GCSE Foundation (P4) Flashcards
la police-secours
(noun fem)
the emergency services
le policier
(noun masc)
the policeman
la policière
(noun fem)
the policewoman
la pomme
(noun fem)
the apple
la pomme de terre
(noun fem)
the potato
le pompier
(noun masc)
the fireman
le pont
(noun masc)
the bridge / deck
le porc
(noun masc)
the pork / pig
la portable
(noun fem)
the mobile phone / laptop
la porte (d’entrée)
(noun fem)
the (front) door
le porte-monnaie
the purse
le portefeuille
(noun masc)
the wallet
to put / place
to pose
poser une question
to ask a question
to posess
la poste
(noun fem)
the post (office) / post job
le pot
(noun masc)
the pot
le potage
(noun masc)
the soup
la poubelle
(noun fem)
the dustbin
le poulet
(noun masc)
the chicken
la poupée
(noun fem)
the doll
le pourboire
(noun fem)
the tip