Gastrointestinal Infections VI Flashcards
Characteristic of vibrio parahaemolyticus?
Describe how it manifests as noninflammatory bacterial gastroenterisis.
- Vibrio parahaemolyticuscurved gram (-) rod
- oxidase positive
- halophile – requires salt to grow
- Manifestations
- 24 hr incubation
- explosive diarrhea to cholera-like illness
- headache
- abdominal cramps
- nausea
- vomiting
- low-grade fever
Common cause of Vibrio parahaemolyticus noninflammatory bacterial gastroenteritis?
- Cause
- eating raw shellfish
- Pathology
- thermostable Kanagawa hemolysin that induces chloride ion secretion
- Diagnosis
- clinical presentation
- green colonies of TCBS agar
- beta hemolytic on human RBC agar plates; not on sheep RBC agar plates
- Treatment
- oral replacement of fluids adn electrolytes
- antibiotics
- prevention
- proper cooking of shellfish
Characteristic of vibrio cholerae?
Common causes and endemic areas?
- Vibrio cholerae
- slightly curved gram-negative rod
- O1 and O139 serotypes (LPS) – severe disease
- non-O1/O139 types milder disease
- Endemic in
- India, West Bengal, Bangladesh, South America, and Lousiana
- ingested in contaminated water and food (shellfish and crabs)
Symptoms of vibrio cholerae caused noninflammatory bacterial gsatroenteritis?
Pathology of disease?
- symptoms
- abrupt onset of watery diarrhea
- no fever
- “rice water” stools
- vomiting may occur
- Pathology
- large dose of cells needed
- attache to microvilli
- no invasion
- produce cholera toxin
- ADP robosylates GTP-binding protein
- increase cAMP
- inhibits NaCl absorption and stiumlates Cl- secretion
- increase cAMP
- Diagnosis
- clinical presentation
- plating stool on TCBS agar (yellow on TCBS)
- thiosulfate-citrate-bile-salts-sucrose agar
- test for foxin in adrenal cell assay
- Treatment
- replace fluids and electrolytes
- antibiotics reduce severity and length of disease
- vomiting
What are teh 3 major causes of parasitic gastroenteritis?
- Giardiasis
- Cyclosporiasis
- Cryptosporidiosis
- chronic problem in immunocompromised
What is the usual cause of Giardiasis?
- Usually ingest water containing Giadia cysts
- become trophozoites in duodenum
- Symptoms
- many asymptomatic
- watery diarrhea to malabsorption syndrome
- incubation period 1-4 weeks
- sudden onset of
- foul-smelling watery diarrhea
- cramps
- flatulence
- steatorrhea
Pathology of Giardiasis?
- Pathology
- adhere to microvilli
- causes disaccharidase deficiency
- results in osmotic diarrhea
- bloating, flatulence, watery diarrhea
- if continue – malabsorption and fatty diarrhea can result
- Diagnosis
- Hx of drinking contaminated water
- clinical symptoms
- confirmatory diagnosis – find organism in stool
- Treatment
- see pharmacology notes
- Prevention
- boil or filter all drinking water
- chlorination doesn’t kill the cysts
Etiological cause of cyclosporiasis?
- Etiology: Cyclospora cayetanesis
- common water contaminant
- imported fresh fruits, vegetables & herbs
- sporulated oocysts are infectious form of the parasite
- Pathology
- binds to epithelial cells in the small intestine
- causes secretory diarrhea
- mechanism unkown
Symptoms of Cyclosporiasis?
- Symptom
- normal immune system
- asymptomatic to prolonged diarrhea lasting a month or more
- other symptoms include; fever, fatigue, flatulence, and belching
- self-limiting, wax & wane, or result in prolonged diarrhea
- fatigue and malaise may persist after diarrhea has resolved
- normal immune system
- Diagnosis
- look for variably staining acid-fast cysts in a stool smear
- Treatment
- see pharmacology notes
- Prevention
- in US avoid imported fresh fruits and vegetables
Common cause of Cryptosporidium?
Etiological cause?
- Common water contaminant
- Lives in fish, mammals and reptiles
- small number of oocysts cause diarrhea
- immunocompromised more likely to have symptoms & develop chronic diarrhea
- Pathology
- Afects ion transport
- Inflammatory damage of microvilli leading to malabsorption
Symptoms of Cryptosporidium?
- Symptoms
- normal immune system
- asymptomatic
- self-limiting diarrhea (around 10 d duration)
- immunocompromised
- diarrheal disease can be severe
- 50 or more stools per day
- last months to years
- normal immune system
- Diagnosis
- look for acid-fast cysts in stool smear
- Treatment
- see pharmacology nots
- antidiarrheal drugs give temporary relief
- Prevention
- avoid contaminated water sourcs
What is the etiological agent responsible for producing antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis?
Virulence factors?
- Clostridiodes difficile - resistant to many antibiotics
- anaerobe
- produces A and B toxin
- Symptoms
- asymptomatic to fulminatn colitis
- depends on number of receptors for toxins on colon
- watery diarrhea
- crampy bilateral lower quadrant pain that decreases after bowel movement
- low-grade fever
- peripheral blood leukocytosis
- asymptomatic to fulminatn colitis
- 5-10 days post antibiotic
Symptoms of a C. diff infection?
- Symptoms
- pseudomembranous colitis – seen w/ colonoscopy
- look for yellowish plaques
- fulminant colitis
- diarrhea, but can be constipated
- diffuse severe abdominal pain
- hypoactive bowel sounds
- abdominal distension & guarding
- marked peripheral blood leukocytosis
- complications
- perforation
- toxic megacolon
- pseudomembranous colitis – seen w/ colonoscopy
Diagnosis C. diff infection?
- Diagnosis
- Hx antibiotic therapy
- clindamycin & lincomycin
- ELISA for toxin A & B
- PCR for glutamate dehydrogenase screen of fecal sample
- most sensitive
- 50% of time stool ahve fecal leukocytes and are heme positive
- endoscopy; yellow plaques
- Hx antibiotic therapy
- treatment
- withdraw antibiotic
- IV fluids/electryolyte
- NO ANTIMOTILITY DRUGS - increase canges toxic megacolon & full-blown colitis
- fecal transplantation
- megacolon: bowel resection & ileostomy
- Prevention
- prevent spread to other patients and personnel
- avoid prolonged us of broad-spectrum antibiotics