GCSE Foundation (C1) Flashcards
le (terrain de) camping
(noun masc)
the camp site
ça fait combien ?
how much is it?
ça me plaît beaucoup
I like it very much
ça suffit
that’s enough
ça va
I’m fine etc.
la cabine téléphonique
(noun fem)
the phone box
le cabinet
(noun masc)
the surgery / consulting room
to hide
le cadeau
(noun masc)
the present
le cadet
(noun masc)
the younger
le café
(noun masc)
the coffee, café
la cafetière
(noun fem)
the coffee-pot
le cahier
(noun masc)
the exercise book
la caisse
(noun fem)
the till
le caissier
(noun masc)
the cashier
le calcul
(noun masc)
the sum
la calculatrice
(noun fem)
the calculator
la calculette
(noun fem)
the calculator
le camarade
the friend / mate
le camion
(noun masc)
the lorry
la camionnette
(noun fem)
the van
la campagne
(noun fem)
the country(side)
le canapé
(noun masc)
the sofa / settee
le canard
(noun masc)
the duck
la canne
(noun fem)
the stick
la canne à pêche
(noun fem)
the fishing-rod
le canoë
(noun masc)
la cantine
(noun fem)
the canteen
le capitale
(noun masc)
the capital
le carnet
(noun masc)
the note book
la carotte
(noun fem)
the carrot
le carrefour
(noun masc)
the crossroads
la carrière
(noun fem)
the career
le cartable
(noun masc)
the schoolbag
la carte
(noun fem)
the card / map / menu
le carton
(noun masc)
the cardboard
le cas
(noun masc)
the case
le casque
(noun masc)
the helmet
la casquette
(noun fem)
the cap
le casse-croûte
(noun masc)
the snack
to break
la casserole
(noun fem)
the pan
le cassis
(noun masc)
the blackcurrant
to cause / chat
la cave
(noun fem)
the cellar
la ceinture
(noun fem)
the belt
la ceinture de sécurit
(noun fem)
the seat belt