Gastrointestinal Flashcards
Features of coeliac
- Wheat intolerance –> villous atrophy and malabsorption
- Sx: Weight loss, offensive stools, diarrhoea, fatigue
- Ix: Anti-transglutaminase, biopsy
- Tx: gluten free diet
Causes of pancreatitis
- Gallstones
- Ethanol
- Trauma
- Steroids
- Mumps/ Malignancy
- Autoimmune
- Scorpion/ spider bite
- Hypercalcaemia/thyroid/lipidaemia
- Drugs- azathioprine, oestrogens, thiazides, isoniazid, steroids, NSAIDs
Functional causes of bowel obstruction
- Paralytic ileus- post abdo surgery, pancreatits, spinal injury. NO BOWEL SOUNDS.
- Pseudo-obstruction- Ogilvies syndrome
Presentation of colorectal cancer
- Left sided- PR bleed, diarrhoea/constipation, mass on PR, tenesmus, ++ obstruction
- Right sided- Iron deficient anaemia, weight loss, abdo pain, fatigue
- Rectal- PR bleed, tenesmus
- General- Weight loss, loss of appetite, obstruction, perforation
What is Budd-Chiari syndrome?
Occlusion of hepatic vein Triad:
- Abdo pain
- Ascites
- Hepatomegaly
Jaundice- Post-hepatic causes
- Gallstone/ cholangitis
- External compression- PSC, pancreatic cancer, Mirrizi syndrome
- Drugs- flucloxacillin, fusidic acid, nitrofurantoin, sulfonylureas
Features of large bowel obstruction
- More gradual onset.
- Continual pain.
- Normal bowel sounds
- Metabolic acidosis
- AXR- Peripheral. Haustra partial width of bowel.
Psoas sign
Pain on extension of hip. (Appendicitis)
Pancreatic cancer 2 week wait criteria
- >40y with jaundice
- >60 years + weight loss and 1 of: diarrhoea, back pain, abdo pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, new onset DM
Signs of chronic liver disease
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Encephalopathy
- Constructional apraxia
- Jaundice
- Ascited
- Spider naevi (>5)
- Caput medusae
- Oesophageal
- Varices
- Palmar erythema/ Dupuytren’s
- Bruising
- Testicular atrophy
- Gynaecomastia
- Peripheral oedema
- Asterixis
- Clubbing
Definition of SBP
Neutrophils >250/mm3
Features and management of Wilson’s
- Copper in liver and CNS
- Sx: Liver failure, tremor, dysarthria, dyskinesias, parkinsonism, kayser-fleischer rings
- Ix: Urine 24h copper excretion, serum caeruloplasmin
- Tx: Penacillamine
Alcoholic liver disease bloods
- AST:ALT 2:1
- Normal Alk phos
- Raised GGT
- Macrocytic anaemia
- Raised IgA
Bacterial infections that cause gastroenteritis
- Campylobacter- milk, poultry, water
- Salmonella- meat, eggs, poultry
- E. Coli
- Shigella- ++ blood
- C. Diff- ABx, PPIs. Green watery stool. Risks: Perforation, toxic megacolon
Causes of small and large bowel obstruction
- Small- adhesions, hernias
- Large- Colon Ca, constipation, diverticular stricture, volvulus, caecal
Features of delirium tremens
- 2-3d later
- Hallucinations
- Seizures
- Confusion
Dyspepsia management
- lifestyle and stop high risk drugs
- PPI eg lansoprazole (risk C. Diff)
- H2 receptor antagonist eg ranitidine (X with CYP450)
- Antacids eg aluminium hydroxide
Appendicitis ABx
Metronidazole + cefuroxime
Conditions associated with IBD
- Apthos ulcers
- Pyoderma gangrenosum
- Iritis
- Clubbing
- Erythema nodosum
- Sclerosing cholangitis
Causes of acute liver failure
- Infection
- Metabolic eg Wilson’s, haemachromatosis
- Alcohol
- AI
- Fatty liver
- Pre-eclampsia/ HELLP
- Drugs
Features of duodenal ulcer
- 4x more common
- 50% ASx
- Sx- Epigastric pain RELIEVED by eating
- Ix- upper GI endoscopy
Features of Korsikoff’s
- Often after Wernicke’s
- Confabulation
- Amnesia
Features of chronic colonic ischaemia
- ‘Ischaemic colitis’
- Left lower abdominal pain +/- bloody diarrhoea
- Ix= Lower GI endoscopy
- Tx: IVT, ABx, surgical resection
Indications for stool sample in gastroenteritis
- Travel
- Institutional care
- ??Outbreak
Genetic RF for colorectal cancer
- Lynch syndrome (HNPCC)- small no. adenomas with rapid malignancy. Aspirin prophylaxis
- FAP- 1000s adenomas
Gastritis RF
- H. Pylori
- Alcohol
- Hiatus hernia
- Crohn’s
- Sarcoidosis
Indication for upper GI endoscopy
- Dysphagia or >55y with persistent alarms symptoms
H. Pylori triple therapy
- PPI + 2x ABx
- Lansoprazole
- Amoxicillin (metronidazole if pen allergic)
- Clarithromicin
Treatment of ascities
- Bed rest
- Fluid and salt restriction
- Spironolactone
- Daily weights and U+Es
Presentation of pancreatic cancer
- Painless jaundice
- Weight loss + anorexia
- Steatorrhoea
- Epigastric pain –> back. Relieved by sitting forward
- ?Acute pancreatitis
- Epigastric mass
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Lymphadenopathy
- Portal hypertension
- Hypercalcaemia
- Coirvoisier’s law- jaundice, palpable GB
- Thrombophlebitis migrans
What is GORD? Symptoms and RF.
- Gatroesophageal Ruflux Disease Reflux of stomach contents –> 2 or more heart burn episodes/ week.
- Sx- heartburn, belching, water brash, chronic cough
- RF- Hiatus hernia, pregnancy, obesity, alcohol, smoking, overeating, H. Pylori
Murphy’s sign
Hand on RUQ –> breath in –> sharp pain
Only +ve if -ve on left
Key features of UC
- Colon and rectum
- Diffuse.
- Mucous
- RF: non-smokers, 15-30y or >50y
- Sx- diarrhoea **BLOOD**, weight loss, tenesmus
- Complications- ++ Colorectal cancer, toxic megacolon, VTE, hypokalaemia
Features of inguinal and femoral hernias
- Indirect- through deep and superficial ring. Doesn’t come out if deep ring occluded. More common. Commonly into scrotum
- Direct- though superficial ring. Comes out when deep ring occluded. Rarely into scrotum.
- Femoral hernias- more in women. Most likely to strangulate.
Signs of peritonitis
- Fever +/- rigors
- Severe generalised abdo pain –> back/ shoulders.
- Worse with movement/ coughing
- Guarding and rigidity
- Septic
Jaundice- Pre-hepatic causes
- Unconjucated hyperbilirubinaemia
- Haemolysis- haemolytic anaemia, DIC, antimalarials
- Impaired hepatic uptake- contrast, RHF Impaired conjugation- Gilbert’s Physiological neonatal jaundice (combo of above)
Colorectal cancer 2 week wait referral
- >40y with unexplained weight loss and abdo pain
- >50y with unexplained rectal bleeding
- >60 with one of: Fe deficient anaemia, change in bowel habit, tenesmus, FOB
- ?Rectal/abdominal mass
- ?<50y with rectal bleeding and 1 of: abdo pain, change in bowel habit, weight loss, iron deficient anaemia
Features of gastric ulcer
- RF- H.Pylori, smoking, NSAIDs
- Sx- Epigastric pain made WORSE by meals and relieved by antacids
- Ix- upper GI endoscopy + biopsies. Repeat 6-8w to rule out malignancy
What is Barrett’s oesophagus?
Distal oesophagus epithelium from squamous –> collumnar. Metaplasia –> dysplasia –> neoplasia