social justice definition?
ensuring that society treats ppl fairly
christian views on social justice?
“love your neighbour as yourself” + parable of sheep and goats
jewish views on social justice?
“love your fellow as yourself” - Tenakh
quote for equality?
“there is neither jew nor gentile”
christian view on sexual prejudice?
some think homosexual relationships are sinful + others think fine and should not be a problem
jewish view on sexual prejudice?
orthodox jews = they are wrong but should be treated with respect
liberal and reform = accept these relationships
christian quote for freedom of religion?
“live at peace with everyone”
what do some jews face?
christian beliefs abt racism?
oppose it “neither jew nor gentile… for you are one in christ”
jewish view on racism?
they remember holocaust and now to modern day it still happens = not accepted
is positive discrimination ok?
yes can be ok to give disadvantaged ppl more equal opportunities
christian view on role of women in religion? (old)
used to be unequal “women should remain silent in church” - Paul
what do cc and orthodox churches not let women do?
become a rabbi - argue that they have different roles
orthodox jew view on women in religion?
men and women sit separately and are expected to stay at home and bring up kids
reform and liberal view on women in religion?
share more duties, men and women can sit together and celebrate coming of age with women too