesses, or inconsistencies in an argument, statement, or theory, often to challenge its credibility)
How did Matty attempt to poke holes in a witness’s statement?
He always pokes holes in my ideas, looking for any mistakes or weak points.
Financial problems can c__ t__ in a marriage.
Her constant criticism __s __ among her friends.
(=create stress, conflict, or discomfort in a situation, relationship, or group)
Financial problems can cause tension in a marriage.
Her constant criticism causes tension among her friends.
But that’s what I found en__ about Ray.
(= lovable, causing people to feel love)
But that’s what I found endearing about Ray.
Modesty is another one of his __ qualities.
(= lovable, causing people to feel love)
Modesty is another one of his endearing qualities.
BrE /ɪnˈdɪərɪŋ/
AmE /ɪnˈdɪrɪŋ/
But he’s good for this type of role, self-__ and somewhat lacking in self-esteem.
(= modest, not wanting to attract attention to yourself or your abilities)
But he’s good for this type of role, self-effacing and somewhat lacking in self-esteem.
/ˌself ɪˈfeɪsɪŋ/
In the first weeks of his second term, President Donald Trump has wasted no time in f__ his m__.
(= showing his power or strength)
In the first weeks of his second term, President Donald Trump has wasted no time in flexing his (political) muscle.
flex your muscle(s) = show your power or strength
I was a bit p__ at first at how oblivious you were.
(= annoyed)
I was a bit peeved at first at how oblivious you were.
peeved (about/at/by something)
My mental health is in __.
My reputation is in __.
Our hearts lie in __.
His shirt was in __.
(= destroyed; ruined; torn in many places)
My mental health is in tatters.
My reputation is in tatters.
Our hearts lie in tatters.
His shirt was in tatters.
ложная скромность
classic books vs classical books
The terms “classic books” and “classical books” are often used interchangeably, but they can have different connotations depending on the context.
- Classic Books: This term generally refers to literary works that have stood the test of time and are widely recognized for their artistic merit, cultural significance, or enduring themes. Classic books often explore universal human experiences and are frequently studied in schools and universities. Examples include “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, “Moby-Dick” by Herman Melville, and “1984” by George Orwell.
- Classical Books: This term typically refers to works from ancient civilizations, particularly those of Greece and Rome, such as the writings of Homer, Virgil, and Plato. It can also refer to the study of classical literature as a field within the broader context of the humanities. In some contexts, “classical” can also relate to classical music or classical art, but when discussing literature, it usually pertains to ancient texts.
All predators, from a giant polar bear to a __ little otter.
(= tiny, very small)
All predators, from a giant polar bear to a teensy little otter.
teensy /ˈtiːnzi/
teeny-weeny /tiːni ˈwiːni/
teensy-weensy /ˌtiːnzi ˈwiːnzi/
I’ve had it up to here with this Indian __.
(= behaviour or an idea that you think is silly and makes no sense or has no meaning; чепуха, ерунда)
I’ve had it up to here with this Indian malarkey.
BrE /məˈlɑːki/
AmE /məˈlɑːrki/
informal, disapproving
You look very j__.
(= nervous)
You look very jittery.
I can’t believe they fell for the whole damn thing, h__, __, and __.
(= completely believed something that someone tells you that is not true)
I can’t believe they fell for the whole damn thing, hook, line, and sinker.
fall for something hook, line and sinker
used to emphasize that someone has been completely deceived or tricked
They’ll __ you __ your __ with loving words, obsessive attention, and constant contact.
She dreams of someone who will __ her __ her ___ like in the movies.
(= charm or impress someone so much that they fall in love quickly; покорят, ошеломят)
They’ll sweep you off your feet with loving words, obsessive attention, and constant contact.
She dreams of someone who will sweep her on her feet like in the movies.
I told my brother that his favorite celebrity was coming to town, and he __ for it h__, ___ and __ .
They designed the marketing campaign so well that customers __ h__, __ and __ for the hype.
(= completely believe or fall for something, often in a naive or unquestioning way)
I told my brother that his favorite celebrity was coming to town, and he fell for it hook, line and sinker.
They designed the marketing campaign so well that customers fell hook, line and sinker for the hype.
fall for something hook, line and sinker
I am the flight director, and I can __ the __ __ this one.
(= stop or put an end to something, usually abruptly)
I am the flight director, and I can pull the plug on this one.
He wasn’t putting in any effort, so I decided to __ __ __ on the relationship.
(= stop or put an end to something, usually abruptly)
He wasn’t putting in any effort, so I decided to pull the plug on the relationship.
She decided to __ dessert because she was already full.
We had to __ our vacation this year due to financial problems.
(= give up or go without something; to not have or do something enjoyable; воздержаться, отменить)
She decided to forego dessert because she was already full.
We had to forego our vacation this year due to financial problems.
She decided to __ the practice of wearing the coronation robes in favor of something a little more modern.
(= give up or go without something; to not have or do something enjoyable)
She decided to forego the practice of wearing the coronation robes in favor of something a little more modern.
/fɔːˈɡəʊ/ /fɔːrˈɡəʊ/
(also forgo)
Jasmine, you are __ __ stupid.
(= далеко не глупый; used to mean the opposite of the stated quality)
Jasmine, you are anything but stupid.
He says he’s humble, but he’s __ __.
People think fraud is a victimless crime - it is __ __.
( = это далеко не так; used to mean the opposite of the stated quality)
He says he’s humble, but he’s anything but.
People think fraud is a victimless crime - it is anything but.
📍Jens says that he is good at organazing, but he’s anything but.
I think I’m finally beginning to understand what m__ you __.
(= understand what motivates you or how you think)
I think I’m finally beginning to understand what makes you tick.
See what’s inside him, what m__ him __.
(= understand what motivates him or how he thinks)
See what’s inside him, what makes him tick.
There, you didn’t have to be __ on a __.
(= admire or idealize someone too much, often ignoring their flaws)
There, you didn’t have to be put on a pedestal.
This place gives me the __.
(= sudden feeling of disgust or discomfort that makes you lose attraction to someone)
This place gives me the ick.
I got the ick when he started talking with his mouth full on our date.
The way he texts me ten times in a row gives me the ick.
It’s a __ campaign, Charlie.
(= an intentional, premeditated effort to undermine an individual’s or group’s reputation, credibility, and character)
It’s a smear campaign, Charlie.
I mean, I am so __ __ w__.
(= **responsible for a quarrel, mistake, or offense)
I mean, I am so in the wrong.
You purposefully w__ information concerning a case under my investigation.
(= refused to give something to somebody)
You purposefully withheld information concerning a case under my investigation.
She was accused of withholding information from the police.
This situation is v__.
(= unstable; likely to change suddenly; easily becoming dangerous)
This situation is volatile.
UK /ˈvɒlətaɪl/
US /ˈvɑːlətl/
This place gives me the __.
(= a sudden feeling that you dislike someone or something or are no longer attracted to someone because of something they do)
This place gives me the ick.
Fortunately for everyone, I look great in a __ cut.
(= a hairstyle for women in which the hair is cut very short)
Fortunately for everyone, I look great in a pixie cut.
also pixie crop UK
She was over-sensitive, unreliable and v___.
(= changing easily from one mood to another)
She was over-sensitive, unreliable and volatile.
UK /ˈvɒlətaɪl/
US /ˈvɑːlətl/
often disapproving
volatile (of a person or their moods)
- a highly volatile personality
- a very volatile character
She found lipstick on his shirts - the __ sign that he was having an affair.
( = allowing a secret to become known; явный, очевидный знак/признак)
She found lipstick on his shirts - the telltale sign that he was having an affair.
telltale signs of stress / depression / malnutrition / aging / a counterfeit bag / a knockoff