GCSE Flashcards
How can we measure development?
Development is the economic, social and political progress a country or people make. For it to be beneficial it must be sustainable (long-term and experienced by many people across society).
Population structure
The number (or percent) of people in a country in each age group (e.g. 10-14). It also shows the percentage of males/females.
Demographic Data
All data linked to population changes: birth rate, death rate, etc
Birth rate
Number of lives births per 1000 people per year
Death rate
Number of deaths per 1000 people per year
Dependency ratio
Proportion of people below (0-14) and above (over 65) normal working age. It’s calculated by: young +elderly divided by the working age x 100.
The lower number, means less people are dependent which is good.
Fertility rate
Average number of births per woman in her reproductive life
Infant mortality
Number of children (less than 1yr olds) per 1000 live births who die before their 1st birthday
Life expectancy
Average number of years a person can expect to live
Maternal Mortality
Number of mothers per 100,000 who die in childbirth
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
The total value of goods and services a country produces in a year. It is measured in $US per year.
GDP per capita
The GDP divided by the total population so that it shows the average wealth per person. It is measured in $US per person per year.
Demographic order
1) Government invests in water quality and sanitation.
2) More people at work and school.
3) More people paying taxes.
4) fewer deaths and lower infant mortality rate.
5) more investment in education
6) women’s status improves-education and ability to work
7) fewer babies are born because of women’s new cover focus
8) birth rate begins to fall
9) individual and government wealth improves
10) life expectancy increases
Rostow’s theory-traditional society
Most people work in agriculture
Produce little supplies
This is a ‘subsistence economy’
Rostow’s theory-pre take off society
Shift from farming to manufacturing
Increases profits
Produces cash crops
Rostow’s theory-take off stage
Growth is rapid
Create new manufacturing industries
Overseas trade
Rostow’s theory-drive to maturity
Period of growth
Technology is used in the economy
Produce consumer goods
Rostow’s theory-high mass consumption
Period of comfort
Enjoy a wide range of goods
Chose how to spend wealth