GCSE Foundation (P3) Flashcards
la pile
(noun fem)
the battery
la pièce
(noun fem)
the coin / room
la pièce (de revisi)
(noun fem)
the play
la pièce d’identité
(noun fem)
the i.d.
le pied
the foot
la pierre
(noun fem)
the stone
le piéton
(noun masc)
the pedestrian
la pilule
(noun fem)
the pill
la piscine
(noun fem)
the swimming pool
la piste
(noun fem)
the track / dance floor
le placard
(noun masc)
the cupboard
la place
(noun fem)
the room / square / place / seat
le plafond
the ceiling
la plage
(noun fem)
the beach
to please
le plaisir
(noun masc)
the pleasure
le plan
(noun masc)
the plan
la planche
(noun fem)
the board
la planche à roulettes
(noun fem)
the skateboard
la planche à voile
(noun fem)
the windsurfing
le plancher
the floor
le plat / plat principal
(noun masc)
the dish / main course
le plateau
the tray
les plats cuisinés
(noun masc)
the ready-made meals
plein air
open air
to weep / to cry
to rain
le plomb
(noun masc)
the lead
le plombier
(noun masc)
the plumber
la plongée sou
(noun fem)
the diving
la pluie / pluvieux
(noun fem)
the rain / rainy
la plupart
the majority
rather / quite
le pneu
(noun masc)
the tyre
la poche
the pocket
la poêle
the frying-pan
le poids
(noun masc)
the weight
le poids lourd
(noun masc)
the lorry / hgv
le poing
(noun masc)
the fist
la pointure
(noun fem)
the size
la poire
(noun fem)
the pear
le poisson
(noun masc)
the fish
le poisson rouge
(noun masc)
the goldfish
la poissonnerie
(noun fem)
the fish shop
le poissonnier
(noun masc)
the fishmonger
la poitrine
(noun fem)
the chest
le poivre
(noun masc)
the pepper