Gastrointestinal Flashcards
What is esophageal atresia with distal tracheosophageal fistula?
What are the symptoms?
How to determine if this is problem?
The most common Polyhydraminos in utero
The esophagus is blind end, and the lower esophagus connects to the trachea
Symptoms: Drool, choke with feeding, cyanosis due to laryngospasm
Test: Failure to pass the NG tube into the stomach
What is intestinal atresia?
1) Duodenal atresia (failure to recanulize with dilatation of the stomach and proximal duodenum).
2) Jejunal and ileal atresia: disruption of the mesenteric vessels with ischemic necrosis and segmental resorption
Symptoms: bilous vomiting, abdominal distention within the first 1-2 days of life
What is hypertrophic pyloric stenosis?
What are the symptoms?
1) Cause of outlet obstruction
2) Will have a palpable olive mass with non-bilous projectile vomiting at 2-6 weeks old
3) Usually in males that were exposed to macrolides
4) Can result in hypokalemic, hypochloremic metabolic acidosis
5) Treatment is surgical incision
What is an annular pancrease?
1) Parts of the pancrease encircle the duodenum and have a ring around the duodenum which can cause vomiting
What is pancrease divisum?
1) Ventral and dorsal fail to fuse after 8 weeks
2) Usually assymptomatic, but might cause chronic abdominal pain
What is the histology of the esophagus?
squamous epithelium
What are cells of stomach?
Gastric glands
What are cells in the duodenum?
Villi and microvilli (increase absorptive surface)
What are cells in the jejunum?
Plicae circulares and crypts of Liberkuhn
What are cells of the ileum?
Peyer pathches (lymphoid)
Crypts of Lieberkuhn
Largest number of goblet cells
What are the cells of the colon?
Crypts of
From head to toe, what are the arteries supplying the aorta?
1) Celiac trunk
2) Superior mesenteric trunk
3) Inferior mesenteric trunk
4) right and left common iliac
Which vessel will noursih the foregut?
Celiac artery (lower esophagus and the proximal duoenemum) liver, gallbladder, pancrease, spleen
Which vessels will nourish the midgut?
Superior mesenteric
Distal duodenum to promximal 2/3 of the transverse colon
Which vessels will nourish the hindgut?
Distal 1/3 of the transverse colon to upper portion of the rectum
What are the branches of the celiac trunk?
1) Common hepatic
2) Spleenic
3) Left gastric
What are the signs of portal hypertension? And why?
1) esophagus (esophageal varices)
2) Umbilicus: Caput medusae (paraombilical) small epigastric veins of the anterior abdominal wall
3) Rectum: anorectal varices (superior rectal-middle and inferior rectal)
How to treat portal hypertension?
Tranjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (between the portal vein and hepatic vein) will shunt the blood into systemic circulation bypassing the liver
What are the differences between the internal and external hemorroids?
What type of cancer depending on the pectinate line?
Internal hemorroids: above the pectinate line (blood supply from the IMA( and be painfuless)
External: Below pectinate line (fissures) painful if thrombosed (associated with squamous cell carcinoma)
Can also be a fissure
What are the characterstics of anal fissure?
1) Pain
2) Blood
3) Posterior location (because poorly perfused) associated with constipation and low fiber diets
What are the zones of the liver, and what are the diseases that can affect them?
Zone1: periportal zone (affected by viral hepatitis and ingested toxins such as cocaine
Zone 2: intermediate zone, affected by yellow fever
Zone 3: pericentral vein ( first affected by sichemia, most sensitive to metabolic toxin)
Where can the gallstones be located? What is the implication?
Can reach the confluance of the common bile duct and cause blockage
This can cause cholangitis and pancreatitis
What are the tumors that can arise with the pancrease?
Can be in the head of the pancrease and cause obstruction of the common bile duct
Usually will cause painless jaunedice
What is the anatomy of the vessels in the femoral region?
Nerve, artery, vein, lympatics
(start at the thigh and move in)