GCSE USA Booklet 3 Flashcards
What policy did JFK announce in 1960 to improve the lives of ordinary Americans?
Great Society
What was the name of the plan set up in 1947 to help European countries rebuild after WW2?
Marshall Plan
Which race riots took place in 1965 and 1967?
Watts riot and Detroit riots
Who had 170 hit singles from the 1950s?
Elvis Presley
What does the CORE stand for?
Congress of Racial Equality
What did the House Committee of Un-American Activities do?
Investigated communist sympathisers in the government, education and film industry
Where did Martin Luther King organise a march to encourage blacks to register to vote in 1965?
What % of its income did bus companies lose as a result of the Montgomery Bus Boycotts?
During the 1950s, what percentage of the world’s goods did the USA produce?
What does the SNCC stand for?
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee
How did President Eisenhower solve the problem in Little Rock?
Sent in state troopers to protect the students for 6 weeks.
How many US soldiers were there by 1950?
Which famous boxer joined the Nation of Islam?
Cassius Clay/ Muhammed Ali
Who was the anti-Communist director of the FBI in the 1950s?
J. Edgar Hoover
Which act of government from 1964 wanted to replace inner-city slums?
The Development Act
By how much was the US standard of living higher than people in Britain?
Three times
What was the act of government from 1965 which banned literacy tests when registering to vote?
Voting Rights Act
How many blacks and whites were involved in the March on Washington in 1963?
200,000 blacks and 50,000 whites
How much money did the GI Bill of Rights set aside to help veteran soldiers with education and medical expenses etc.?
$13 billion
What organisation did Betty Friedan set up in 1966?
National Organisation for Women (NOW)
What did the 1954 Brown vs Board of Education Topeka Act introduce?
Segregated schools had to allow black children in ‘with all deliberate speed’
How many new homes were built in 1965?
During the 1950s what happened to the USA’s GNP?
It doubled
What was Malcolm Little better known as?
Malcolm X
What common effect did the Berlin Blockade, Korean War and China becoming communist have on the USA?
Made them scared of communism
What did the Supreme Court make available to unmarried couples for the first time in 1972?
Which black woman refused to give up her seat on a bus in 1955?
Rosa Parks
What % of households had a TV by 1958?
Which group had 2000 members and were effectively a private, black army?
Black Panthers
Who was the famous spy who served in Truman’s government?
Alger Hiss
How many cities had desegregated lunch counters following the Greenboro sit-ins?
What did the Roe vs Wade case allow and when was this?
Abortion, 1973
Name a teenage rebel
Marlon Brando and James Dean
How much did President Johnson spend on education?
$1.5 billion
How many Hollywood actors were on the blacklist for being communist sympathisers?
What was the name of the town in Arkansas which failed to allow 9 black students to attend?
Little Rock
What was the name of the senator who started the 1950s Red Scare?
Joe McCarthy
What group did the civil rights movement help set up in the Montgomery bus boycotts?
Montgomery Improvements Association
What percentages of blacks were registered to vote in Mississippi in the 1950s?
Who headed the Nation of Islam?
Elijah Muhammad
What was the post-war generation known as in the USA?
The baby-boomers
Which president signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964?
President Johnson
What was the famous anti-Communist slogan in the 1950s?
There’s a Red under every bed.
Which two organisations provided medical care for over-65s?
Medicare and Medicaid
What does the SCLC stand for?
Southern Christian Leadership Conference