Gastrointestinal Flashcards
What antibodies are seen in autoimmune hepatitis?
Type I + ANA, smooth muscle antibodies
Type II anti liver/kidney microsomal antibodies
What is the txt for autoimmune hepatits?
corticosteroids + Azathioprine
What unusual side effect is seen in acute viral hepatitis?
decreased desire to smoke
What two phases are seen in acute viral hepatitis?
icteric- jaundice
fulminant- encephalopathy, coagulopathy
Txt for viral hepatitis?
clinical recovery 3-16wks
What is the MC cause of fulminant hepatitis?
acetaminophen toxicity
What is the definitive txt for fulminant hepatitis?
Liver transplant
What is the txt for fulminant hepatitis?
What are the two manifestations seen in fulminant hepatitis?
encephalopathy & coagulopathy
Transmission of Hep A and Hep E?
What symptom is associated w/ Hep A?
spiking fever
Txt for Hep A?
T/F Fulminant hepatitis is rare in Hep A?
What is the best way to prevent Hep A and Hep B?
Handwashing & improved sanitation
Who should get Hep A pre-exposure prophylaxis?
increased risk of HAV and international travelers
What is the prophylaxis for post-exposure Hep A?
Healthy 1-40yr= HAV vaccine
Healthy > 40= HAV vaccine +/- HAV IVIG
Immunocomp= HAV vaccine + HAV IVIG
When should post-exposure Hep A vaccine be admin?
within 2 wks of exposure
What is seen on PE for Hep A?
jaundice, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, rash, arthralgia, pruritus
Who’s at risk for Hep A exposure?
close contact w/ infected, day care workers, men sex men, homelessness, shellfish, illicit drug use.
T/F Hep E can be transmitted mother-child?
Who is at an increase risk of fulminant Hep E?
pregnant women, malnourished
Txt for Hep E?
Who has the highest mortality in Hep E infection?
fulminant hepatitis during pregnancy
Transmission of Hep B and E?
percutaneous, sexual, parenteral, perianatal
Txt for Hep B?
Vaccine for Hep B?
recombinant Hep B vaccine
What ages do infants get Hep B vaccine?
birth, 1-2 mo and 6-18mo
What antigen appears first in Hep B infection?
HBsAg (surface antigen)
1st evidence of infection w/ Hep B?
1st evidence of diagnosis of Hep B?
Which antigen indicates viral replication and infection in Hep B?
What does Hep D need to survive?
How is Hep D transmissed?
How can you prevent Hep D?
Hep B vaccination
How is Hep D screened for?
HDV RNA in serum
Which hepatitis virus has the highest morbidity?
Hep D
Which hepatitis virus has the highest rate of chronicity?
Hep C
MC infectious cause of liver dx, cirrhosis, and liver transplantation in the US?
Hep C
MC cause of Hep C transmission?
IV drug use
Screening test of Hep C?
HCV antibodies
Confirmatory test for Hep C?
Txt for HCV?
lots of new antivirals
What should be checked before txt HCV?
HBV testing (due to reactivation)
If left untreated what is the prognosis for HCV?
hepatocellular cancer
Which type of Hepatitis is associated with a high infant mortality rate in pregnant women?
Hep E
Txt for hepatic cancer?
surgical resection if confined to a lobe and not assoc/ w/ cirrhosis
How is hepatic cancer screened for?
ultrasound q 6 mo w/wo AFP
Tumor marker hepatic cancer?
Alpha fetoprotein
Whom should be screened for HCC?
- active HBV infection
- high risk pts
MC cause of cirrhosis?
Chronic Hep C
2nd MC cause of cirrhosis?
What vaccination can be given to txt cirrhosis
Hep A and Hep B
What is the definitive txt for cirrhosis?
liver transplant
What is the screening recommendation for cirrhosis?
ultrasound q 6 mo w/wo AFP
What is the txt for encephalopathy due to cirrhosis?
Lactulose or Rifaximin. Neomycin 2nd line
What is the txt for ascites due to cirrhosis?
Diuretics (Spironolactone, Furosemide) Paracentesis
What is the txt for pruritus due to cirrhosis?
Classification system is used to stage cirrhosis?
MC cause of acute pancreatitis?
gallstones and etoh
Symptoms of acute pancreatitis?
boring pain radiates to back, n/v, fever, pain while supine and relieved w/ leaning forward
What is cullen’s sign?
periumblical ecchymosis
What is Grey Turner sign?
flank ecchymosis
What are the 3 diagnosis criteria for acute pancreatitis?
- acute persistent severe epigastric pain
- elevation in serum lipase or amylase x3
- findings on CT, MRI, US
What are the best initial test for acute pancreatitis?
amylase and lipase (best)
What electrolyte abnormalities is found acute pancreatitis?
DOC for acute pancreatitits?
abdominal CT
Txt for acute pancreatitis?
NPO, IV fluids, analgesia
What criteria is used to determine prognosis of pancreatitits?
Ransons criteria
MC cause of chronic pancreatitis?
What is the triad of chronic pancreatitis?
calcifications, steatorrhea, DM
Are amylase and lipase elevated in chronic pancreatitis?
No, normal
What pancreatic function test is the most sensitive and specific for chronic pancreatitis?
fecal elastase
Txt for chronic pancreatitis?
etoh abstinence, pain control, low fat diet, vitamin supplementation, oral pancreatic enzyme replacement
Txt for retractable pain in chronic pancreatitis?
Which of the following abnormalities is this plain film most likely to show in acute pancreatitis?
sentinel lopp
colon cutoff sign
MC organism in rectal abscess?
Staph aureus
MC site of fistula?
posterior rectal wall
Txt for rectal abscess?
Supportive txt after I&D for rectal abscess?
W- warm water cleanse
S- sitz baths
H- high fiber diet
Txt for fistula?
Where are anal fissures commonly found?
distal anal canal in POSTERIOR midline
What type of tear is seen in anal fissure?
longitudinal tear
1st line txt for anal fissure?
supportive (warm water, stool softeners, laxatives, mineral oil)
2nd line txt for anal fissure?
topical vasodilators: nitroglycerin, Dilitazem, Nifedipine ointment
What is the txt for refractory anal fissure?
lateral internal sphincterotomy
What is a anal fistula?
open tract between two epithelium lined areas
What is celiac disease?
autoimmune mediated inflammation of the small bowel due to reaction w/ alpha-gliadin found in gluten food
MC symptom of celiac?
Rash seen in celiac disease?
dermatitis herpetiformis
What is the best screening for celiac disease?
symptom improvement w/ trial of gluten-free diet
What screening can be done to identify celiac dx?
transglutaminase IgA antibodies
What is the definitive dx of celiac dx?
small bowel biospy
What is found on biopsy for celiac dx?
atrophy of the vili
Txt for celiac disease?
avoid wheat, rye, barley
What supplementation is needed in celiac dx?
What area of the bowel is MC in crohn disease?
terminal ileum
What symptoms are seen in crohn dx?
ileocolitis- RUQ, diarrhea (not bloody), weight loss
Initial test of choice in crohn dx?
upper GI series
String sign is seen in what dx?
Crohn dx
What is seen on endoscopy of crohn dx?
segmental “skip areas”, cobblestoning, strictures, aphthous ulceration
What antibodies are seen in Crohn dx?
anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies
What vitamin deficiency is seen in crohn dx?
Txt for Crohn?
5-SA or oral glucocorticoids
What symptoms are seen in UC?
diarrhea (bloody), crampy abdominal pain, tenesmus
What is seen on barium enema on UC?
stovepipe or lead pipe sign
What antibodies are seen in UC?
positive P-ANCA
Txt for UC?
topical 5 aminosalicylic acid (ASA)
What is the definitive curative txt of UC?
surgical resection (colectomy)
After 8yrs of being dx with UC what should be done?
colonoscopy q 1yr
What can UC turn into?
colorectal cancer
What should be monitor frequently with Methotrexate txt?
MC area for UC?
Smoking decreases risk for?
What are the 3 patho of IBS?
Abnormal motility
Visceral hypersensitivity
Psychosocial interactions
What is the hallmark sx of IBS?
abdominal pain associated w/ altered defecation/ bowel habits. Pain relieved w/ defecation
What criteria is used in IBS?
How is IBS dx?
dx of exclusion
What is rome criteria?
recurrent abdominal pain at least 1 day/wk in the last 3 mo associated w/ 2:
- related to defecation
- onset w/ change in stool frequency
- onset w/ change in stool appearance
1st line txt for IBS?
lifestyle and dietary change (low fat, high fiber, unprocessed food diet)
Txt for constipation?
fiber, psyllium
Txt for diarrhea?
Infection associated with an increased prevalence of IBS
Giardia lambila
What area of the colon is most affected in diverticulosis?
MC cause of acute lower GI bleeding?
TOC for diverticulosis?
What is both diagnostic and therapeutic for diverticulosis?
Txt for diverticulosis?
IV fluids, bleeding stops spontaenously